
Sunday, February 9, 2014

#radiantorchid Julep Anne + Snow Weekend Pics

  Hey everybody!!  It's entirely by accident that I've had back to back #radiantorchid posts.  One of my very favorite Julep polishes fits the criteria for Pantone's 2014 color of the year, though, and I've put off wearing it again for, seriously, two years because the formula is LE WORST (maybe something a couple drops of thinner could amend).  But the color...It's a bright, beautiful orchid purple creme that stops just short of turning neon.  We've had the biggest snowstorm since I was a single digit this week, though, and the last time I wore it was at the tail end of a mild snowfall a couple years ago.  I hold that association, and so, here we are!  Plus, I keep seeing my blogger friends talk about the natural lightbox we have with all this bright whiteness outside and I had to go give it a shot :) So, here is Julep Anne, first shown in my regular lightbox...

Julep Anne swatch and review

Julep Anne swatch and review

  ...and, out in the snow.  This is two coats plus topcoat.  It's got a naturally kind of satiny, rubberized finish, like many super bright and neon polishes have.  The application issues with Anne make it look very sloppy without a forgiving topcoat, though, but still... that color!!
Julep Anne swatch and review

  I don't know... I think I prefer with my trusty indoor lightbox.  Fortunately for many reasons, this snow is already melting and life as we know it will resume as of 12am tonight (when the chains/studded tires or no driving edict is lifted).  It is pretty, though, and DEEP!!  We ventured out into it yesterday afternoon to check the mail (God bless the intrepid USPS) and see what else wasn't happening in our neighborhood.  Here's C, hanging out on the hammock that we probably should have brought in months ago, lol.

  Our street in the middle of the afternoon, taken by C...

  A really cool shot of part of our backyard, also taken by C.  He has such an eye ♥

  And that's it!  I feel like I can't write a closing statement to save my life today so I'm just going to sign off and say thank you for reading, as always, and for looking at my snow pictures, lol :) Stay warm ♥♥


  1. Go ahead and throw a snowball at me, but I'm still jealous. :P I mean, at least you can look outside at how pretty is all is! :) But it is hard when your area isn't equipped to handle it, like when our schools had to close for ice during our big storm (down here, all the water pipes freeze or burst if it gets in the 20's). And this polish is quite unusual, and very pretty...and it doesn't look sloppy at all! It's got that nearly-neon eye-searing quality about it...very pretty.

    1. Yes, everyone in the midwest makes fun of the rest of us for closing down and freaking out when the weather gets a little bad, but yeah, without the necessary tools at your disposal to deal with stuff like this, it is frightening. It's finally thawing out but there's still so much snowpack that we can't get our cars out of our driveway. So it's an inadvertent three day weekend for me, which is unfortunate because you don't make any money if you don't go to work, lol.
      And thank you :) I didn't leave the polish as is-- I did topcoat it. It was uneven and denty. Then it peeled off that same afternoon. Darn Juleps :/

  2. Wow that is a lot of snow! Kind of wished it snowed here since its been forever since it snowed at all where I live. Great shade of polish too! ;)

    1. It is kind of fun and novel, definitely better if you either don't have to drive in it or are equipped to do so. We're buying chains just to have on hand after this fiasco, I tell you what, lol :)

  3. That color is insanely gorgeous...too bad about the formula. Illamasqua Jo-mina is probably really close if you're looking for one with a nice formula. :) Love the snow pics! We're buried here too.

    1. I always perk up at Jo'Mina when I see it swatched. I have one Illa and it chipped as quickly as my most persnickety Juleps, though, so i've been loth to spend money on another... Maybe I'll just do it, though. The formula certainly is better.

  4. Gorgeous polish, but I have the same problems with Juleps...I don't know what it is, but it makes me sad. However, this post made up for it. =D

    1. Aw, you're sweet, Melissa :) I wish I had better luck with Julep, too, because they do have some seriously gorgeous colors.

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous shade! I just love those kind of pulsating lilac/purples! Too bad about the formula but despite hefting my eyeball on the screen, I could not detect any flaws in your mani! Just beautiful! And you were graced with quite a heap of snow, I am impressed! We still haven't seen much of it here and by now many of us don't see the need of getting a treat at this time but one of the common sayings goes: just watch out it is yet to come! Have a lovely start of the week xxx

    1. I know you do ♥♥ You've got THE most gorgeous purple collection! You see no flaws because I wore topcoat; the non-tc'd version was riddled with dents and unevenness.
      The funny thing about all this snow was that at the beginning of last week, C and I were talking about how mild January was and how we'd probably get a big storm in, like, mid March and here it came, less than a week later. Hopefullly your area is better equipped to deal with it than ours is. We're thawing, but the pack is so deep that we're still stuck at the top of our driveway.

    2. Oh my, what a nuisance - we MIGHT get stuck and every day life comes to a halt but no more than 2-3 hours, half a day at the most. And thank you regarding my purples xxx - it took me a while to get hooked to this color but that is history now - LOL

  6. This purple is gorgeous! I'm about tired of snow myself. I am ready for Spring!

    1. A thousand times yes! I'm excited to start seeing our little crocus buds peeking out of the melting snow pack.

  7. What a beautiful shade of purple. I have always thought about picking up Anne, but now that you talk about the consistency, I'll probably pass. It reminds me of Wet N Wild Megalast "On a Trip" but that is probably more of a muted purple than Anne. Beautiful snowy picks:)

    1. I picked up On A Trip thinking it'd be similar to this finicky little number but Anne is warmer, more red; a totally different color, really. I like Cait's suggestion of Jo'Mina, though. And thank you :) :) I hope you had a good date night!!


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