
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Shimmer Airriann, Jasmine, and Cleo

*press sample
Shimmer Polish nail art

  Hi everyone!  So one of my leetle points snapped and it might have been the saddest event of my nail polishing life.  I seriously can't wait until they're long enough to file again.  Squares are fine and all, but they're just not me at the moment... but, the show must go on, lol.
  I decided, with this round of Shimmer glitters, to do something a little different (for me) and outside the norm of how I'm comfortable applying and wearing glitters.  As gorgeous as these dense and richly hued glitters are on their own, they're equally brilliant played with over different bases.
  This is Airriann, a soft mauvey pink metallic and iridescent glitter with a smattering of black hexes and tiny red hexes in a clear base, sponged over Zoya Brigitte.  I love how soft and Valentiney these are together.  Two layers of topcoat.

Shimmer Airriann nail art

Shimmer Airriann nail art

  I went all crazy and did a tape mani here!! lol.  I did one of these very early on and again was surprised at how easy it really is (a little time consuming, though, or maybe I just have no patience for this type of thing).  Jasmine is a GORGEOUS metallic aqua glitter with silver and pink hexes interspersed and accented with tiny red and cerulean glitters.  I used two coats of Jasmine with Max Factor Cool Jade.  Two layers of topcoat.

Shimmer Jasmine nail art

Shimmer Jasmine nail art

  Cleo makes me ooh and ahh every time I look at it in its bottle, seriously.  It's a purple jelly base packed with-- excuse me whilst I try to focus on the bottle-- tiny silver glitters that flash a holographic rainbow and tiny and medium sized iridescent glitters.  I did a reverse gradient ( I think that's what it's called, lol) with Zoya Neve and a full Cleo accent with three coats of the glitter.  Two layers of topcoat.

Shimmer Cleo nail art

Shimmer Cleo nail art

  These three are some of my very favorites of the Shimmer collection and I can't iterate enough the wonderful versatility of every Shimmer I've tried.  Any time I pull off something involving more than one color per nail and the brush inside the bottle I'm impressed, lol, so if you're not an art person but want to be a little creative here and there, Shimmers are perfect, easy to work with, and low maintenance.

   Shimmer Polishes retail for $12 each plus shipping, with international shipping available upon request.

Where to find Shimmer
etsy shop

  Thank you all for reading and have a lovely day!!  Oh, and if you want to see an action Cleo bottle shot (and hear what C and I sound like, lol) I made a leetle instagram video :)
*press sample


  1. So pretty! I love that you did something with how you applied the glitters here too :)

    1. Thank you!! Yes, I'm capable of doing things beyond one color per nail, once in a while, lol :)

  2. Oh Liesl!! So so pretty! I have Jasmine and love her! One of my favorite Shimmers. Airriann and Cleo are beauties too! Love the variations on the manis and I'm so sorry about the points :-( I think they are you as well and can't wait to see them back!!!

    1. I pretty much die every time I see a Jasmine swatch so I was stoked to unwrap that one, lol :D And I do think I would've needed to get a little more creative with the tape if I still had my points so I guess it all works out... Le sigh ;)

  3. LOL...I was totally gonna do a tape mani with my Jasmine. Now what can I do?? :P Yours looks great...that is SUCH a lovely polish. But I have to say that Cleo is pretty fabulous too. And I love how you paired up Arriann with Brigitte. <3 And I LOL'd for real when I saw that video...I have to ask, what did C decide to do about wearing a hat?? :P

    1. Do a tape mani, sweets! None of this is original in the least, lol. I think the only difference in my Cleo mani and your Alice is that I didn't layer Cleo for my accent. I'd love to see a tape mani on you, and they're totally fun! ♥ So C had just returned home from breakfast with his dad and took off a hat. His comment was about the effect, lol.

  4. These are so pretty! I think my favorite is the Jasmine mani :)

    1. Thank you, Ali! ♥ I'm pretty pleased at how that one turned out.

  5. Each of your manis is drop dead gorgeous! There is nothing like a gradient with Shimmers! Or your French tips at that! You got me inspired here sis! xxx

    1. Thank you sis!! ♥♥ They're certainly easy to play around with, and they wear really well, too, especially the french tip.

  6. Ooh I love how you applied these!! Usually you just see plain swatches out there, and yours make the polish much more interesting. Beautiful!!

    1. Thank you, Gosia! ♥ I did a couple rounds of these as swatches and yes, it's cool to switch things up a bit :)

  7. I'm kinda in love with each of these! All three manis are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you!! <3 It's hard for me to choose a favorite, too, lol.

  8. Love love love Jasmine over that blue polish. And your tape mani is gorgeous :)

    1. Aren't the two perfect together?? :) And thank you <3

  9. Oh my, I love what you did with the glitter on the teal nails. Sooooo cool :)

  10. I love what you've done with the glitter here. Very elegant looks!

    1. Thanks Michelle! :) It's my brand of "creative" lol ;)


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