
Monday, March 10, 2014

Celebrating Friendship and 2 Years of LLPT!!

 Hi everyone!!  LLPT turns two years old today.  I've had the opportunity to work with some awesome companies, I've been on a mission to improve my photo quality (a tremendous work in progress), and my nail shape's been in a constant state of flux.  I've always said a blog is an organic thing and it's been a really fun year, full of growth and new friends.  I feel my footing's a little shaky leaving my second year but I'm nonetheless excited about what the future holds, especially as I attempt to segue into more beauty and fashion. Here are some of my personal favorite manicure shots (for various reasons) of the past year.

  Bottom line, you all deserve a treat for reading, commenting, adding me to your reading list, generally making this whole experience so awesome.  Some of you might remember my one year blogiversary, which I celebrated jointly with my bbff (still, even if she's not active and has no plans to be), Essie, in the spirit of friendship.  In that same spirit, I've teamed up with a few of my favorite blogger friends to bring you all another giveaway.  These ladies are some of the kindest, most generous, most talented people I've had the pleasure of meeting, whether online or in real life, and I'm so blessed to have them in my life.  YOU GALS ARE AMAZING AND YOUR FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPORT MEAN THE WORLD TO ME ♥♥♥  So without further ado, I present to you LLPT's 2 Year Blogiversary Extravaganza!!  Please wait until the rafflecopter widget has fully loaded before beginning your entries.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  This giveaway is open internationally.  There will be two winners-- one will get a $25 USD gift certificate to Color4Nails and one will get a $25 USD gift certificate to Cult Nails.  The winners will be emailed and given 48 hours to respond.  If they do not respond within the allotted time, a new winner will be drawn.  Once the winners have been determined and have made contact, I will email each one $25 gift certificate; the first name drawn will get his or her choice; the second name drawn will get the other, unless the first fails to respond in the allotted time, in which event the second name gets to choose and I will draw another name for the other gift certificate.  It is each entrant's responsibility to provide me with an accurate, current, working email address.  I am not responsible for entry typing errors.  I reserve the right to disqualify any entrant who is drawn and has not completed all mandatory entries.

  Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, to you all for your support of my little venture here, and welcome, new readers!  Good luck!!


  1. Congrats on blogging for two years! That is such a huge accomplishment :) I'm so glad to have found your blog, its always great to see positive growth as time flew by.

    1. Lisa, you're always so sweet and supportive and I'm really glad to have found yours, too ♥♥ And thank you!! :D

  2. Happy Blogiversary sis!!!! Thank you so so so much for including me - you continue to inspire me polish and beauty wise - did I tell you, that I just recently bought my first red lipstick since more than a decade? You certainly gave me a healthy nudge towards that buy - or that I relentlessly hunted down Urban Decay Naked Palette - I finally call No 3 mine and haven't used anything else since. I could go on for a long while here, but just to show you in how many ways you are part of my IRL here despite us knowing each other "only" online xxx - so GO LIESL GO for your third year!!!

    1. AGGHHH!!! YOU GOT 3!! I'm stoked for you, sis. I've been living in 1 and Basics and I'm learning so much about blending and matching. And the shadows themselves are just great, aren't they? You posted a couple pictures on IG of you in your red, and it's smashing on you! I'm so flattered and honored that you consider me an inspiration ♥♥ Thanks for being so awesome, sis xx

  3. 1. Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement.
    2. Thank you so much for including me in your birthday giveaway!
    3. I will now sit back and watch as you conquer the world.

    1. Love you, sweets ♥♥ Thanks so much for doing this with me and for being such a great friend! I dunno about conquering the world... let's just shoot for year three, shall we? ;)

  4. Congrats on your Blogiversary! That's such a big accomplishment! :D

  5. Congrats!! It has been fun getting to know you and your blog is my go to for all things nails. You are a sweetheart and I wish you the best of luck in this coming year!

    1. I'm really your go-to? WOWEE WOW WOW!! Thank you so much, Margo <3 I'm so glad I found your blog!

  6. I love you and your blog! Always gorgeous pictures, one of the sweetest personalities and a way with words. I hope you have many more years because I enjoy reading so much. :)

    1. Aww, Erin <3<3 Thank you a million :) You are such a sweetheart and your words are certainly more than I deserve!

  7. Congratulations, my dear! I've had so much fun getting to know you and reading your blog over the last 2 years. Here's to many more blogging years! <3

    ~ Yun

    1. Back atcha, Yun ♥♥ Who knows what the future holds? ;)

  8. TWO YEARS?!?!?! And sooooo many beautiful, insightful, erudite posts filled with personality?!? THAT, my dearest, is QUITE the accomplishment to be proud of!!!! I'd be struttin' like a ptarmigan if I were you, but knowing you, you are very demure and cool as a cuke about the whole thing. ;) ...why cukes are the go-to for coolness, I really don't know...
    Thank you for being such an encouragement on MY lil blog, and always so supportive even though I must say I'm quite a slacker and don't return the encouragement as often as I wish to. You're a true gem, and your blog rocks my tall, striped socks off!!!!!!! :D :D LOLOL ♥ ♥ ♥ I hope this next year is filled with wonderful things for you and your (perhaps?) magnum opus, LLPT!!! :D Big, congratulatory, celebratory *HUGZZ* from MN!!

    1. Thank you so much, sweets!! I am, in fact, wallowing in quite the funk at the moment so I'm neither ptarmigan-ish nor cucumber-ish. Perhaps bump-on-a-log ish. I'll get over it. Oh! cool as a cuke-- because of the physically cooling nature of the vegetable, naturally! :D Have you ever eaten one of those suckers straight outta the fridge? Or put slices of those suckers on your eyes to depuff? Crisp and refreshing, lolol. And PLEASE, PLEASE don't think of yourself as a slacker because you so are not!! Life is not all bloggy stuff and I'm stoked whenever I'm blessed with an Emily comment. Love ya, girlie ♥♥

  9. Happy 2 year blogiversary! I love your blog and always read your posts, even though I don't always have time to comment these days. I am so glad I've gotten to know you through your blog! Can't wait to see what the next year brings!

    1. Thank you so much, Cat ♥♥♥ Here's hoping Candice and I can get this PNW Bloggers thing off the ground and we can actually meet sometime, soon, provided you can get away for a bit :)

    2. Girl, I will make time! I figure I'm owed some time away! ;-) If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.


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