
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Caturday Poll and February Favorites

  Happy Caturday, all!!  I don't really tend to purchase a ton of makeup during any given month, and my polish buying has really tapered off, too, but I kind of went a little crazy during February (for me, anyway, lol).  So, I thought I'd tell you what I've really been enjoying this month (reviews imminent!).

  Clockwise from the top: MAC Russian Red, a dramatic and perfectly applying matte red lippy I picked up after a day raging internally over the obstinance of its rude and high maintenance sister, Ruby Woo (comparison post HERE).  I've worn this a LOT this month and it's currently tied with Maybelline Vivids Infra-red as my favorite red.

  Naked Basics eyeshadow palette-- I've been loving my Naked 1 palette and now I've got in my head that I must own ALL THE NAKEDS but I have some reservations about 3 now that I've had some time to roll that lemming over in my mind a bit (it is finally back in stock at my Ulta but I've held off).  Since trying to school myself in the art of blending, I've become enamored with matte finish shadows and those middle three colors on this palette have gotten a lot of wear time this month.  I really want to do a writeup but my skillz aren't at a point where I'm comfortable posting an actual eye look on here just yet.  Maybe I'll do some arm swatches just because.  At any rate, I'm REALLY enjoying this palette, and bonus that it's half the price of 1, 2, and 3.  If you're interested in dipping your toes into the Naked pool (lololol XD), Naked Basics is a GREAT choice.

  Prescriptives False Eyelashes mascara-- This was my holy grail mascara for a good two years, from my point of discovery to the end of my stockpile when I learned Prescriptives was going out of business.  Well, they're back, and I'm reunited with my true mascara love.  The plush brush that's just the right length and width for my eye shape, that smooth, non flaking formula...  Nothing I tried in the interim came close but it doesn't matter now ♥♥

  Cult Nails-- This is a new to me brand and one I really wanted to try this year.  I know some of you are already big fans of the line and I can totally see why-- beside the fact that the polishes are fantastic, creator Maria is one of the kindest souls you'll ever hope to meet.  Without going on about it, I'll just say that she's earned a fan for life.  Right now I'm wearing that gold and pink flakie on the left, Feedback, over LVX Orchid.  Here it is, if you're curious-- I LOVE this duo.

   Okay, question time!  You can answer as many or as few as you feel.

  How do you feel about arm swatches?  As I become more versed in application and more confident in my color matching skills, I'm warming up to them.  I like seeing a completed look on someone, so I can judge how the color(s) will look against my own complexion, but I'm warming up to the comparative objectivity of arm swatches.

  What's your favorite sweet treat?  Red velvet cake.  And my recipe is awesome.  I always make too much cream cheese frosting so it sits in the fridge and I eat spoonfuls of it until it's gone, lol.  It's also a great topper to just about anything.

  Flakie topper or glitter topper?  FLAKIE!!!  And if it's LE, buy it.  Immediately.

  In your music listening experience, who is the best vocalist of all time?  I'm going to pick two-- Andrea Boccelli and Freddie Mercury.

  Whatcha reading right now?  Game of Thrones.  I've never seen the show but I'm really enjoying the books.

  Today's C's birthday (and also the 40th anniversary of Rush's first album release \m/) so we're having a little family party.  He wants rice krispy treats (should that be capitalized?) so I get off super easy on this one, lol.  We're supposed to leave for his parents' house in two hours, though, so I'd best get off my duff and get something accomplished.  Have a fun weekend and thank you for reading!! ♥


  1. Great favorites for the month!

  2. I like arm swatches. Favorite sweet treat is cupcakes. I also have to go with glitter topper :)

  3. Great post! I adore Cult Nails as well and Maria. Arm swatches are awesome and I love anything red velvet as well!

  4. Lovely nail of the day. <3

    1) Arm swatches: I don't like arm swatches simply because arm skin has a different color and texture than eyelids and lips.

    2) Favorite sweet treat: Yes. :P

    3) Flakie or glitter: I like depends on the color of the glitter. :)

    4) Best vocalist of all time: David Phelps (male) and Ann Wilson (female)

    5) Whatcha reading: Emotions by Dr. Charles Stanley

    And Happy Birthday to C! :)

  5. Hello Cultie!!!! Just love your mani, simply perrrrfect :-)! I am still waiting for my first Naked Palette - Feelunique carries now Urban Decay YAYYYY, I went for Naked 3 :-)! The matte red is gorgeous on you and that post was epic. Your questions:
    1. I like arm swatches to get an idea of the colors
    2. Sweet treat: Mousse au chocolat (I am Swiss after all)
    3. both for everyday I give flakies some preference though
    4. Katie Melua and Annie Lennox
    5. Stephen Booth: Dying to Sin

  6. I am also obsessed with the Naked Basics palette! I think I use at least one shade every day!! Hope you enjoyed your weekend :D

  7. I love the Naked Palettes. I don't have the Basics yet. I do have Naked 1 and 2 and like you, haven't pulled the trigger on 3. I just don't think I look healthy when I wear pinky-tones on my lids. But I do feel like my collection is incomplete with out it. My all time favorite eye palette is the Lorac Pro Palette. LOVE it and highly recommend it. I also just got the Two Faced Chocolate Bar Palette and that one is a goodie too...and smells like chocolate...BONUS.

    How do you feel about arm swatches? I think arm swatches are helpful.

    What's your favorite sweet treat? My favorite sweet treat is either Lemon Bars or Lemon Meringue Pie

    Flakie topper or glitter topper? Glitter!

    In your music listening experience, who is the best vocalist of all time? Another music question eh? I am not qualified to answer this. I do really like Eminem!!!

    Whatcha reading right now? I am reading The Jade Series. A nice little teeny bopper romance novel :)

  8. Caayuutttee! All I want is the Naked 1 and 3 palettes!! Ha.


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