
Saturday, March 22, 2014

L'Oreal Les Blancs Spring 2014-- Le Pastille

  Hi everyone!!  I don't think I've ever gone this long between posts (five days, if you're wondering), and every time I see someone mention this kind of thing on their own blog I feel like it's totally self-gratuitous so I'll spare the apologies I don't mean and the "DIDJA MISS ME????" sentiments.  The fact is, my lighting was really irritating me and I only yesterday evening had some free time to go to Lowe's and rectify my situation.  Maybe you can tell a difference, maybe you can't, but little tweaks like that can actually do wonders for one's outlook and I'm feeling a bit revitalized :) In my running around, I picked up one of the new L'Oreal polishes from their Spring 2014 Les Blancs collection.

  Les Blancs is a set of six polishes, four pale, whited out pastel cremes and two "speckles" (this from Nouveau Cheap; I would've just called them glitters).  The set as a whole is nothing particularly new, especially the cremes (does anyone else feel like this spring has been largely uninspired, polish wise?) but the speckles are fun to see in a drugstore line, and somehow the name L'Oreal gives them a classic little French twist.  I picked up the pale pink speckle, called Le Pastille.

L'Oreal Les Blancs Spring 2014-- Le Pastille

L'Oreal Les Blancs Spring 2014-- Le Pastille

L'Oreal Les Blancs Spring 2014-- Le Pastille

  These sorts of polishes look really problematic to me but Le Pastille wasn't, in the least.  I used three coats, which eliminated all visible nail line, but did so at the risk of the layers being too thick.  SO not the case.  The small, medium, and large sized black matte glitters spread easily and evenly and there is no excess buildup on the nail.  I used one layer of a nice, thick topcoat and it smoothed the surface adequately.  Two coats would almost be overkill, but that all depends on how set you are on glassy smooth.

  I actually kind of like this look.  The fact that these glitters are smallish and matte make this a little more sophisticated take on the glitter in a pale base trend.  In fact, it doesn't feel like a trend at all, here, just a fun and different take on a classic color and finish.  Le Pastille and the Les Blancs collection have been spotted at Rite Aid and retail for $5.99 a piece.

  Thank you all for reading and have a marvelous day!! ♥♥


  1. I love this, and I haven't seen it yet here! :( It reminds me of cookies and cream, and that means it's a winner. So nice that the drugstore brands are doing such fun stuff lately, especially when it's well-behaved. :) And your pics (and lighting) look fabulous.

    1. I was trying to wait until the collection landed at Fred's so I could use my discount but impatience got the better of me, lol. And it totally reminds me of cookies & cream, too :) And thank you :) :)

  2. This is such a great polish! It looks so good.

  3. I love this polish, like, LOVE this polish. I like how it almost pulls nude and it works well with the glitter. We don't have Rite Aids where I am so I may have to go all detective on my town and see what I can dig up.

    1. Pretty cool, isn't it? I bet these'll start showing up at Walgreens soon, if they haven't already.

  4. So pretty! Cookies n cream style....making me hungry actually...anyway, I need to keep my eye out for these!

    1. I know it, lol :) Cookies and Cream was my favorite ice cream for a long time.

  5. That's really pretty! I wonder how it compares to Illamasqua Scarce. Your lighting looks great, and don't sweat the time between posts. :) I know posting consistently and frequently is important to readership and everything, but for me not getting burned out is more important (and of course attention to quality, which you definitely don't need to worry about!)

    1. I'm actually looking at your review of Scarce right now! Scarce looks like a richer, brighter, creamier pink to me-- Le Pastille is pretty pale. And thank you :) :) Coming from you, that means a lot! Not getting burned out is always an imminent concern and sometimes a week off is necessary.

  6. Replies
    1. I kind of do, too! And I didn't think I would at first.

  7. LOVE! Le Pastille is such a fun SPECKLE polish! haha I just had to say it because that's what the Illamasqua collection was called, and if this had more pink to it, it'd be a dead ringer for Scarce (which I can now say with certainty since Claudia gifted it to me :D). I actually thought Le Pastille was a white crelly base... now that I see your full pics, it clearly has a delightful pink tinge. Must be that new lighting you have!! :) Hmm is it wrong of me to wish it had a coral/peach tinge? I cannot get enough peach! hehe
    I do believe L'Oreal is my favorite drugstore brand...their creme formulas are so wonderful IMO, and the brush is perfection! Have you seen their new nude collection that was a collab with famous women, like Eva Longoria-Parker, and Julianne Moore, among others? There are some really pretty shades! I'm sure one or two will come home with me eventually. ;)

    1. It looks whiter in the bottle, in fact, it almost has a brownish grey tint to it (hence all the cookies & cream associations). What a fabulous friend, gifting you an Illa! I've got one and I NEED to wear it again because I think it'd wear better on my current nail shape and if it doesn't, it'll be sent a certain Essie person's way.
      I'm with you, L'Oreal's my favorite drugstore brand, as well, although I have really been enjoying the Revlon Parfumerie polishes. I have perused the nude collection but so enamored an I with the Zoya Naturels that the L'Oreals just couldn't compare!

  8. Hi sis - I leave the food association to the queen of them - Melissa, but your nails look yummie (eeeeks did I really type this just now?). I love the slight transluscent look of this mani and I bet a third coat might have just added a sort of weird chalkiness!! No fret about a five days break - I so know what you mean when you feel the light just doesn't work. However I have to admit, I wondered what you were up to and what would decorate your nails ;-). Love your pictures!!!

    1. Well there's a first time for everything, sis! Cookies & cream was the first thing I thought of, too, especially based on what it looks like in the bottle-- it applies pinker, which is nice. And it actually is three coats but you're probably right, a fourth would've rendered it unwearable, or close to it. Its a nice polish and I find myself curious about the pale green, even though I know how that'll end, lol. Thanks for wondering about my brief respite ♥♥

  9. Thannnkkkkkk you!!!!! I was debating buying these but was afraid the formula would be a train wreck!! I've been wanting something like this for so long. I really do like it and it looks so good on you. Now I'm craving some ice cream yum =9

    1. You're most welcome!! And thank you :) :) I took a chance on it and it totally worked. I hope you get this (and some ice cream, tee hee). I'm thinking I need to go back for the light blue one :)


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