
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sinful Colors Hot Chili-- Summer 2014

  Good morning, guys and gals!!  I've got another one of Sinful Colors' summer offerings on my nails today, this one from the Simmer Down collection.  I said a couple days ago that the new SC summer lineup feels like anything goes, running the gamut from early spring to fall shades, and after a (very) small amount of research, I learned that the second color I chose, a texture called Hot Chili, was indeed a new release in the Spice It Up! collection last fall.  So I wonder if the rack o' polishes on display at my local Walgreens is even SC's summer collection at all, or just a marketing tool displaying various color families and calling them all perfect for summer.  I love my SCs but that leaves me (very) mildly irritated.  I like to know what's new, you know?  I'm not in stores that sell SC often enough to know what each little collection is so I can never really tell what the hekk it is that I'm looking at when I venture beyond the core lineup.  Whatever.  Moving on.

  If I told you I had no idea Hot Chili was a texture when I bought it, would you believe me?  There's nothing on the bottle designating it as such.  I thought the formula looked a little suspect, lol, but I didn't even know SC had done any textures until the subject came up in one of my facebook groups.  Anyhoo, Hot Chili is a brick red/mauve metallic finish with a small amount of tiny textured bits and a lot of tiny holographic hex glitters.  It's super pretty and actually less textured than many glitter polishes.  You could topcoat this to smoothness easily, or, if you're still not sure about textures, get your feet wet with a tame one.

Sinful Colors Hot Chili-- Summer 2014 swatch
Sinful Colors Hot Chili

Sinful Colors Hot Chili-- Summer 2014 swatch
Sinful Colors Hot Chili

Sinful Colors Hot Chili-- Summer 2014 swatch
Sinful Colors Hot Chili

    If you like to follow seasonal color rules (which I do, for the most part), Hot Chili might feel like a bit of a stretch for a summer color.  Still, it's a gorgeous polish, worth tracking down, and the only real complaint I have is the formula, which is quite thick with a tendency to pull.  The second coat, while still temperamental, hides any initial application flaws, and this quickly dries to an eggshell finish.  The finished product is so pretty that it's easy to forget about any issues, especially at SC's price point-- $1.99 a bottle.

  Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!! ☼


  1. That's pretty and the name on it is so appropriate. I really like the gold glitter in it too.

    1. It is so appropriate! It kinda reminds me of this chili garlic sauce I used to love putting on my breakfast burritos, lol.

  2. This is beautiful...methinks my trip to see hubby this weekend will consist of my picking this one up. I didn't even know SC did textures besides their leather finish ones? I LOVE the name of this too...just perfect. Just curious...what's the wear time? Does it chip or anything? Wow...I love it more every time I look at your pics... <3<3<3

    1. I'm glad you were able to find this one (and I know you're having an amazing weekend)! Wear time is really good, about the time of PixieDusts, at least on me. I don't like talking about wear time unless it's really, really bad because I've never been able to wear a mani for longer than three days, but this would be one of them. Not a lot of tipwear, either.

  3. Not a fan of the texture but I think I would love it with a glossy finish!

    1. I think it'd look gorgeous glossy (and not too thick). I'll have to try it.

  4. Hi Liesl!! Gosh Hot Chili looks hot on ya!!! I feel mildly irritated with you with regard to the display and to miss a label indicating the textured polish! I wonder if this mode of display is supported by SF or simply made up by the retailer??? I cannot imagine the company deliberately going so lala about their collections, don't you either? Anyhoo it is a lovely shade. Since I am not one to pick colors according to Seasons I appreciate a random mix because I can so totally feel burgundy in the middle of Summer and pastel pink in November - LOL!! As always wonderful post <3

    1. Well, truth be told, it's exactly what Butter London does and it doesn't bother me with them because I'm so familiar with their line. But Butter is a LOT more cohesive; maybe this MO works for SC's sales, though. Nearly every time I go to a drugstore the seasonal SC sets are completely picked over. And it's all done up in official SC displays so it's definitely them, not the drugstores. I checked out a few more blog posts after I put mine up and some stores got individual setups whereas my store got a big shelf. It'd be nice if the new colors were labelled as such, though, at the very least.

    2. Bly me - how annoying!!! But then here it is the same - some brands show-off their new releases neatly separated and appropriately labelled, on top the new additions are stocked in the general rack as well AND labelled as new - in case you miss the separate rack. And then there are others - Catrice for one - that jumble tumble new and old and you literally have to stand with a list in front of the rack to try to identify some of the new releases. Such a nuisance - aaargh!

  5. Ooooh Sinful Colors does textures!? This one is really pretty and I might stretch out of my seasonal only shades and wear this one too. I know what you mean about the displays. I went to my Walgreens last year to pick up all of their Spring Collection and they had a couple polishes THAT WEREN'T supposed to be included and I didn't find that out til I had already posted a pic of the haul. How annoying.

    1. Yes!! I picked up a couple more during the 99¢ sale. There's no label or anything, no denoting them from anything else, lol-- I thought I was looking at glassflecks. Ugh, their displays are so annoying! Just label things a little better, lol. It can't be that hard. Or expensive. As a slight aside, sometimes I do wonder about them. They're kinda funny on instagram, like they used to not give credit at all when they shared and now they use the # and user name, not @. Like, come on, you know how it's done. Anyhoo....

  6. Hot Chili is hawt!! Love the sparkle in this!


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