
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Independence Day Manicure #1

  Hi everyone!!  Independence Day is right around the corner, so we US gals are busy playing around with our reds, whites, and blues in anticipation.  I admit I hadn't put much thought into anything until a link to THIS POST from I Heart Pretty Polish showed up in my facebook newsfeed.  Yes, folks, Essie is back, not blogging, but back interacting and resharing some of her favorite manis, and it is AWESOME to have her.

  So I was initially going to more or less recreate the skittles mani she posted last July, as I have a similar blue (or three) and I picked up the red she used shortly after she first posted.  Instead, I decided to go with one of my all-time favorite duos and throw that gorgeous red into the mix.

Fourth of July manicure

   The dark, ever so slightly purple-leaning blue on my ring, pinky, and thumb is OPI Eurso Euro, one of my favorites from 2013.  That red is Julep Nan, a Nantucket red creme (and that is the best way to describe it).  It's a faded, kind of rosy red-pink, unique and very pretty (and I know I decried Julep a while back but let's be honest, it's not the polish's fault it was made by a ridiculous company, lol.  I bought this before I cancelled my Maven membership and this is the first time I've worn it.).  I topped everything with OPI OY- Another Polish Joke, a shimmery yellow gold from the same collection as Eurso Euro and my favorite topper in all of existence (I put it on everything but the cats last year). 

Independence Day manicure

   Giving that new pose all the big gals are using these days a shot. lol.

Independence Day manicure

  C returned home yesterday afternoon from a five day long camping trip with some of his buddies.  It's the longest we'd ever been apart so it's GRRRREEEAAAAT to finally have him back :) Today looks to be one of a whole lot of lazing around and probably some Sherlock Holmes.  Anyone into the new(ish) BBC show?  It took me a while to get into it, as I love the industrial age settings of the movie and the PBS show, and the discordance between Jeremy Brett's appearance and Sherlock's personality, but once I got past those surface misgivings, I found this show positively riveting.

  Thank you for reading and have a lovely Sunday!  Stay tuned for more 4th of July looks (at least, that's the plan, lol). ♥♥


  1. No Oy on Beau's nose? :P Seriously, nobody wears Oy like you, and for some reason, it looks even more captivating on your points! Ahhhh...I am SO glad you started watching SH!! <3

    1. You mean, nobody wears Oy as much as me? Jk, jk :) Thank you, Mo <3 And I knew you'd be pleased that I finally get it. I'm thinking reading the books is next on the agenda.

  2. I like your mani - reminds me of fireworks on the Mall in DC. Pretty much the only version of Sherlock Holmes I haven't been able to get behind is the recent movies, which is odd because I love Robert Downey, Jr., but I'm a complete fangirl when it comes to the BBC's Sherlock. Glad you're enjoying it!

    1. Oh, that's cool! I wouldn't have thought fireworks. I really like the movies but, without having read the books, BC seems to have the Sherlock character down pat. We're into season 4 right meow and YAY for a season longer than three episodes :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, man :) (a month later... Sorry:( )


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