
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Quick & Dirty Milani Bella Blue Lipstick Review

  Hi friends!!  For as long as I remember, I've been much more a lipstick gal than an eyeshadow one, and I can only trace this to my mom, whose lipstick stash rivals my own (and may exceed at this point).  Unlike her, though, I have this propensity towards blue lipstick.  You won't likely catch me running around in public with blue eyeshadow, but on the lips, it's a whole different story, and one that I can't explain.

  The last time I recall a mainstream brand releasing a blue lippy was L'Oreal in the mid to late '90s with Blue Mood.  I don't remember much about it except that it didn't translate on the lip like I'd hoped it would, like it wasn't blue enough, so I got rid of it.  I think about it often, lol.  When I saw the first press releases for Milani's limited edition summer collection, Bella Blue, and that it included a blue lipstick, I got all excited and couldn't wait to get my hands on one.

Milani Bella Blue lipstick swatch and review
Milani Bella Blue lipstick

  Bella Blue is a bright cerulean with a shimmery, frosty finish.  It's quite sheer and requires multiple swipes to get an adequate amount of pigmentation on the lips, and wears off very quickly and without much activity beyond talking, so frequent reapplication is a must.  That said, Bella Blue wears like it looks in the tube, has great slip and applies very nicely, and feels fantastic on.  It's surprisingly moisturizing, which may account for the lack of decent wear time.  It honestly feels like a balm.  It doesn't bleed, either, so lip liner isn't necessary.

  Blue is obviously a novelty shade, and a difficult one to wear, at that.  I attempted to pass it off as an everyday color by working it in with a couple of my basic eye looks, and I'm not sure which I prefer.  I do know that I'll be wearing it again, regardless, and I may even buy a backup (easily done because no one else has touched the display since I bought this last week, lol).  The fun of it overrides the difficulty of wear, and the eye contact and knowing smiles of like minded gals out and about is truly priceless :)

  • super fun, outside the box color
  • wears true to the shade in the tube
  • easy application
  • great slip and balm-like moisturization
  • great price point, at $4.49
  • not very pigmented; I feel like I'll burn through the tube in no time
  • limited edition and exclusive at Fred Meyer, Walgreens, Kmart, and the Milani website
  • does not look anything like its promo pictures
  I've been really, REALLY enjoying Milani products this year and the fact that they released this lipstick in the first place kind of makes me love them, lol, and has me even more excited to see what they've got in store for the future.  So.  Would you be caught dead in this shade in public?

  Thanks for reading, and have a beautiful day!! ♥♥


  1. That is such a fun color to wear but I probably would be too scared to wear it, lol.

    1. It's one of those things you just have to go for ;) But I understand, lol. Colored eyeshadow scares the tar outta me.

  2. I truly admire you for having the guts to use a colour like this! Don't get me wrong, I love the dark bold colours, but I can never wear anything that's not close to my lip colour. Even a pink or a red would make me feel uncomfortable....>.< I'm fine with bright eyes, nails with crazy designs, but lips? OMG, no! xD
    Anyway, I think you really pulled it off!

    1. Thanks, Raquel! Every time I looked in a mirror I second guessed myself and felt like I looked corpse-ish but as soon as I stepped away all doubt was removed and I just felt like I was wearing a really comfortable lippy. And I'm the total opposite, even with nails. All my craziness is manifested on my lips, lol.

  3. I totally want this and can't wait to see a display. You are totally and completely ROCKING IT!

    1. Thanks, Margo! :) I can see you doing the same. I hope you find a display :D

  4. I really love the right look with that lipstick! You're wearing it very well :). I cannot imagine that I would ever wear a blue lipstick but I do love it on you!

    1. Thanks, Gwen ♥♥ I think I've actually gotten it down, now, and neither of those pics are it. Trial and error, lol ;)

  5. I think this lipstick looks really great on you, props for wearing such a bold color :)

  6. I bought the Revlon Spiderman 2 lip gloss that was blue, but it doesn't go on blue at all. Since you say this Milani is sheer, I may give it a try and put the Revlon on over top of it... :D Thanks for the post! And I agree with other comments I do like it on you very much :)

    1. I never saw that one! I heard there were a couple Lip Butters in unconventional colors, too, but that they also didn't apply like their color (never saw those, either, lol). Layering this one could definitely yield some cool results. I hope you can find one ♥♥ And thank you!! :)

  7. You look so chic and fun in that lipstick color! I totally love it on you! :D I just got up the courage to wear red lipstick, so I think I'm still a ways away from blue. But maybe I'll get there some day. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun!! ♥♥ I think I finally got it right with the bold eye and bold cheek. I think its awesome that you're into red lips now, and as fun as I think this blue shade is, I've had plenty moments of self doubt, lol, mostly from either pondering it in front of the mirror too long and trying to find a good selfie to post. :p The less you think about it, the better ;)

  8. It looks so cool on you. I especially love it with your hair up! I could NEVER pull it off, but you totally do! Great review.

    1. Essie Rae I miss your blog! Hope you are doing great and still enjoying nail polish & decorating cakes! :)

    2. Wholly carp, how did I miss this?! I'm so flaky lately :( I seriously like it enough to wear it to the point where it might be considered a little strange and not just a novel, once in a whole thing. lol. Anyhoo, thank you and you know I miss your blog, too <3

  9. Liesl you look amazing with blue lipstick! You rock ;)

  10. I LOVE THIS ON YOU!! I just hope I can pull it off like you can. I've been racking my brain with complimentary makeup looks. Methinks I need a face chart!!!

    1. Bold eyes and bold cheeks. It'll suck the life out if your face so you'll need to add some back in. Defy conventional wisdom with this one :)


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