
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sinful Colors Mint Tropics

  Hi friends!!  Some of you might be aware of the buzz in the nail polish community surrounding the rerelease of collaboration OPI Damone Roberts 1968, a wildly popular and hard to find polish that goes for exorbitant amounts if you are lucky enough to catch one.  Well, the folks behind OPI and Damone Roberts are milking this one for all it's worth and graciously lowering the price of the rerelease to $20.

  So what's the big deal about the color?  Damone Roberts 1968 is touted as "a different green with undertones of a soft grey, and a warm brown that works well on every skin tone" (, a pistachio rather than mint shade.  A google search will tell you that it's a hard one to photograph (and I've never seen one in real life, so I'm not even going to pretend to know what it really looks like).  The official description and bloggers describing what their pictures look like are decidedly at odds.  All this is really a moot point because this little Sinful Colors polish I picked up may or may not be remotely similar.

  A new summer 2014 release for Sinful Colors' Turn Up the Heat collection, Mint Tropics isn't really mint at all, but for a slight hint of blue tone keeping it from becoming a grass green.  It's light but not pale and has the brown undertones reported in the OPI.  (Mint Tropics doesn't photograph easily, either.)  

Sinful Colors Mint Tropics swatch and review
Sinful Colors Mint Tropics

Sinful Colors Mint Tropics swatch and review
Sinful Colors Mint Tropics

  Once in a while a color that makes me want to throw all my lighting, camera, and editing material out the window comes along and this is one of them.  After much tinkering, the top photo is the best representation of what Mint Tropics really looks like, and at that, it's a shade darker.  It's a great color and I have a suspicion OPI DR1968 is lighter still, but again, it depends on whose pictures you're looking at.  

  Here is Mint Tropics, completely unedited, colorwise, if you're interested.  It's more jade and less creme de menthe in reality.

Sinful Colors Mint Tropics
Sinful Colors Mint Tropics

  Now that I've managed to be completely uninformative about the color of this puppy, I can tell you about the formula.  It's thin, crelly-ish, and slightly prone to pooling, but three coats builds nicely.  My desire for a light green with the perfect balance of blue and brown is satisfied, temporarily, at least, and for 99¢ (SC sale time at Walgreens, regular $1.99).

  So, thoughts?  Are you totally hightailing it to your local Walgreens to pick this one up?  Are you planning on snagging one of the DR1968 rereleases?  Do you trust any of my photos, lol?   Is this possibly the worst review you've ever read?!!?!  

  Thank you for reading and have a loverly day!! ♥ 


  1. LOLOLOL!! This is a great review. It has lovely photos (as usual), it made me inquisitive (never heard of Damone Roberts 1968), and made me laugh out loud no fewer than 3 times. This summer's Sinful Colors stuff this fabulous...I think I picked up 6 and want more! :P

    1. Gosh, yes, this summer's Sinfuls are fabulous! Lots of amazing summer releases this year, a surplus, really, and I need to start blogging makeup and accessories more so I can rewear a few things.

  2. This is such a nice shade of green. I love how grassy it is and vibrant but not too bright. Its lovely on you too.

    1. Yes, bright and lively but not straying into neon territory. And thank you <3 <3

  3. You are so funny and always make me laugh! I might check out the DR but this is definitely a steal, and pretty, regardless of what it may or may not actually look like!

    1. Aw, thanks Margo, I'm glad I can :) This is gorgeous and totally worth it (most SCs are). I'm not going to bother with the DR.

  4. Lol, so many words for green. You go on witcho bad self you literary master, haha. Either way, I can find about a million ways to justify a 99 cent polish and precisely 0 ways to justify a 20 dollar polish. Sooooo, Sinful Colors FTW!

    1. Precisely. I wish I actually owned a mint colored polish with which I could compare this, but mints are just awful on me.

  5. Can I just save your words and save them for an upcoming post? xD ) I'm joking, obviously, but I'm going through the same drama with some photos of a neon purple, that I can't, for the life of me, make it look "real"! I have my editing software open for 2 days now and I might just give up and post it as a pink.
    Anyway, enough drama. :P I love greens like these and it looks lovely on your skintone. Also, I haven't said it yet, but I the new nail shape (not so new anymore) really looks good on you.

    1. Ugh, purples!!! lol. And at a certain point, you really don't want to just scrap the thing because you've put so much effort into it already. I'll be honest, I don't trust any one blogger's photos because everything is so subjective-- lighting, skintone, camera and settings... I take swatches with a grain of salt and with the thought that it's really a general idea of how something will look on. Anyhoo, thank you for the compliment on my shape! I really like it, myself, and I find that polishes wear so much better than on squares ♥♥

  6. Whoa what a great post!!!! Love of course the Sinful Color polish - it is perfect and I am just mesmerized by this kind of green. I think each Blogger has faced the wall of errrrr and hmmmm instead of easily flowing words to "poetically" describe a color - not to mention hair tearing state at the renitence of pictures against Photoshop ;-). As for the Opi Release, I am not thrilled - quite the opposite, and I should feel grateful for the reduced price? Oh please.... Have a lovely day <3

    1. I hear they're coming your way!! I wish I could remember who said it and to which country... Denmark, maybe? Here's hoping they spread! I'm still on the lookout for Neptune and Leap Flog rereleases. Yeah, I'm not shelling out $20 for an OPI. This one works just fine, thankyouverymuch ;)

  7. Ah, I hate when a color comes along that my camera just completely barfs at capturing. I try using Photoshop to adjust, but it's pretty hard for me haha, and often I can't tell if I'm getting closer to the color or further away with each adjustment. I'm amazed you were able to adjust the color so well! I haven't heard of the OPI re-release (I must be living under a rock), but $20 sounds a little steep for just a creme. Mint Tropics looks close from swatches, at least in spirit, and is so much better for your wallet. And it looks really beautiful on you! :)

    ~ Yun

    1. That's just it! And then there's the matter of my skintone looking completely unnatural. It's like I said above, in response to Raquel-- I take all swatch photos with a grain of salt and have learned to pay more attention to skintone. I think most are accurate enough. I feel like they're being relatively quiet about the rerelease and maybe it has more to do with the Damone Roberts camp? I don't know, I just know that I'm not spending that kind of money on an OPI, lol.

  8. So, it's been a year here, but this post had me dashing to buy Mint Tropics in an attempt to squash my DR1968 lemming. It helped a whole lot, but I eventually caved, and I just posted a comparison of the two - you were totally right, Mint Tropics is just barely a hair more saturated, and a little more blue.

    1. Right on! I'm still not about to shell out that kind o' dough for DR, especially since the formula is such a rude. Thanks for the comparison, though ♥♥


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