
Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Favorite Summer Pedicure Colors

*contains press sample(s)

  Happy Caturday, all!!  I hope you're having a maximally enjoyable summer so far.  Just a quick post today on my favorite summer pedicure colors before C and I go play in our back yard for the better part of the day :)

My Favorite Summer Pedicure Colors
My Favorite Summer Pedicure Colors-- Butter London Come To Bed Red, Essie Licorice, L'Oreal Penthouse Pink, Zoya Dillon, Zoya Zuza

  1. Butter London Come To Bed Red-- Red is actually my go to pedi color all year, but I especially enjoy it as an accessory to wedge sandals or strappy heels.  Come To Bed Red is a classic old Hollywood glamour red with a jelly shine (and on my toes even as I write this) and adds a touch of that glamour to breezy summer outfits.

  2.  Essie Licorice-- I adore black polish on my hands but, like wine colored lips, is a little too dark and dramatic for me to comfortably wear under the summer sun (or even on sweltering nights).  On toes, though, it's so chic and unexpected, and looks particularly cool with black sandals.  I bought Licorice specifically for this purpose-- before I really got into manicures, I got a leetle bee in my bonnet and this has been my favorite black pedi polish ever since.

  3. L'Oreal Penthouse Pink-- This pale and creamy pink is another classic but a little fresher and a little more chic than red.  Penthouse Pink is my favorite bare feet polish and every time I wear it, I'm tempted to get a foot tattoo.  Sort of.

  4.  Zoya Dillon-- Zoya posted a series of mani/pedi combos back in June {HERE} and I fell in love with the coral on the tips, shimmery mint green on the toes duo.  Dillon makes a strikingly gorgeous pedi and the slightly unconventional color is a perfect complement to many classic manicures from the aforementioned coral to deep magenta.  That alone makes it a total win in my book.

  5.  Zoya Zuza-- Zuza is a shimmery turquoise counterpart to Dillon and became an instant pedicure classic upon its release for summer 2012.  It's not as versatile as Dillon, but it is perfectly summer cool and I imagine my toes digging into golden sand on some exotic beach when I wear it.

  So what are your favorite pedicure colors?  What's on your toesies right meow?  Looking to change it up?  I'm kind of feeling like Zuza all of a sudden....

  Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day!! ☼☼
*contains press sample(s)


  1. Great pedicure color picks! I like the variety of colors and finishes too!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! ♥ I wanted to include Russian Navy but I gave that one to my leetle seester....

  2. Love your pedicure picks! It never occurred to me to wear black on my toes. But I think you're totally right about it looking chic and unexpected. I always wear corals and pinks, so I think I'll give it a try next time. :)

    1. Thank you! I haven't done black in a while, myself (been pretty much living in red, honestly) but I think it's high time, lol. And right on!! I think you'll love it.

  3. Cute idea for a post! :) I'm much more experimental on my hands than on my toes. For toes, I almost always wear bright pinks and reds. My favorite toe color is Zoya Lola, but I am branching out (ha!) in other shades of pink like Zoya Kiki and Zoya Kimber. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Kimber ♥♥♥ I adored that shade when the collection came out. Maybe I'll wear that one next. lol. I've now got three colors lined up and I still can't decide. Anyhoo... Way to branch out ;) I used to be pretty bold on my toes but since really getting into the world of manicures, I tend to play it comparatively safe on my toes, too (like don't waste a good duochrome on your feel, lol).

  4. I love the wide variety! Zuza is a huge favorite of mine.

  5. Yeah how did I never get around to black on the toes? I am thinking Zoya Storm. I never got around to getting Dillon. I have Zuza, I bet I would like it better on the toes to me, it is a strong color on the fingernails. I think I put an Elevation glitter over it and after living with all that a day or two, was ready for a change. By the way those purple flip flops with beaded strap are awesome!!

    1. Black polish maybe isn't a natural gravitation for most. Storm would look kicking, though ♥ Dillon was one of my two faves from Awaken but it wasn't until I saw Zoya's blog post that I considered wearing it on toes but I LOVE it! I'm with you on Zuza. Some polishes just seem better suited for pedicures and that's definitely one of them. And thank you, those flip flops were so cheap but they've held out for four years, now, I think. I'm still kind of kicking myself for not just getting a backup, lol.

  6. Awesome post sis!!! Now coming to think of it a question: IF we would not be so madly into polish would this be a selection we would own for our hands??? I think yes, because it represents the Classics with a bright spark by those Zoyas! I currently have Picture Polish Magenta on my toes. I gravitate towards reds, pinks and purples and lilacs - my feet are so ugly, I cannot afford more attention towards my feet than necessary. Hope you enjoy that garden <3

    1. Great question, and I would say no, only because I had no clue for so long. It wasn't until after I'd started my blog that I really learned about proper care and technique. The days I painted my nails were few and far between and it always looked so bad that I wondered why I bothered. I've always wanted to have prettier hands and blogging gave me the motivation to practice and figure it all out. Feet are weird looking critters in general but I highly doubt yours are ugly :) ♥

  7. Nice choice of colours! I really like the two Zoyas.

    If I paint my toes - which I rarely do these days (last time I think was sometime in 2013) - I usually paint them with neons and dark colours. But I happy to wear the neons and darks on my fingers too :-)

    1. Thank you, doll! The Zoyas are great-- so many unique and perfectly gorgeous pedi colors from that brand :) I feel like neons are conspicuously absent from my faves but I've never really gotten into them! I do have one hot pink Illanasqua that I should play with again.

  8. Love this post - the classic to great summer colors makes this a great go-to guide for pedi colors. I'm in love with coral and neon this summer, and have been sporting a lot of China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy. However, lately, Julep Zelda and Sienna have really been calling my name. Something about brightened metallic polish on my toes in gladiator style sandals has just been super elegant to me.

    1. You have no idea how much your last sentence makes me want to wear Zoya Channing on my toes RIGHT NOW. It's happening, tonight.

  9. loveee those! i have hot neon pink today.

    1. Awesome!! ChG Flip Flop Fantasy, perhaps? And thank you ♥♥

  10. Penthouse Pink is such a feminine and delicate colour :) The red shade undoubtedly a classic as well!

    1. Definitely! The red is on my toes at least six months of the year, lol :) Thanks for stopping by!


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