
Saturday, August 30, 2014

piCture pOlish Eyre

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  Happy Caturday, all!!  Picture Polish is one of the more prolific indie companies around and one that I've become familiar with through Christine at Polished Marvels.  In fact, if you're looking for an extensive Picture Polish swatch gallery, hers is fantastic, boasting 65 posts (including some art, all shown {HERE}).  For my part, I'm excited to finally be trying a polish from what I feel safe in assuming is one of my friend's favorite brands.

  This is Eyre, a blue violet metallic scattered holo.
piCture pOlish Eyre swatch and review
piCture pOlish Eyre

piCture pOlish Eyre swatch and review
piCture pOlish Eyre

piCture pOlish Eyre

  Let me start by stating how absolutely gorgeous I think Picture Polish Eyre is.  I've been trying to avoid being in the mindset of certain colors being only appropriate for certain times of the year, but something about Eyre is just pitch perfect summer to fall transitional-- maybe it's the icy tone combined with a holo that dances under any light.  Christine-- in case you don't already know it, you're gonna need this one :)
  This type of finish is slightly prone to pulling but take a little extra care and two coats will cover your nail perfectly.  Sealed with one layer of topcoat.
  Picture Polish is available for international sale through for $12.50 to $16.50 per bottle, depending on the finish; Eyre is currently available for $14.50.

Where to find Color4Nails
  Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!! ♥♥
*press sample


  1. This polish looks gorgeous - I really like it :-D

    1. It IS gorgeous, man! Like, too bad I have other stuff to swatch because I don't want to take this off gorgeous. :)

  2. This is definitely a lemming of mine- so pretty on you!

    1. Thank you!! I hope you get it. I can just see your gorgeous bottle shots ♥♥

  3. Gorgeous, and Jane Eyre has always been a favorite of mine, so I might just be lured into my first Picture Polish purchase, too.

    1. Oh, I hope you get this! You won't be disappointed. And if you're a Jane Eyre fan, this is practically required buying ;)

  4. OH! so beautiful! You've taken the most amazing pics of this color Liesl! you got me drooling all over... I also got a picture polish from our dear Christine and is one of the most beautiful treasures, well all she picks is so great, she's got a talent for that!

    1. Thank you so much, Natalie! :) Some polishes are just a joy to photograph, and this is one of them.
      Christine's collection is indeed one of the most finely curated I've seen and I'd LOVE to see it in person one day, you know? :)

  5. Well call me Mr. Rochester, because I am in love with Miss Eyre!!:P Christine has made me want quite a few PPs over time and now you have made me break the 10th commandment...yet again..,

    1. Naturally :) :) And oh, gosh, I find myself perusing her PP posts yet again... she's going to come back to a whole slew of page views and a bunch of them are going to be from me, lol. I've got a growing list of PP lems... too bad they run more than a BL. :/

  6. Wow, that's gorgeous. I love me some Picture Polish, this looks just like a beautiful night sky. :)

    1. Ooh, it does! Good call. And yes, I think it's safe to say I'm hooked on another brand, lol. I just got my second piCture in the mail.


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