
Monday, September 15, 2014

piCture pOlish Solar Flare

  Good morning, all!!  Cooler weather means duochrome season is upon us and despite my love for eye searing holos, I can't WAIT!!  But first, as morning and evening cools and the daytime is still sweltering, let us revel in the amazing hybrid polish creation that is... the Duochrome Holo.  Observe piCture pOlish Solar Flare.

piCture pOlish Solar Flare swatch and review
piCture pOlish Solar Flare

  Solar Flare is just... beyond.  There are so many facets to this polish, it's unreal.  It's a garnet to copper to golden sage green multichrome, stronger than the bottle would suggest (the outline in the bottle is just a hint of what lies inside), and then kissed by a delicate smattering of scattered holographic bits that dance in the sunlight when Solar Flare is a full on deep garnet shade.  There is no angle at which this polish doesn't look amazing.  None. 
  Solar Flare is jelly based, so it's pretty sheer, but three coats brings it to full saturation.  The layers dry fairly slowly, which is typical of jelly based duo- and multichromes.  I'll need to experiment with my topcoats on this one, as my GlitterDaze Quick Dry caused near immediate tip shrinkage.  These photos were all taken the morning after application.

piCture pOlish Solar Flare swatch and review
piCture pOlish Solar Flare

piCture pOlish Solar Flare swatch and review
piCture pOlish Solar Flare

piCture pOlish Solar Flare swatch and review
piCture pOlish Solar Flare
  This is unaltered, taken outside in natural shade.

piCture pOlish Solar Flare swatch and review
piCture pOlish Solar Flare
Taken in direct sunlight.

  Solar Flare is one of four limited edition multichromes released by piCture pOlish early this year.  There are some still available at for $16.50 a piece (it's worth it, oh my GOSH, is it worth it ♥).

  Thank you for reading and have a fantastic day!! ♥♥


  1. So pretty and I just love how it sparkles in the light.

    1. It's almost delicate in the sunlight! Man, I love this polish, lol :) :)

  2. What an amazing looking polish - I love this look so much :-D It's so drool-worthy! ;-)

    Hubby's gig went well, got a few more shortly - can't wait! :-)

    1. Oh my gosh, it totally is! Definitely a stop everything to gaze at your nails throughout the day kind of polish ♥

      Yay!! So awesome that he's got so much lined up. You'll be a seasoned roadie in no time ;)

  3. Wow! Stunning polish! I have a huge weakness for multi and duo chromes. :)


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