
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Link Love 2 + Cat Spam!!!

  Happy Caturday, all!!  It's been a while since I've shared my favorite blogosphere goings-on and I need something to bulk up the tremendous amount of Beau and Geddy pictures I'm about to share, so here it is.  Two for the price of one.  Enjoi!!
Few things in life are more fun than lying on empty pizza boxes.

  My dear friend Melissa of  Lacquer Reverie fame has convinced me for once and for all that I must somehow acquire Sinful Colors Prosecco {HERE}.  Fortunately for me, there are at least two Prosecco giveaways happening which I may or may not share with you all (I've got to keep my chances in the probable range, you know? ;)). ♥

  Gorgeous, completely non-creepy Halloween nail art from Peachy Polish, who appears to have watermarbling down to a science {HERE}.

This has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've seen all week.  No, month.

    From Polish, With Love features one of my favorite indies, GlitterDaze, and their most recent collection-- pink and Mean Girls themed.  Holo, duochrome glassfleck, creme, and glittery goodness found {HERE}.

  I will not lie, I cannot get enough of Zoya's Matte Velvets!  Polish Hound has gorgeous photos and an amazing writeup on the collection {HERE}.

Umm, yeah....
  The Lacquerologist shares her skincare ritual {HERE}, reminding me that I ought to ask for a Clairsonic for Christmas (and think about some serious Lush hauling).

  Fall sunset in a bottle duochrome goodness from my dear friend Candice of Mommy Does Her Nails fame, {HERE}.  It's part of a sweet looking subscription box, too.

  Okay, Imma go ahead and share those Prosecco giveaways because I'm a nice dude. lol.  The first one's from Polished At Heart, written by sisters Jackie and Hayley and celebrating a facebook milestone... also includes sweet treats and e.l.f. cleanup brushes.  Enter {HERE}.  US only.

  Yadi the Night Swatcher's got the second one and hers features both SC Prosecco and Essie Shine Of the Times.  Enter hers {HERE}.  Also US only.

I'm not sure any practicing actually happened that night...
  Thsnk you for reading and enjoy your weekend!! ♥


  1. Love seeing all those adorable cat pictures! Too cute. Great to know what you've been loving from other blogs too.

  2. Your cats look adorable :-D I have 3 and love them to bits <3 There is nothing better than coming home to them after a stressful day. Their purring instantly calms me :-)

    1. Oh, yes :) The short hair, Baby Beau, does figure eights around our legs when we come home. Geddy, the poofy one, is still a little shy ♥

  3. <3 Thanks for the link love sweet pea!! And oh my goodness...I LOVE that last pic. LOVE it. It needs to be in a magazine. We should create our own publication of something or other...

    1. You are most welcome ♥♥ And thank you!! C does tend to have a good eye. Unless our something or other is going to include macro nail polish shots, it's C you want, not me, lolol :D

  4. Yay fror Caturday! Thanks for the share :) I LOVE that pic of Geddy's crazy pose. He looks like he would be nice to cuddle, all fluffy and soft.

    1. Geddy's a she, lol. Yes, I named my little girl cat Geddy :D She looks super cuddly but she's very shy and independent so I get to pet her all I want as long as she gets to stay on the floor, lol.

  5. I'm getting caught up on my blog reading and am only just now seeing this post...

    It is so awesome that you named your cat Geddy!! How many people ask if you named her after the lead singer of Rush? :-)

    You've probably found a bottle already, but I have an extra of Prosecco that I'd be happy to send to ya. Let me know!

    1. Oh my gosh, I have to know... Did you create By-Tor and 2112 for the Zoya It's Alive promo? I saw those and my leetle heart filled with joy. So yeah, I wave my Rush freak flag high and proud and I'm sure everyone around me is aware that she's named after Dirk <3 No Prosecco but I haven't gone hunting in a while. Thank you for the offer, you're so sweet! <3

    2. Nahhhh, that wasn't me. I'm not nearly organized enough to enter promos/contests, but maybe one of these days....? I'm a Rush freak too, have been since my early teens (which means, a LOT of years) and they hold my "most concerts attended" award. Quick, what's your very very very favorite song? :)

      I'm serious about sending you Prosecco....I bought two bottles once I finally found it and while it's quite a lovely color, I'm just a smidge too pale for it to be elevated to the "AWESOME" status so I'm looking for a home for the extra bottle. I'd be happy to mail it to you, if you don't mind sharing your mailing address with me....on Rush Fans honor, I'm not a stalker or anything, lol! I'll send you my email address through your gmail. :)

    3. On Rush Fans' honor? Well then... :) You're so sweet, thank you so much! I've been a fan since Counterparts but just last summer saw them live (after begging my DH to take me since Vapor Trails). Very very very very very very favorite song-- YYZ. And The Anarchist. Was Subdivisions until CA was released :) I'll go check my email! ♥

  6. Liesl! You are too sweet! Thank you for sharing and I loveeeeee your kitties! I'm such a crazy cat lady. :)

    1. You are most welcome! I dig your blog :) And thank you, they are endless entertainment, our kitties ♥


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