
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sinful Shine Prosecco

  So I bought myself a new outfit for Thanksgiving and I was pondering last night what shoes and nail polish to wear with it.  In my not inconsiderable collections of each, there is no reason on earth I wouldn't be able to find something that'll go.  I still haven't worked the shoe thing out (which bugs me because I'm usually pretty instinctual about such things) but the polish problem is faring much better... I don't know if this'll be it, but it will be something along these lines, at the very least.

  Sinful Shine Prosecco will go down as one of the biggest polishes of 2014 on account of its sudden disappearance from Sinful Colors displays the US over, and it's funny because it's a neutral.  It was wild getting on my facebook and watching so many gals go completely crazy over something that would have otherwise been written off as nice, safe, work appropriate... all fine qualities for a polish to have, but not ones that tend to take a large community by storm.  Ah, the power of discontinuation and shimmer!

Sinful Shine Prosecco swatch and review
Sinful Shine Prosecco

  The color is right up my alley-- a warm, light, semi sheer taupe jam packed with gold shimmer.  Even so, it's not something I would have paid any attention to had it not been brought to my attention by so many gals hot on its trail.  I love my neutrals.  I don't feel I wear them enough and I would not have felt it necessary to add a new one to the mix, but the hype sent me out on a goose chase that turned up cold.  So I started entering giveaways, to no avail, and then more or less gave up and forgot about it... until a kind soul and musical kindred spirit offered to send me her extra bottle (thank you SO MUCH, Jennifer!!)

Sinful Shine Prosecco swatch and review
Sinful Shine Prosecco
  Basically, Processo is worthy of all the hype.  On top of the color itself being classic, classy perfection, it applies like a dream.  The formula is thin and it's up to the wearer whether to go full on opaque in up to four coats (like Melissa) or to keep it daintily sheer in two, like I did here.  

Sinful Shine Prosecco swatch and review
Sinful Shine Prosecco
  If you can find one of these, grab it!  If you don't love it, chances are high that you'll find someone eager to give it a proper loving home.  And with that, I'll sign off and say Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow US nailistas!  Right now I'm thankful for pretty colors and enabling friends, both old and new.

  Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!! ♥


  1. It looks fabulous on you! No wonder you wanted it so badly!

    1. Thank you, Anne :) Neutrals are always iffy until you get them on, lol.

  2. What a pretty colour and I love that shimmer :-)

  3. Ugh, I STILL need to track this down. It is really beautiful on you sheer like that.

    1. Thanks, Cait! I feel like less is more in this case, for sure.

  4. It's a gorgeous shade, and I always love seeing something get hyped :D too bad this isn't available over here.

    1. It always strikes me as odd that SC is US only... But you all have Catrice ♥♥

  5. Such a pretty neutral this is. The gold shimmer in it is stunning.

  6. I am one of those people who tried to get it, but did not succeed and then I decided I would survive lol. I love how the gold shimmer peeks unexpectedly in the pale grey base. It is definitely worth the hype as you said! But would I pay 10 times extra on eBay? Nope. If I had to pick one polish and there was Prosecco and a random blue polish, would I go for Prosecco? Nope, still mad about the blues. But would I buy Prosecco at double the cost price? YES!

    1. I was not even worried about it anymore until it was offered to me. I'm not one to go seeking htfs out, either, unless it's a SH Nail Prism (and at that I've not pursued any of those in a while). We're kind of the opposite-- I halfheartedly sought out the SH Pacific Blue original and if I come across it in a store, great, but neutrals are where it's at for me :)

  7. Swoon!! It's beautiful and looks perfect on you! You did a great job capturing it!

    1. Thank you thank you!! ♥ I admit to being a little worried about how this would photograph on me.

  8. Pretty! It reminds me of China Glaze Fast Track!

    1. Someone in one of my fb groups thought the same thing and posted a comparison... I think Fast Track is more on the tan side? They're pretty different, at any rate.

  9. I absolutely love colours like these!! Subtle but so beautiful and complex. I can totally see why it was so hyped! :)

    1. YES, me, too! And pleasantly surprising that it lives up to its photos and then some :)

  10. I have heard such fab things about this polish and it really is stunning! Wish we had the Sinful Shine line here in Canada... a girl can dream!

    1. You just need to make a trip down south... or a mule, lol :)

  11. This looks great on you a la sheer. It really turned a whole lot more taupe on me with more coats.

    1. Thank you!! <3 I actually did a third coat on one right hand nail in an effort to fix a flub and it does noticeably darken it, at least to me, not that it matters. My right hand is looking decidedly unchic these days, lol.


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