
Thursday, December 11, 2014

GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn (aka WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS)

  A few years ago I bought a pair of shoes I fell head over heels in love with on first sight-- black patent leather BCBG slingback pumps with pearlized red, yellow, blue, and green color blocking on the toes.  I didn't stop to think about what I'd wear them with because I had every confidence I'd figure it out; but there's just something about them that causes me to reach for something else every time.  Maybe it's that they're a little on the too fancy for jeans side and my dress slacks require a heel just a little bit higher.  Maybe everything I tried them with looked either too matchy-matchy or completely clashed.  Whatever it is, it's been at least two years since I've even attempted to wear them but I hold out hope that they'll get their proper weartime and so they sit in my closet, looking cute as always, with no place to go.

GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn
GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn

  You may or may not have caught on to the giant multichrome flakie craze happening right now in the indie nail polish world.  When GlitterDaze, one of my favorite indies, started posting promo shots and preorder offers on her own collection, I knew I had to treat myself to at least one, so I preordered the fuschia to green shifter, Essence of a Unicorn, and waited on pins and needles for my shipping notification.  And once it arrived, I had no idea what to do with it.  Flakies are, of course, meant to be toppers, and I inherently knew this about this new crop.  Photos started showing up from other gals posting about different brands and I found myself unimpressed with how they looked on the nail versus my complete mesmerization at the bottle shots.  I enlisted C's help in finding a base that would highlight the duochrome without resorting to black and white (neither of which set these flakies off to their full advantage, as they are not iridescent but quite pigmented and metallicky).

GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn swatch and review
GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn over NARS Storm Bird

  After much holding together of bottles, trying to find a duo that worked, I somewhat reluctantly decided on NARS Storm Bird (which is possibly the best grey creme ever created, that is until LVX launched their Fall 2014 collection).  The flakies apply somewhat sparsely so I used two coats on top of Storm Bird, to this effect.
  So here's my thing-- I'm not sure why, but my brain really wanted this to be a full coverage dealie, and a not quite so subtle one at that.  In most light, Essence of a Unicorn is simply a multicolored topper, and a predominantly purple one at that (you know me and purples).  I found the shift barely visible in real life, so my pictures show a more dramatic look than was actually present.  Either way you look at it, it's really quite pretty but not what I was expecting.

GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn swatch and review
GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn over NARS Storm Bird
  After one day of wear I was dying to know what it looked like over a light color so I took off that still pristine looking manicure in favor of a base of OPI Ski Slope Sweetie, a whipped white confection packed with pink, blue, and gold shimmer (again, two coats of flakie).

GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn + OPI Ski Slope Sweetie
GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn over OPI Ski Slope Sweetie

GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn + OPI Ski Slope Sweetie
GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn over OPI Ski Slope Sweetie
  Ski Slope Sweetie reads as the palest gold and so the flakies stand out more even as the shift is subtler still.  C says it looks space age.  I wasn't sold on it at all until I'd made it halfway through my day and suddenly it struck me as unlike anything I've ever seen.  It became elegant, festive, outside the box, and all because of those fabulous flakies and their inherent, and surprising, subtlety!

GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn over OPI Ski Slope Sweetie
GlitterDaze Essence of a Unicorn over OPI Ski Slope Sweetie
 Essence of a Unicorn won me over.  It's officially faring better than those shoes.

  Essence of a Unicorn is one of five multichrome flakies available from GlitterDaze.  Click {HERE} and all will be revealed.

  Thank you for reading and have a fantastic day!! ♥


  1. That's such a gorgeous color. The name on it is awesome too.

    1. Glad you like, Lisa!! And yes, perfect name :)

  2. Leisl, I think your instict to layer this over a metallic was right on target. You created a beautiful, graceful manicure with Ski Slope Sweet and Essence of a Unicorn, I love the "full frontal" (insert Beavis laugh here) shot you took -- they look like they were made for each other! Love that speckling and the way the metallic nature of the base stands up to the flakies! I got several of ILNP's multichrome flakies and while they are full coverage and gorgeous that way I've been wondering about other ways to use them. You've given me some great ideas about how to do that. Thank you!

    1. Hmmhmmmhmmm hmmm hmHMMMhmhmmm hm Yeah! Full frontal. Hmhm hm.

      Why, thank you! ♥ It is a nice little duo! I wasn't impressed holding the bottles next to each other but I think you're right-- metallics/shimmers add an extra bit of maybe needed depth. I think this is supposed to be full coverage, too? I'll have to try it. The nice thing is, these remove easily, too :)

  3. Gorgeous swatches! I swatched them all over black and they really don't stand out as well as over lighter colors....well, now I know! But over black and matte? They look beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Kirby!! ♥ You're right, I bet they are smokin' mattified. I just need to get a good matte topcoat, lol.

  4. I love this swatched over black! I think I always reach for black or darker undies when swatching toppers. It's just the automatic thing that I do for some reason. I love this multichrome thing going on. It's just like nail art all in one bottle.

    1. Something about the darkness of these flakies gave me pause but usually, black is my first instinct, too. I totally agree about the nail art in a bottle thing-- it's about all I can pull off, lolol :)

  5. This is so beautiful! I just got all the gd metallic flakies and I can't wait to use them now!

    1. Right on! I'm super tempted to snag a couple more, myself. And thank you ♥♥

  6. It looks gorgeous <3 Oh wow! :-D

    1. It's a pretty stunning polish, that is for sure :) ♥

  7. This is just STUNNING! I actually have this to play with and now you're making me wish I wasn't busy with other things at the moment!

    1. Oh, I can't wait to see your swatches! I hear you on the time thing-- if I get three posts up between now and the first of the year it'll be a miracle, lol.

  8. It is stunning over Ski Slope Sweetie! I'm in love with the multichrome trend and want at least a dozen polishes to play with LOL.

    1. Me, too! I haven't treated myself to many of them but maybe once the holidays are over I'll go on a tear, lol :)

  9. You know, I think you are an absolute genius for layering it over that soft OPI. It's such a gorgeous look that way!

    1. Oh, thank you so much!! ♥ I'm actually kind of excited to wear it again.

  10. I definitely like it over the lighter background. The flakies just get lost over the dark grey. I just got some of these flakies and I can't wait to play around with them. :)

    1. I prefer it, too, and for some reason it looks a little bit textured over the grey... I do like how the shift is more apparent, though. I can't wait to see what you do with yours!

  11. Replies
    1. Right on!! I'm glad you like it that way. I thought it was kinda pretty :)

  12. Love it over the OPI! And I think those heels would look pretty neat with darker jeans. :)

    1. Good call! I have darkish jeans... maybe not dark enough. I think the heel needs to be just a little bit higher, too...

  13. Ack... this really is a unicorn like shade. I love it over the light base... so pretty.

    1. I didn't really connect the two until I read your comment, but you're totally right! It reminds me of My Little Pony now, lol :) That might make it all the better :)


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