
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

L'Oreal Sparkling Soirée Holiday 2014-- Bring The Rubies

  L'Oreal polishes are always kind of a treat for me.  I love the elegance of the rectangular bottle and the brushed gold cap, the small, flat, tapered brush is a perfect fit for my nails, and the formulas are consistently nice, regardless of finish.  For $5.99 a bottle, it's a treat that's totally affordable, too.

   L'Oreal's holiday 2014 collection is made up of eight different polishes, including four glitter toppers and four corresponding solid colors, including the rich and lovely Bring The Rubies.  This color isn't unique.  As prolific as metallic reds are, and as much as I adore the shade in the first place, though, I've never actually managed to land one in my stash until now.

L'Oreal Sparkling Soirée Holiday 2014-- Bring The Rubies swatch and review
L'Oreal Sparkling Soirée Holiday 2014-- Bring The Rubies
  Bring The Rubies is a warm, rich, lively red packed with glowy monochromatic shimmer, no frost lines in sight.  It's opaque in two coats but is a slightly unforgiving formula.  My natural nails aren't in the best of shape right now so I added a third coat to hide imperfections.  Each coat applies smooth and thin so three layers does not create troublesome thickness.  I love this polish.  It's so festive!

L'Oreal Sparkling Soirée Holiday 2014-- Bring The Rubies swatch and review
L'Oreal Sparkling Soirée Holiday 2014-- Bring The Rubies

L'Oreal Sparkling Soirée Holiday 2014-- Bring The Rubies swatch and review
L'Oreal Sparkling Soirée Holiday 2014-- Bring The Rubies

  If you're on the lookout for a gorgeous, holiday perfect red, I highly suggest this one.  Stay tuned for my second Sparkling Soirée choice-- it's fun to see a "traditional" holiday collection again and it was hard to hold myself to just two, but I managed... for now, lol.  

  Speaking of staying tuned... I'm feeling like I might be rather scarce this month.  On top of all the holiday-ing that tends to happen in December, lol, I've finally learned enough to actually start working on some actual bass lines.  Most mornings I wake up with bloggy stuff on the brain but this morning all I wanted to do was look up youtube tutorials on the songs I'm working on.  It's a (very) minor miracle this post is even up, to be honest, lol.  Meanwhile, I've come to realize that I need to close my case when I'm practicing because this tends to happen...

Geddy Cat

  Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!! ♥


  1. ♥♥♥ girl, that is a perfect shimmery red! And your pictures are just PERFECT!

    1. I totally agree on the color and thank you so much for the lovely compliment!! ♥

  2. What a pretty shimmery red that is. Perfect for the holidays.

    1. It really is! I'm so glad I finally got one :)

  3. This color is GORGEOUS on you! And, cute cat! :)

    1. Thank you, Emily!! ♥♥ Geddy thanks you, too, lolol =^^=

  4. Gorgeous colour - I really do like this :-D Cat is just too cute <3 :-D

    That's great about the bass :-D Hubby had a gig on Saturday there, but I couldn't make it. Apparently it went well. :-)

    1. Thank you thank you!! ♥♥ She's a little doll, lol.

      That's so awesome that he 's staying busy with his band! They should post some youtube videos :)

  5. What a great color, you swatches are great! What a cute little hiding spot for your cat! lol

    1. Thank you so much!! ♥ It's a perfect hiding spot, lol. She puts her leetle head down and blends right in.

  6. Perfect color for the season :) And love that your kitten is helping you learn to play bass ;)

  7. Your cat is adorable. I LOVE reds on my nails all year long. This shade is perfect for the Holidays.

    1. Thank you, she is the cutest, lol ;) I love red all year around, too, but this one is just a pitch perfect Christmas red to me :)

  8. LOOOOVE that shimmer! My cats are the exact same way... sometimes I can't empty a box fast enough!

    1. Exactly, don't bother with toys or towers or anything because they're just as happy sitting in a box a couple sizes too small, lolol XD

  9. Oh My Gorgeousness! Wow! I really like the L'Oreal polishes.

    1. I do, too! I adore their brush and they do put out some really nice collections.

  10. Perfect, sparkling Christmas red. Gorgeous! And hi to your kitty! I'm a crazy cat lady. :)

    1. Thank you!! And YESSS, crazy cat ladies unite :) :) You should show pictures of yours, lol :)

  11. With all the bazillions of colors out there, I am, without fail, helpless when face to face with a metallic red. I am going bonkers over everything out there these days that reminds me of cinnamon syrup. And your kitty pic is perfect. <3

    1. Cinnamon syrup :) There's an analogy I somehow was not expecting and I don't think I've actually ever seen cinnamon syrup but it sounds delicious! And thank you, it was a hard shot to get. Worse than a good selfie, even. lol.


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