
Sunday, January 4, 2015

What I Wore-- Happy New Year!!

  *LVX press sample

  Happy New Year, four days late!  If you've been reading for a while you might have seen a few accessories posts interspersed here and there and the whole fashion thing is something I've wanted to expand upon.  Well, it being a new year and all, I've decided to just go for it, lol, so now I'm starting something completely different and trying an "outfit of the day" thing.  Savvy? :)

Old Navy red Sweetheart jeans

riding style boots-- Merona (Target)
red Sweetheart style jeans-- Old Navy
vintage style band tee shirt--  somewhere off Amazon (sorrehh)
grey drapey cardigan-- Isela (found at Fred Meyer)
black double breasted peplum pea coat-- Victoria's Secret online

outfit of the day-- what I wore

  We were out and about for my nephew's fourth birthday yesterday so my best option was super casual and comfortable, and I think the bright red jeans are a great centerpiece to a palette of muted neutrals.  These Target boots are fantastic-- I got them this past fall and I can't tell you how many times I've worn them.  They go with so much and are comfy, too.  The coat I've had for years; I love the slight peplum.  It cuts a great silhouette and makes me feel like a dandy, lol.  The Rush Counterparts tee shirt is from a shop somewhere on Amazon that sells vintage style concert tee shirt replicas.  

LVX Oyster

  LVX Oyster nail polish is a near perfect match to my soft grey cardigan.  I just love monochromatic grey.  The spoon ring on my index finger was purchased at a local art fair last summer.

  So there it is, first full on fashion post evarrrrr, lol.  I feel like I'm learning how to blog all over again, and I hope you all stick with me as I find my footing in this new leetle adventure.  Nails and beauty will still dominate but I'm kind of excited to see where this clothing thing takes me.

Thank you soooo much for another year, thank you for reading, and Happy New Year!! ♥

*LVX press sample


  1. Nice outfit! Loving the boots :-D

    Happy New Year :-D

  2. My goodness, you are pretty, and you are ROCKING those pants. Frick, I love those!!! And seriously jealous of your eyebrows…GURL.

    1. Thank you, doll!! ♥ Funny thing about the eyebrows... I just added another step because they've been really irking me lately so thank you for the vote of confidence there :)

    2. I have to go get mine waxed & tinted soon. I flippin' hate filling in my brows, I never do a good job, so I'd rather pay $15 to get them tinted every 6 weeks. LOL.

    3. I've always done my own because I'm afraid to have anyone else touch them, lol... This has resulted in some rather questionable brow phases. I think they're probably as good as they've ever been right now, lol.

  3. You got a great style! Love the pop of color on our red pants here.

  4. Anybody who looks that good in red pants should be shipped off to the Isle of Perfection.

    Love the coat, nails, and boots. I was on a boot-buying binge yesterday, so I can appreciate the beauty of them AWL.

    1. Awww, shucks ♥♥♥ A boot buying binge is always a good thing! I used to be a go high or go home gal but I've since realized that one doesn't need to be up there at all times; in fact, it isn't really practical. It took me a few years to come to that conclusion.

  5. I LOVE pea coats, they are the best! You look great! :) btw, thanks for following my blog!


    1. Thanks so much, Lian! It remains one of my favorite coats :) And you are most welcome <3

  6. Love how the red pops against all the other neutral colors! :)

    1. Thank you!! It's how red should be worn ;)

  7. Those pants are looking uh-mazing on you! And so cool your polish matches your scarf :).

    1. Thank you!! :) I was pretty stoked to see I had a polish that matched so well :)

  8. I'm just going to call it - you are so a model. You look so incredible in red, but I think it's those boots that really make this whole outfit so smashing. Love it! You are so incredibly inspiring.

    1. You are so kind! I'll have whatever you're having :) It's the brown accent :) Straignt black would've been too matchy matchy and straight brown wouldn't have tied in enough.


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