
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Polished Components Azalea

Just as I knew it would, my manicure from yesterday looked pretty terrible by the end of my work day.  I thought about going bare today, letting my nails breathe a bit, but I just couldn't leave well enough alone.  This is Polished Components Azalea.

I love dark, rose-toned pinks, and this one is slightly sheer (I used three coats), shimmery, and gorgeous.

The little snowstorm from yesterday didn't turn out to be so little.  The snow kept falling for something close to 24 hours.  It didn't actually stop until sometime very early this morning, and there's a few inches on the ground right now (it didn't start to stick until dusk yesterday.)  The sun is shining now, too, and it is absolutely beautiful outside.  I took a ton of pictures, just loving being out in my backyard in my galoshes and bathrobe.

Pretty sheer (and pretty snow.)  The thing I love about Polished Components is that very quality, though.  The colors are beautiful, fun, and elegant, never loud or over-the-top.  

Blurry pictures are a little silly, but seriously, sparkles in the sunlight!  How could I resist posting that? 

This one's in a little bit of shade.  On top of their amazing colors, Polished Components has a consistently good, easy to work with formula. 

And one indoor shot.  Boring! lol.  I'm ready to go back outside.  Think the snow will last until my three day weekend?  It's only got to stick around ten more hours. ;)

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