
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sally Hansen Nail Prisms White Diamond and a Sweet Award

I've become slightly obsessed with the long-since discontinued line of Sally Hansen Nail Prisms as of late, and I'm on a quest to find as many as I can.  One of the easier to find colors is White Diamond.  There are next to no swatches of this one floating around, so I really didn't know what to expect.  And honestly, after the gorgeous colorbomb that is Burgundy Orchid, I'm pretty disappointed.  For starters, I'm not convinced the name applies.  All the other diamond named polishes in this collection are holographic, but this, a pink and yellow duochrome at its best, is clearly not (and to be fair, it wasn't marketed as such.)  There are a lot of pearls and opals in the 41-color collection, and I suspect this is a close duplicate of one or two of those. 

It isn't terrible, but it is basically a glorified topcoat.  I'll need to play around with it and see how it looks over a few different cremes.  I used four coats here in a desperate attempt to achieve something close to opacity, but it's a lost cause.  Three looks the same.  This took forever to set, even with Seche topcoat.  White Diamond, for its flaws, does pack a small surprise, though-- at dusk, it gives off a striking phosphorescent-like glow.  Worth it?  Hard to say.  It's one of the less expensive Prisms out there, and if you're really into these, it's still fun to have.

In other news, Tami of My Nail Polish Diary has given me the Versatile Blogger award!  Thanks for thinking of me, Tami, this is so sweet! :)

The rules are:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
2. Let them know that you have nominated them.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the bloggers who have nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

 I'm giving it to seven bloggers, all 100 or under followers, like me (maybe I should go follow some more blogs...).  Check these great gals out and show them some love :)
 Amoki at Amoki's Corner
Pam at Nail Soup
Frankie at Constantly Redone
Mandy at Mandy's Polish
Nita Marie at Polished Imperfections
And, here are my seven facts.

1.  Jesus is my Lord and Savior.  Without Him, I don't know where I'd be.
2. I've known my husband for 16 years, been with him for 9 and a half, and married for 7.
3. I think grunge might have been the finest musical era of recent years and proudly boast Pearl Jam's 10 as my first cd.
4. I love to karaoke, and I bounce around the stage and put on a show to distract everyone from my subpar singing.
5. I have a slight perfume habit, also....  If you're aware of the genius of Richard Fraysse, Chanel No. 22, or Serge Lutens... friend, let's talk!!
6. Two loves that have stuck with me since high school are running and Led Zeppelin.  One that did not was theater.
7. Most the time, I prefer writing to talking.  

Thanks again, Tami!  This was fun. :) 


  1. I'd b interested in seeing it over black. Some of the other meh? Prisms suddenly become interesting over black.

    1. Yeah? I'll definitely try it over black. I must admit, I have my doubts, because White Diamond actually has quite a bit of yellow in it, but I, too, have seen the transformative powers of a black base... ;)

  2. Pretty! I don't have of the Prisms but I love seeing pictures of them!

    1. I do, too. I wish there were more swatches out there. There's like, nothing on most of them. It's my personal mission to fix some of that. lol.

  3. Loved reading your 7 facts Liesl. High five on #1. Awesome and me too!! I love reading your blog and I am stepping out and commenting more on others' blogs. You and Carly have shown me the light, so to speak!

    1. Awesome, sister :) :) Thanks, and yay you! Playing around in all these polish blogs is totally fun.

  4. Thank you for the nomination! That's so sweet of you Liesl! Thank you. :)

  5. That color looks so interesting in your pictures! It looks a bit like having a rainbow on your nails! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. A lot of these Prisms do. I can't wait to swatch this one over some different colors. :)


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