
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Catrice Heavy Metallilac

Good morning!!  My mom recently went to Holland, and I asked her to bring me back some polishes, and, not knowing what colors to ask for, I gave her carte blanche.
I don't have many purples.  I've shied away from them, for some reason, which is silly because it's one of my favorite colors (in fact, this polish totally matches the bathrobe I've got on right now. lol.)  This is Catrice Heavy Metallilac, a totally gorgeous warm, metallic ultraviolet that looks different and equally beautimous in all sorts of light.  

So tastie!  I didn't expect to love this color as much as I do.  Part of it is the amazing formula.  This is one coat.  One!  The brush is big and thick, but after I got used to it, this became the easiest polish I've ever applied.  Thanks, Mom, you did awesome!  Can we like, start petitioning Catrice to sell stateside?  

Anyway, it's been a while since I posted cat spam, so here you go.  MST3000, anyone?


  1. It'd be amazing if they did! I love this by the way - I still don't own any Catrice which is way sad. LOVE IT!

    1. I have an uncle who travels to Europe quite frequently. Next time he goes I'll send him over with a wish list, because I know hunting for nail polish is just what he wants to be doing over there. ;D But seriously. Do you swap? I don't, but maybe I should start.

  2. Purple is one of my favorite colors! This one's gorgeous!

    LOVE cat spam! and those glowing eyes in the corner is hilarious!

    1. Tee hee, thanks! I seriously did not notice the glowing eyes until I started cropping the picture, and yes, they are hilarious. :D

  3. wow, your mom did good! Beautiful:)

    1. Thanks! :) I should send her out to buy me polish more often. ;)

  4. I love this polish! I bought most of the new releases and they are just amazing polishes! You should definitely send your uncle on a shopping trip in Europe :P

    1. I sent him after an exclusive perfume in Paris a couple years ago, how much easier would polish be, right? ;)

  5. Holy cow, this color is amazing! Your nails just GLOW! I love purple nail polish and should really wear it more often.

    1. Kelly, you and me with our purples and pinks! We should create a day. Or join the On Wednesdays We Wear Pink clan. ;)

  6. beautiful polish! It's on my wishlist and I cant wait to swap for it

    1. Karine, I'm just a tad envious of your international collection. ;) I'm tempted to start swapping after using this one.


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