
Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Niece's Nails

Well, I've had a good three month stretch with no breakage, but it finally happened a couple nights ago.  It wouldn't be such a big deal to file them all down, but my nubbins aren't even cute.  So I didn't think I'd be doing any polishing for a good week, but then the opportunity presented itself last night while I was hanging out with my 8 year old niece, Ali.  We got into my stash and she chose three colors for her manicure-- Nicole Respect the World, Zoya Trixie, and Zoya Edyta.

Yes, this girl chose an olive/hunter green for her mani, all on her own, with no prompting. lol.  And does she have an eye for color, or what?  I never would have paired the aqua NOPI with Edyta, but they look kind of awesome together.  Here's the finished product.

Ali let out the most excited "Ohhhh!"  when I first painted Edyta on her little fingers.  Haven't we all done that when we're experiencing a mind-blowingly gorgeous new color for the first time, even just in our minds? ;)

Anyway, here's a parting shot of my pretty little nailista, so proud of her awesome nails. 

I told her I was going to put her on my blog, as long as it was okay with her mom, and she was stoked about that, too.  I sure do love this girl. <3
Have a most awesome weekend, and thank you for reading! :)


  1. That is so funny, I went for how many months without breaking a nail and I happened to break 2 yesterday. Luckely they weren't on my "swatch hand". :) But weird that you can go so long without breaking them and then all of a sudden their gone. It looks funny to have a few short ones so I think I'm going to have to file the rest down on that hand.

    1. It does look totally odd, but I can't do it. I can't. I'll file once the short one is long enough to look okay in photos again, but in the meantime, I'll hope no one really notices. ;)

  2. Those are some awesome little nails that are rocking a lovely colour combination! I'd happily have your niece as a nail polish buddy! Tell her that this comment comes all the way from Ireland, won't you? ^.^

  3. Sorry about your breakage :( I saw the picture on Facebook and it made me cringe. That's the worst!! Your niece picked out some awesome colors. Zoya Trixie is my favorite of the 3 :) Looks like there's a future polishaholic in the works ;)

    1. Yeah, it was a bad break. I filed them all down last night and they're soooo short! D:
      I was excited when she pulled both Zoyas. Yep, total FPA in the works. Thanks Kelly! ;)

  4. My daughter's name is Mary Alice, we call her Allie because that is what my son said when we told him her name. We thought about spelling it Ali, but for some reason, Allie is what we ended up with :) Very nice nails, and a very nice name :)

    1. What a sweet name, and a sweet story to match. And thank you. :)

  5. Adorable. They look great and she looks SO happy! My nieces are coming next month and spending 2 weeks with us. I can't wait. I think it's going to be a mani party for two weeks lol.

    1. How fun!!! You have to post some pictures. :) On Sunday Ali showed me that a couple nails had chipped pretty badly, so we'll be doing them over this weekend when she comes to spendthe night.


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