
Monday, June 4, 2012

Against my better judgment... L'Oreal Rendezvous

It is really hard to just, like, not do my nails, even after the heinous break I suffered ON MY SWATCH HAND last Friday, so I thought to myself, Self, why don't you give some of these reds you've suddenly been accumulating some love?  I thought that was a lovely idea, so I painted my nubs last night with the idea that I'd mess around with some new topcoats I recently picked up.  But, I liked how this looked enough to leave it alone, even with the nubs.
This is L'Oreal Rendezvous, a bright, juicy, tomato red jelly.

 I get the appeal of reds on shorter nails now!  Good thing, because this is what I'm stuck with for a while. lol.  I like this polish.  It isn't my favorite shade of red, but I love how shiny and squishy it looks.  These L'Oreals, though... I'm continuously impressed by how easy they are to apply.  Also, this is my first experience with a darker jelly, and I totally get why everyone loves them so. 


  1. Love this red. I am only wary of reds because I don't want the staining from such a deep, rich color so when I wear it I always use 2 coats of base polish. It looks great on you.

    1. Thank you! :) I'll report back on the staining. It can't be any worse than black, lol.

  2. It looks yummy! Nice and juicy:) I must say, your short nails look really cute;)

    1. Thanks Essie! I don't mind them as much, now that they're painted. :)

  3. Looks great Liesl. Short or long or in between nails need polish!!! lol

  4. This color is awesome! I need something like that! I prefer my nails shorter so I don't mind the nubbins! Looks great !

    1. Thanks Cee! I'm kind of interested to see how much my tipwear will improve since I'm now lacking in that department.

  5. Very pretty! My nails are generally on the shorter side so I love them!

  6. This is a sexy red! I'm more digging short nail nowadays lol went back to nubbins and it's so easier

    1. Lower maintenance is definitely a good thing. ;)

  7. AHHH you pulled off the little nubbins so well!

    1. Thank youuuu!! :) I'm so encouraged by all these kind words, especially since they were SO BAD short when I first started out (see March. Or don't. Lol.)

  8. This is one gorgeous red jelly!

  9. My heart skipped at beat at this color - I adore it!

    1. Really? :) I'm excited to try and make some andwiches out of it.


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