
Friday, May 18, 2012

L'Oreal Penthouse Pink

 The thing about those little round EOS lip balms is that the cats think they're awesome toys, and Beau was knocking mine around this morning until I got wise and put the thing out of his reach.  Now he's purring away on my lap and nuzzling my bathrobe, so I can sit and type uninterrupted for a second. 

I had an "I don't know what to wearrrrr!!" moment last night (I just got some new Prisms in the mail, and I have my Holland polishes just waiting to be tried) and I decided (with C's help) on this pretty little creamy carnation pink I picked up last month.  This is L'Oreal Penthouse Pink, which looks every bit as high maintenance as its name suggests, and officially makes me a pastel convert. 

I feel like I have trouble with light and blushed pinks; my skin is just a little too olive.  It's such a pretty shade, though.  Look how shiny. :)

I used three coats for this and I could have used four; it's still a little streaky.  L'Oreal's formula is nice and easy to use, though.  I really like this line and I can't wait to see what they come out with in the future.  
Have a lovely Friday.  Thank you for reading. :)


  1. This is really pretty! I have a love/hate relationship with pastels. I love to wear them but hate to put them on. They can be so much work.

    1. They are! They're so high maintenance. So lovely, though....

  2. This is lovely. I love this shade of pink! Looks really pretty on you Liesl :)

    1. Thanks Tami :) I wasn't quite sure... regardless, I'm definitely wearing it again. :)

  3. I love pale pink polishes. They are so feminine and this one look fantastic on you.

  4. How is it that you post these colors I would NEVER consider and I find myself wanting them so badly! I'm getting the blue LÓreal you posted a couple weeks and back and I went last week and bought the Wet N' Wild stars one...see what a bad influence you are ;)

    1. Yes, well... as long as you realize that you're the one who started this whole thing.... ;) I call it a wash. :D

  5. Liesl, I am not usually a fan of pastel pinks but this is GORGEOUS. And may I also say that you have a very distinctive nail shape. Like when a picture of your nails comes up in my Blogger dashboard I automatically know it's you :) Very pretty! <3

    1. Cool! This means I'll never need to watermark. ;) And thank you. <3

  6. When you are not sure what color to wear, you can't go wrong with pink! It's a lovely shade on you! <3

    ~ Yun

    1. When in doubt, wear pink :) I love it. And thank you <3

  7. beautiful shade! Pink or red are my go to colors when I dont know what to wear :)

    1. You know... I have yet to wear a true red. I own a couple red jellies, so I don't know what I'm waiting for!


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