
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Butter London Union Jack Black, Take Two

 Good morning!!  I've been getting a few hits on my Butter London Union Jack Black post, and I wasn't thrilled about the fact that these are the photos that come up, but I'm not so sure my new ones are any better.... But that it a-ok with me, because this is one of my very favorites and I'm more than happy to practice taking pictures of it.  You know, for the blog. :)  It's funny, because Essie Rae recently posted something in the facebook group we're both a part of  about our favorite colors not getting enough love for the sake of variety.  So this?  Win-win!  Hey, it's been over a month. ;)

Shall I repeat myself from my first post?  This black is patent leather shiny and gorgeous, which also means it scuffs as noticeably as patent leather.  I feel constantly compelled to gloss my nails up on my sleeve and stare at them in all their wwhhhpshhhh-y glory.  Application is a little uneven, and I used two to three coats on each nail. 

After a full day at work, the scuffage was starting to bum me out a little, but I didn't want to totally redo it or change colors altogether.  So I attempted a freehand French with Zoya Zuza.

My first attempt was not a home run, clearly, but, I feel, safely on first.
And that's it!  Enjoy the day.  Thank you for reading. :)


  1. I myself isn't a fan of black polish for full mani's but it looks great on you an I love how shiny it is! It did make Zuza darker and more prominent, it's a great color match!

    1. I sure don't see many full black manis, but yes, I do love a nice, high quality black polish. ;) And thanks, I thought it looked pretty sharp together.

  2. I love black manicures! And the blue accents on them is really cute! Great combo!

    1. Me, too! Now, to paint a straight line. :)

  3. I'm a sucker for a funky! Very nice for your first try!

    1. Why thank you, Grand Master of the Funky French!! :) I'm happpy enough with it that I wore it out. :)

  4. Great job bringing back a favorite and adding a little "flare"! You are an inspiration.

  5. This is such a fun combination! There's something so classy about a shiny black polish. I love looking at my nails when I wear black and I DO shine them on my shirt :) Haha I think I may take your lead ladies and dust off an old favorite that I haven't used in at least a year: OPI Mod About You!!

  6. Replies
    1. I do, too! Definitely worth playing around with some more.

  7. Black polish is so sexy. It looks great on you. I like wearing black polish so much. It is very eye catching! And as you said, scuffable. But you take the good with the bad, right? Looks really pretty with Zuza too!

    1. It is! Black says something different than red or vampy burgundy, like the message is less explicit, shrouded in a little mystery.

  8. I bought this polish specifically and the matte top coast just so I could do a black on black french mani. What you do is paint your nails as you would normally. Once completely dry put tape across the tip (lightly so as to not smudge the underlying mani) then paint the matte top coat. Once all is dry (I think, that step wasn't clear in the instructions) pull the tape off and it is the coolest looking mani ever!

    1. Ohh, this would be fabulous as a black on black French! I'm so going to try this. I've done a couple freehand frenches, and a tape mani, but somehow it never occurred to me to tape off my tips, lol. Thanks for the awesome idea!! :)


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