
Thursday, June 14, 2012

MORE OPI Ballet Collection!

Once again... the cool thing about taking not-so-great photos is getting to do the WHOLE THING OVER!!  The Baby Beau cat took a nick out of my middle finger the first time around, and I somewhat successfully attempted to photoshop it out.  I absolutely love the OPI Ballet collection and at this point, I'm thinking I should get backups of at least two of them, one of which is You Callin' Me a Lyre?.  (I'm seriously NOT a fan of the names. lol.)  Also... thank you gals so very much for the prayers and good thoughts for my Sal Pal yesterday.  More on that (and cat spam) after the polish. :)

I've got nothing new to add to what I've already said.  I love it.  Sheer, shiny, peachy pink perfection in three coats.  And it's so smooth!  My DH kept rubbing my nails as he was holding my hand after this dried. :) 

Anyway, you know that yesterday evening I took Sally to the vet, which was an experience in itself.  Getting her there was fine, but once in the exam room, it took me holding her by her scruff and the vet tech basically dumping her out of the carrier to get her onto the exam table.  Sal is a very high strung cat and does not like new people at all; so when the vet came in to look at her she became very aggressive, backing away, hissing and growling, big eyes, ears back, the whole nine yards.  The vet had to call another tech in, this one clad in those elbow length heavy duty reinforced gloves and bearing a towel to throw over my naughty little cat so she could be examined without hurting someone.  Even so, the vet would not go near Sal's head or face and refused to take a blood sample without sedating her first, and could barely get an accurate heart sound because of her nonstop growling.  "At this point," the vet said to me, "this will be a short visit."  Fair enough.  She did gather that everything sounded and felt normal inside, and sent us home with some antibiotics and some advice for lessening stressors around the house.  She also appears to have had an allergic reaction to a flea treatment and might need to go on steroids, but we'll deal with that after we resolve her tummy issues.  So now I get to collect a poo sample (YAY!)  before we can rule out anything major, and take her back after the antibiotics are finished. 

Baby cat.  The next couple weeks will be filled with lots of monitoring and documentation, but I feel better just knowing we're on the road to helping her feel better, one way or the other. <3  Thanks for reading and thanks again for all your kindnesses. <3


  1. OPI is so hit or miss on their names but hey they make great polishes! I would so love to stamp with one with Trixie (you know me - can't leave well enough alone). I am so happy to hear nothing major appears to be wrong but will keep you and your baby in prayer. Gotta say that last picture screams, "I am so not forgiving you for the vet visit". ROFL!!

    1. Yeah, well, that's one of the friendlier shots I could capture of her this morning... lol. She did sleep next to my head last night, as usual. <3
      Trixie would be AWESOME over Lyre! Maybe I'll attempt another funky French one of these days. :)

  2. Your baby is so pretty. I hope it's nothing more serious and that she goes back to being her old self once the antibiotics kick in.

    I seriously need to get at least one of the OPI Ballet Collection. They're so pretty.

    1. Thanks dear :) Me, too. I feel optimistic. :)

  3. I hated all of the OPI balley polishes at first, but I'm slowly coming around!

    Cute kitty, and poor baby getting all spooked out. Hope things get better :)

    1. Thanks Julie :) I knew she wasn't going to like being examined, but I honestly didn't think the vet would react quite like she did. That couldn't have been the worst cattitude she'd come across, but maybe it was. Sal wanted to stay in her carrier for a while after I brought her home, too, poor lil girl.
      And yes, the Ballet collection does seem to be polarizing! That's awesome that you're coming around. :) In my experience, the stuff I've had to come around on have been the most well loved (including these... I was just meh for a while).

  4. That is such encouraging news about your kitty! I've been thinking about her (and you) since yesterday's post. I hate the vet appts where you go but you don't know what you're going to find out. Hopefully it's just the allergic reaction the vet suggested & temporary tummy issues.

    And yeah, that 2nd pic is priceless. Wonder what was going through her mind at that time? :)

    PS. Pretty mani! I don't think I own anything like that. I need some more subdued colors... I could probably figure out by a Google search, but is this at all close to OPI Bubble Bath? Everyone seems to love that one; since it's a core color (I think) that's the one I was considering getting. But YCMAL is very pretty too!


    1. Aw. Thank you, April. I do feel optimistic. The vet was very knowledgeable and helpful. I guess we'll see what I come home to tonight. The second picture is likely "Can I just look out the window in peace, please??" Tee hee hee. ;)

      As far as Lyre being similar to Bubble Bath, I've only heard they're dupes. The comparison posts I've read aren't too terribly helpful. They show color but don't discuss opacity or formula.

  5. I'm so glad you reached out to me through Stephanie's blog!! Now I found yours and I LOVE IT!!! I really hope your kitty will start feeling better soon...!!

    1. Thanks, Gosia :) :) And I hope so, too. She's my soft, special Sal. lol. ;)

  6. Good news on the kitty! :) I must say, I love the length of your nails:)

    1. Yes. I'm feeling optimistic. :)

      You know what? I like them, too! I was thinking that this morning, looking at my first Lyre post vs. this one. I think I'll maintain this length. And thank you!! :)

    2. I agree with Essie Rae, I love the length of your nails too!

  7. I love this polish on you! And your nail length is perfect! Thanks for the great swatches! :D

    1. And thank you, Pamela!! This is definitely top 10. :)

  8. Aw poor pretty kitty!! Hope he's feeling better fast! And I love the Ballet collection and this one looks gorgeous on you! :)

    1. Thanks Victoria :) She's been on antibiotics for two days and she's already showing signs of improvement. And thanks, also! I loveloveLOVE this color. :)


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