
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sally Hansen Nail Prisms Diamond

Good morning!  I don't feel particularly wordy today, so here's the point.  Today's notd is another Nail Prism that came in the five pack with Mandarin Garnet.  This one is Diamond.  It's a linear silver holo.  There are many like it. :)

These are two coats.

 This is three.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this polish.  In fact, I'm impressed with the consistently awesome formulae of the Prism line.  It's just that holos are really prolific right now, and there are stronger, prettier silvers than this one.  On its own, Diamond goes for $9.99 and up.  Like real diamonds, I suppose, this one is a little too spendy for how common it is (as far as this line goes).  I guess I'm more of a colored gem gal. ;)  If you're interested in collecting this discontinued line, look around in Grocery Outlet and Ross for the five-packs before shelling out online for Diamond.  

I'm worried about my Sally cat.  I think she might be pretty sick.  She's always been a very clean cat, but lately she's been anything but.  I'm going to take her into the vet this evening after work.  You know how your imagination tends to run wild sometimes?  I found this polish via The Trace Face Philes and I've been tempted to get it to have around when my little cats go to the Rainbow Bridge (I'm tearing up right now a little, sorry) but I feel like I shouldn't even be thinking it, let alone ordering a memorial polish preemptively. 
I guess I felt a little wordy, after all.  Thanks for reading. <3


  1. :( good luck at the appointment tonight :(

  2. Aw, I hope your kitty is OK. Hope the vet gives you some answers.

  3. It is a pretty polish but so common - I am sooooo sorry to hear about your baby :( Kitties are so special and we have them for far too short of time in my opinion. I'll be hoping it's just a tummy bug or something like that <3 Pleas be sure to let us know how it goes doll.

    1. Thank you, dear. :) I agree. You get these pets with the knowledge that 1) you're going to love them to pieces, and 2) you're going to outlive them. It's kind of not fair. :( You give your lil heart away with full knowledge that iit WILL be broken. I will keep you posted.

  4. I've never seen those nail prisms before....they look like the milani holos!

    1. Do they? Interesting. I've been waiting for the Milanis to show up in my neck o' the woods.

  5. I hope your cat does well at the vet. My baby girl got sick really bad last year and had to go to the emergency vet, but it ended up OK. I hope Sally bounces back for you!

    1. Thank you, dear :) I hope so, too. I'm so glad your lil girl made it through.

  6. So sorry to hear your cat is not well. Hopefully it's nothing serious and the appointment goes well! <3

    ~ Yun

  7. This is so pretty. I like that it seems kind of soft and not harsh. Really pretty.

    I hope everything does well at the vet and it's nothing too serious!

  8. I have this but haven't worn it yet. It's pretty! I like it. Looks good on you for sure. Your Sally is in my prayers. I understand the worry and stress when your baby isn't well. Hoping for good news!

  9. I wanna talk about the mani first, But I gotta ask about your cat.
    I pray for Sally and hope all is well. Please keep us updated.

    Now to the polish, Oh I gotta go check ross. Been a while I went there.
    This looks good, but yes, so many silver/diamond holos out there. I'll be interested in this if I find it in a pack. SO not shelling the cash online

  10. Awww I hope everything is okay with your cat ::hugs:: I get teary eyed thinking about my puppy passing away, especially lately since she's older and has a heart condition. I haven't read that poem Rainbow Bridge because I know I'll lose it!


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