Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rainbow Favorites Day Four: Zoya Ivanka

Good morning!!  Is everyone else as stoked as I am that green day is finally here?!  I mentioned in Monday's post how the colors I wear tend to follow a pattern, and I decided before this challenge began that I need more greens in my life, with my eye on one in particular...  Today is the perfect day to give Zoya Ivanka its first wearing.
Can I just say how much I want a dress that looks like this polish?  Love!

 See how the A is coming off my brand new bottle?  It's like Hot L Baltimore. ;)

Ivanka's a really interesting color.  It's a warm emerald/jade green with green and gold microglitter, but then sometimes it looks the slightest bit blue (the camera likes the blue, but it's greener than the photos are letting on); it's kind of fascinating.  Prepare to look like a crazy person studying your nails in public while wearing this. 
I used three coats, and it needed all of them.  Typically awesome it-applies-itself Zoya formula here.  
 Aaaand, thank you for reading! :)  Check out some other fabulous greens below.


  1. Replies
    1. I keep thinking how awesome a little cocktail dress in this color would be. I'd even settle for a pair of stilettos.

  2. Aaah!!! You will make me try out every single Zoya I have everyday!!! I have this and never out it on!!! That will change soon for sure :))

    1. I saw you missed your Zoya day, tee hee hee. ;) I can't wait to see it on you!

    2. I know, I suck hehe :). So... I thought of a challenge, its actually borrowed from one of the bloggers (she did that for herself). The challenge would be to wear polishes according to the alphabet (so first one would be starting with an A, then a B, you get the idea). It could be your favorites or just any polishes starting with the given letter that you have in your stash. Nail art nit required (otherwise I'd never participate in my own challenge haha). Any personal challenges can be also incorporated, so for me Tuesdays with Zoya will have to feature a Zoya starting with the given letter. We could do 4-5 letters per week not to overwhelm people and so they don't have to paint their nails everyday. And is someone doesn't have a color starting with the letter... Then she should make up a funny phrase starting with the letter and somehow incorporate the name of the polish into it!
      Let me know what you think!!! We could start this whenever if you want to join... I just don't want to do it myself, kinda boring that way. No pressure though!! Honest thoughts!!!

    3. I'm in! I'll be making up a lot of names, though, lol. My stash is quite small (as in double digits....) How about in like, a week and a half? This challenge will be over on Saturday, then I'd like to take a week to kind of chill.

    4. Yay!!! We could do 2 weeks just to make it even!! So July 16 will be the A day and let's do 4 letters a week, persons choice which days. So cool you decided to join!! I'll put it up on my blog in a week or so!!

    5. July 16 sounds awesome!! :)

    6. Ladies, I wanna be a part too!!!

      Email me please when y'all are starting. Lol...

    7. Awesome, Lizzy! Will do! :)

  3. I love Ivanka so much! One of my favorite greens.

  4. Lovely! I have a dupe instead of the real one, but hey, still love it!

    1. Got to love dupes, man. :) Which do you have?

  5. That's so pretty! I saw Ivanka at my local Ulta the other day and was struck by how shimmery and sparkly it is. It looks lovely on you! :-)

    ~ Yun

  6. I LOVE Ivanka! My first two Zoyas were Ivanka and Charla, and then last year's summer glassfleck collection. Great green choice :)

    1. Thank you thank you!! :) I LOVE Charla. She might be top five.

  7. Oh cool! I've never seen this one before. It's going on my wishlist now:) I've been waiting to find some polishes that I want from Zoya because I have a bunch of those rewards points or whatever they are called. I think this may have to be one of them:)

    1. Oh yeah, Share the Love points! I need to use mine, too. I have quite the Zoya wishlist, lol. ;)

  8. Ivanka really IS the perfect green polish... gorgeous!!

  9. Lovely Polish. Gets no love in my stash. I have to wear it again.

  10. And better in real life, as you can imagine. :)

  11. Ivanka is such a gorgeous polish!! it looks pretty on you :D


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