Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rainbow Favorites Day One: Butter London Come To Bed Red

Hello, Sunday!!  Bec over at Lacquer Dreams came up with a super fun challenge, that being one week of wearing your favorite of a prechosen color in some fashion on each day.  This is perfect for me because it does not involve art!!  But it can, if I so desire.  Um, we'll see.  Two of the days are challenging enough, but more on those later.  Today is day one, and the color is RED.  I chose Butter London Come To Bed Red.

Come To Bed Red is a ridiculously sexy, rich and true red, one that could totally veer into Hellooooo Nurse! territory, if you wanted it to.  It has that deliciously shiny signature Butter London creme look, is perfect in two coats, AND cleans up and off like you wouldn't believe a red could.

It goes quite nicely with my favorite perfume, too.  The two make me feel oh, so....


  1. OOh, another great red from you! I don't own any Butter Londons yet!

    1. Thank you!! And no time like the present to start! Tee hee hee ;)

  2. Very pretty! I'm with you on the no nail art. Yay!

    1. If I started doing art on a regular basis, I'd have to change the mms of the blog. ;) And thank you :)

  3. ahhhh this is on my wishlist <3 must get it one day

  4. Pretty! I would lOVE to take part in this. I posted my link on her post about it today - hopefully I can be added to the link list. I'll post my red in a bit! :) Love your Butter London! You look great in red:)

    1. Thanks Sweets!! I'm glad you're taking part, too. :) :)

  5. This is such a pretty red!! :)

    1. Isn't it? :) I'd say it's rad. It is a rad red. ;D

  6. Wow this is one sexy red! I'm wearing somthin very similar at this very moment!

    1. Sweetness!! I love red, it's my favorite color, along with purple (depending on the day, lol), non polishspeaking. And yes, this one is quite sexy.

  7. I'll add you! The list has changed a lot over the last few hours. There's at least one I need to remove and another to add.
    I love seeing all these reds, too! I didn't want to take mine off. :)

  8. Great red this one! I am curious to know which days will be the most challenging for you :)

    1. Orange and yellow, for sure, on account of my not having any of one and only one of the other, and blue, because I still can't decide which I'm going to use! Really, I just want to wear this red all week. ;)


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