
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Independence Day! WetnWild Stars & Stripes Againnnnn!

Msdfhjsdgfb.  I woke up some time between 3:30 and 4:00 this morning from a bad dream and was plagued with the dark, irrational thoughts that seem to present in the dark, when everyone else is sleeping.  And, I felt a leg cramp coming on.  After much tossing and turning and a small facebook rant about autocorrect, I started to doze 15 minutes before C had to get up for work.  Then Baby Beau came in with his kickaroo and couldn't decide if he'd rather attack the toy or my feet.  That must've gone on for another couple hours, because I woke up just before 9 feeling like I hadn't really fallen back asleep. :(  Oh, I also dreamed I scratched off my entire mani before I even got to take pictures of it.  Fortunately... no nails were harmed.  Does five photos count as pic heavy?

That's China Glaze Frostbite, OPI I'm Not Really A Waitress, and WetnWild Stars & Stripes.  I did the reverse on my right hand, and I wish I had asked C to take a picture of both hands last night (yes, I was ready to show you my non dominant hand paint job) because I'm so stoked about how this turned out!

I'm not sure how I feel about shots like these.  I think my fingers look chubby. :p

I'm feeling oh-so wild and crazy because I used THREE polishes in the making of this mani, and I totally love it.  Our Fourth won't be as crazy, though, lol.  C's got lots of studying to do tomorrow and I'll be catching up on laundry, and maybe I'll go shoot off some ground blooms in the driveway. ;)
Anyway, aside from my intensely krappy night, I did wake up to a lovely surprise on here, and all I'll say is you guys truly make my day, whether or not you comment... but if you don't, don't be shy!! :) :) I'd seriously love to hear from you.  Have an amazing holiday.  Be safe and all that. <3 <3


  1. Aaah sorry about your night!! At least you get to sleep in tomorrow!!
    Love the star polish, I wish I had it in my stash so i wouldn't have to stamp :). Cuz yes, I'm thinking about something 'artsy' for the 4th and i may also use 3 (gasp!!) polishes!!! I have no clue what to do though.. I got a whole day to think though!

    1. Aren't we just so adventurous. ;) I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. This turned out great! I too love that star polish. Have a great 4th of July (=

  3. I love this combination!! Stars & stripes is so fun! And I don't think your fingers look chubby at all. But I know how you feel because I never show my hands like that :) I really do have little hot dog fingers though haha!

    1. Thanks Kelly :) Mainly I wanted to mix it up a bit and do something other than a bunch o' bottle shots this time. And I'm sure your hands are beautiful...we're our own worst critics. ;)

  4. Ah, sorry to hear about sleeping woes! And foot cramps are the worst! ><

    I love your july 4th mani! Very patriotic and classy at the same time! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun :) A couple ibuprofen took care of it. And thank you again, lol ;) I don't feel terribly ostentatious in it, so that's a good thing. :)

  5. OMG, I just had a leg cramp the other night - that was soooo painful! It was sore for the next two days. Ouchie! I did some research and it looks like I need to drink more water??? Love this mani! Looks perfect for the 4th. And even though you have stars on every nail, it is still simple and beautiful! Great job.

    1. Two days?! You poor thing. :( Come to think of it, I couldn't drink enough water yesterday. Interesting. I'd always thought it had something to do with my workouts, but I bet you're right. Anyhoo, thank you very much! Those stars were hard fought, especially on my right hand. ;)

    2. Yes, a hard workout can do it too and I did lunges around the track that day so I was thinking it was a combination of both. I came back to this post because I was just at a movie and for some reason it occurred to me that you may have taken the "even though you have stars on every nail" comment wrong. I said that because of our last conversation about having stars on every nail. I was hoping you didn't read it wrong cuz I could see how it could be taken in a negative way - I didn't mean it negatively :) Peace!

    3. Not at all! I was thinking of our last convo, too. :)

  6. I love seeing all those patriotic manicures! love the silver stars, have a great holiday dear :)

  7. Woo hoo! I love this combo; very simple and celebratory at the same time. So funny about thinking your fingers look chubby; sometimes I have to crop photos a certain way otherwise I think "oh, my pinkie looks so fat at this angle!" - ridiculous :)

    1. Thanks Emma! I actually got a few compliments at work today (making this the most "successful" mani I've done, on that front). And yes, totally ridiculous. Even so... I think mine look best in the bottle shot. ;)

  8. Super cute mani! I see why you got compliments, it's simple and yet cool.
    Sorry to hear about your not-so-perfect night :/

    1. Thanks Simona! :) And last night fared much better. :)

  9. You've had quite an eventful day. Lol. Scratched off nails before pictures were taken? Lol.. that's some dream! Lol Glad no nails were harmed though.

    The result is fabulous! Looks really great. Those stars are lovely.

    1. Yeah, from 4 to 9 am it was way more eventful than I would have liked. Lol. And thanks!! I really like it, too. :)

  10. Love this! Happy 4th Liesl!


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