
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sally Hansen Nail Prisms Lavender Sapphire

Good morning!!  I hope your 4th was awesome, fellow American nail fiends, and to you other fiends, I hope you had an amazing Wednesday!! <3  Ours was so quiet, but one of the best ever.  We stayed close to home, did some yard and house work, watched some X Files, lit a few of of our own fireworks, and listened to the illegals going off around us until we went to bed.  Nothing like celebrating your independence by breaking the law.... ;)  We kept running to look out various windows in our house, like excited little kids, trying to catch a glimpse.  

Anyway, on to the polish. ;)  I've felt like the lighter Nail Prisms are hit and miss, but Lavender Sapphire is actually quite spectacular.  It's another light pearl, but it isn't your average pearl!  It's a gorgeous and fairly strong duochrome. 

Lavender Sapphire shifts from lavender to light blue to pale pink, and has that awesome lit from within thing that makes the lighter Prisms so pretty.  The amazing thing about this one?  Two coats.  Every Prism but the holos have required three.  Speaking of the shift, I'm not really sure which color to file this under... I guess I'll go with white.  Or maybe it doesn't need that designation.  How very special, lol. ;)

I was going to end this one with a shot of me lighting a ground bloom flower last night, but the shot C got of me had a small flaw... apparently I need a different belt.  
Thank you for reading!!  Have a tantalizing Thursday. ;)


  1. Aahh love how it looks blue in the shade!!!! And I used to like illegals until 3 years ago when some kids threw a firecracker in a garbage can and burnt down 7 cars and half of my apartment building!!! Now i only like the big ones in the city :)

    1. Isn't that cool looking? I wish I was better at capturing the many facets of duochromes.
      I would totally be against illegals, too, with that experience. C's grandma lives close by and is in constant fear of one landing on her roof, and quite honestly, I don't blame her... Take a valium and say a couple prayers, I think.

  2. Glad you had a great 4th! We were out on the pontoon watching everyone around the lake shooting off illegals! It was fun and that is the only day of the year we let our girls stay up past 8:30! ....hehe, yes strict parents! Yet another beautiful sheer polish - that is your signature mani :)

    1. I guess it is, isn't it? :) I certainly do enjoy them. :) How fun for your girls! Nothing wrong with being strict. How old are they?

  3. What a delicate color. It looks really good on you. I'm glad you hear you had a fun independence day! My hubby had to work, but he said a bunch of people went up to the flight deck to watch the fireworks go off in the area.

    1. Thanks, C! I'm glad your DH got to see some fireworks. I remember one 4th I worked a swing shift, and was driving home from work just before midnight and I saw one in the distance. It totally made my day. :)

  4. Glad your 4th was great! I love duochrome pearls, so I think Lavender Sapphire is absolutely gorgeous! :D

    ~ Yun


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