
Friday, August 31, 2012

And the winner is....

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Karine A. is the winner of my reader appreciation giveaway.  Congratumafreakinlations, Karine! :) :)
I've contacted her, she's responded, and her polish has been ordered.  She wished for either Lady Muck or Sloane.  I got to choose between those two, and as of right now it's a surprise. ;)

To everyone who entered (and those of you who didn't, lol)-- thanks for finding my blog and helping make this hobby so enjoyable for me.  You're truly the best. <3


  1. Thank you so much to you for putting it together!

  2. Yay congrats to the winner! (Although I do think you spelled my name wrong, and you must have emailed the wrong address, cause I didn't get an email from you :P)

    ~ Yun


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