
Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Neons

Happy Labor Day!!  I'm trying sooo hard to hold off on wearing my fall colors until fall officially arrives.  This week's going to be a hot one, so that ought to keep me motivated to not start trotting out all my rich, delectable cremes and dark duochromes quite yet.  Today I'm going full-on bright with a couple neons, Sinful Colors Summer Peach (pinkie and ring) and Sinful Colors Dream On (middle and index).  Remember coloring your nails with your highlighters in grade school?  That's what neons will forever remind me of.  

Most of us know how neons dry matte.  I wanted to take a couple pictures of that because it does look kind of cool, and I've never seen a photo of neons without topcoat (at least, not that I'm aware of).  However, I prefer my nails slick and glossy. :)

Can I just say how maddeningly inaccurate these pictures are?!  I had some serious reservations about posting this one at all.  The last photo is the closest to accurate of the orange, Summer Peach, but it's really much brighter and not as yellow.  Dream On, the purple, is darker and more bluey.   
These Sinfuls have a nice little formula and good brushes, which is not always the case with this brand.  But for under $2 a pop, it's a great way to try out a trend, even if you wait till the end of the season to do so. ;)

So, Labor Day.  The last "official" day to wear white.  I've got my nephew's fourth birthday party to attend this afternoon, and I'm contemplating if it's a good idea to wear white capris to the occasion.  My nails would look totally sweet with a white outfit, but I'm leaning towards no.  I can just see grass stains and colored frosting wreaking havoc on them. lol.  
Have an awesome day and thanks for reading! <3


  1. ooh you're so much better than me, I've given up on neons this year!! I do love them but I am really ready for the darker colors =)
    Liesl, I wanted to ask you something: Ulta will have Butter London BOGO pretty soon and I know you've been using them. I was thinking about getting "Shag" (I just have to for the name!!!) and contemplating between Trustafarian and Gobsmacked. What do you think??? I've never tried Butter London so I think that will be a good introduction for me!

    1. Lol, Shag is an awesome name! My favorite is Dodgy Barnett. Personally, I think BL's cremes and holos are their best, but mostly because those are the colors that speak the most to me. I'm thinking I'll get Shag, as well, because a burnished copper for fall just sounds so appealing (like that Finger Paints magnetic you sent me <3). I'd choose Trustafarian, but Gobsmacked is lovely and probably more versatile. I can't wait to hear what you choose! :)

  2. OMG I have both of these and summer peach is one of my favorite neons!!

    1. It's pretty cool :) It's fun to have something that bright on your fingers.

  3. Such a cool duo:) I have Dream On and I know what you mean about it not photographing accurately. So annoying. When I tried to photograph Flip Flop Fantasy, I actually took the pics in a darkened room. Do you really follow the "no white after Labor Day rule?" :) I guess I don't really wear white bottoms anyway, but you'll catch me with a white top any time of the year - even if I disappear in the snow!

    1. I probably follow the rule, unintentionally (which is, apparently, more traditionalist and not something you're "bound" to adhere to anymore). Like you, I don't have many white bottoms. White tops are totally fair game, imo. I guess I never really thought about that, but I love white sweaters in winter. The darkened room is a great idea. Next time I do anything with neons I'll try that.

  4. These are both such pretty colors. I'm not giving up my brights yet either. I love fall, but I'm not ready to give up my bright flashy colors yet.

  5. I love neons, and both of these are so pretty! But I agree, they are so hard to photograph. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. They are!! I tinkered around with these a bunch, too. :p

  6. I love this combination! Oh neons!! Always had to capture, but at least we can TELL people how awesome they are... humm maybe I should pick them up myself just to "make sure" they really are neon! lol


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