
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

GOSH Ocean

Happy Tuesdaaaay!!  I was watering our blueberries and baby fig trees this morning and noticed a kink in the hose at one point as I adjusted the sprinkler.  The sprinkler wasn't putting anything out, so I incorrectly assumed I'd turned the water off.   Of course I soaked myself a bit as soon as I straightened out the hose.  It's been a nice, hot morning, though, (and perfect for a polish called Ocean, tee hee) so I wasn't too upset.  I dried out soon enough. ;)

Some of you might remember that my mom went to Holland this past spring, and I naturally sent her over with a not too specific wishlist.  I asked for a Gosh polish, and she came home with Ocean, a gorgeous silvery turquoise metallic.  Here it is, in two coats.

There are lots of colors like this floating around, but it is a shade unique to my collection.  I just love how cool and summery it is, and how it flashes blue or green in different light.  The formula is marvelously easy and smooth to apply.

Holland is, of course, known for their tulips, so Mom also brought back a few wooden ones, apparently prolific in souvenir shops.  (Gee, I wonder why?)  We've got three.

 Aren't they cute?  They normally reside in a stein on the mantle in our living room.

Anyhoo... I'm off to enjoy the sun and do some more watering, and possibly take a nap. ;)  Have an amazing day, and thank you for reading!! <3



  1. So beautiful! The tulips are so super cute too <3

    1. My mom had a couple extra sitting around her house, so when she earned that we actually did something with ours, she gave us hers, too. <3

  2. I love this polish shade! You captured the duochrome really well! The tulips are gorg :)

    1. Thanks, Karen! I totally did not think this was a duochrome... just looks blue in some light and greener in others... Well, I guess that is the definition of duochrome, isn't it. My gosh, what do I know? :) :)

  3. That Gosh color is beautiful! You're right, it's a lovely summery color! :D I really like the tulips too!

    ~ Yun

    1. It cools me off a little just looking at it, tee hee! ;)

  4. Gorgeousssss! And its named the same as my daughter.. Must get it i think! Brill post xxx

    1. Why, thank you! What a lovely, lovely name for a girl.

  5. i love this kind of polishes... and the tulips are cute!! i also nominate you for liebster award...

    1. I sure am loving this one! Thank you for the nomination :)

  6. DROOOOOL.... this polish is awesome!!! so right up my alley!!!
    And I love the tulips!! I'm big for these kind of knicknacks (sp?).. I always bring myself or ask my mom to bring me stuff from travels too!
    And I don't have any of Gosh polish!! I've heard such good things, one day it will make an appearance in this girl's stash!!

    1. Well, if this one's any indication, I'm sure they're all awesome. I guess they rereleased their holo, too, which is supposedly more holo than Layla's silver. And yes, as long as we're not travelling, I'm glad I have my mom to bring me knicknacks (I think you spelled it right)!!

  7. Darling this is gorgeous!! Oh my goodness. Looks good on you! I gotta write the name of this one down.

    1. Thanks, Lizzy!! :) I haven't even looked into whether or not Gosh is available stateside.

  8. This is a beautiful polish! I love those wooden tulips - especially because they traveled such a long way to get to your yard. That is so cool that she went to Holland - that would be an interesting trip!

    1. Wouldn't it? She had some good photos and good stories. Lots of WWI history there.

  9. This is so gorgeous!! This has been sitting in my untrieds for quite awhile, I need to swatch it soon. And I am swooing over those wooden tulips, they are awesome!

    1. You know, this has been in my own untrieds since I received it back in May! I couldn't even begin to tell you why I waited so ling to wear it. Also, I want a red tulip now, lol. I need to send my mom back over. ;)

  10. I love it! I just got one like this in my collection - I am actually wearing it today!!! - and it is an Island Girl polish. I usually would not go for something like this but I am LOVING it!

    1. Island Girls!!! Those are the ones you can only get in Vegas or Hawaii, right? Maybe someday... ;)

  11. Holland, yay! Hope she had a great time :)
    I like the gosh polish :D

    1. She enjoyed being there. She went with her brother and sister. My uncle led the way, and he keeps a ridiculous pace up, and I know she would've liked to slow down a bit... So much to see, though!

  12. What a gorgeous color. I love anything aqua or turquoise.

    1. You know, this is the only color like this in my stash! It is lovely, and I'm pretty stoked to be wearing it. It's got decent staying power, too. ;)


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