
Monday, August 13, 2012

Speaking of Butter London....

Hi there, me again, lol. ;) 
It's hard to type with a sleeping cat draped over your arm.

Here's something I've been thinking about for a long time, and probably overthought, but that's how I operate, so there it is. lol.  I think you all are pretty neat.  This whole blogging thing has been quite the experience, from my not-so-decorous beginning intentions to the genuinely awesome place I feel I'm in now, and it all wouldn't mean half as much if it weren't for you.  The fact that you've subscribed in some capacity, the fact that you comment, it brings such a smile to my facie-face face. <3 <3

So anyway, on to business.  

My current stash o' Butters

Butter Londons are some of my very favorite polishes.  Their colors are beautiful, the formula perfection, and the little rectangle bottles make me happy. :D  So, I'm giving away one bottle of the color of your choice to one super freakin' lucky reader, lol.  Choose your color here.

Here are the specs.
This one's for US residents only.  The only mandatory requirements of this giveaway are that you follow via GFC (the only way I can verify you) and that you provide me your email address.  I reserve the right to invalidate any entry that clearly violates stipulated rules, including the non-mandatory entries.
Fill out the rafflecopter widget below.  Once the raffle has ended, I will contact the winner via email to get his or her mailing address.  The winner will have 48 hours to respond, and if I receive no response, rafflecopter will choose a new winner.  I will then order one (1) polish from Butter London's website and have it shipped directly to the winner's home.  Promotions within Butter London company are inconsequential to this giveaway.  I am not liable for lost, damaged, or stolen product.  I am not liable for accidents or adverse reactions involving the product. 

I think that covers it.  Please email me with any questions or concerns.  Good luck, thanks again, and welcome to new readers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My very favorite BL color is All Hail the Queen. I would like to win Disco Biscuit :)

  2. My favorite butter LONDON is The Black Knight and I would love to win Wallis!!

  3. Cool give away! I'm in canada so I won't enter, but I love your blog, and feel the same way you do ;)

  4. My favorite as of right now is totally Big Smoke, but I pine and yearn Trustafarian. Totally fantastic giveaway btw!!!

  5. I've never owned any butter london, but I would love to win Knees up!

  6. Awesome giveaway Liesl. Thanks so much for having it, it's very generous! My fave right now is Trout Pout and I'd love to win All Hail the Queen. :)

  7. Im drooling over Knees Up, and All Hail The Queen!

  8. Hmmm, that's a hard one. The favorite BL color I have is Lady Muck. The one I would order if I won would be Marrow. I have enjoyed getting to know you and your blog is looking fantastic!!!

  9. Thank you for the giveaway.. I don't own any but I would love to get Cheeky Chops

  10. All Hail the Queen! Though I really like Muggins, too :)

  11. I saw Trout Pout in an ad once and I thought I'd like to have that one.

  12. Oh dear, I have to choose? I love Disco Biscuit and the Black Knight for glitters but Squatter has to be the best shade of Green ever.

  13. oh my gosh!!! I have no idea??? they all look amazing!! so if I won I would just let you chose it for me =))

  14. Well, after seeing your swatches I now need All Hail the Queen! It is all your fault, really ;) Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. My favorite is knees up! I would most likely have to order... Gobsmacked!

  16. Oh, man, I don't even have to think about this one. Wallis, definitely. Now if you ask me if I covet other colors...why, yes I DO!!

  17. I don't own any, so I don't have a favorite. Loads of them look interesting, having to pick just one...maybe Yummy Mummy? It doesn't have as cool of a name though! Can't decide if I should pick on color or name!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Trout Pout, Trout Pout! How I want and love Trout Pout! Thank you!

  19. I'd love to win swinger or trout pout!

  20. Liesl you're such a doll for having this great giveaway! I don't own any Butter London polishes so I don't know what my favorite is, but I would love to win Knackered.

  21. I think my favorite color by butter LONDON is Slapper!

  22. My god Liesl! What a great giveaway! Thank you for having it!! Wow so many BL's which one to choose? I don't know where to even start but if I had to choose one? Squatter would be it !

  23. My favorite BL is Wallis and I'd love to win Shag, its just gorgeous! Thank you for this giveaway. :)

  24. My favorite is a tie between Knees Up and Wallis. I would love to win All Hail The Queen. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway! :-)

    ~ Yun

  25. My favorite (or three at the moment) Slapper, Tart with a Heart and the Black Knight. I would love to win the new Trustafarian.Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  26. Disco Biscuit Nail Lacquer is my fav!

  27. my favorites, which are both lemmings, are disco biscuit and black Knight! the nearest places to purchase BL's are between 2-4 hours away. darn the air force for sending us to a desolate location! =P thanks for the awesome giveaway! so generous!

  28. I don't currently own any :( I really like Henley Regatta, Jaffa, and The Black Knight. It's way too hard to pick one! There are too many pretties. Thank you for such an amazing giveaway :)

  29. My favourite is Victoriana (HEAVEN on nubbies!) and I am lusting for either Dodgy Barnett or Trustafarian!

  30. Aww, I'm so glad I found your blog, too!

    My fave bL is No More Waity Katie. I would definitely love to own Come to Bed Red (I even repinned your swatch on Pinterest!--I'm April L.). Thanks for the fun giveaway!

    1. Thanks, April! :) I seriously thought you'd been around, though... I could've sworn I remember you from when my Sal Pal was sick?...

  31. Trustafarian!! Ohhh man, that holo come to mamma!

  32. ooh not sure because i don't own any yet. i do like disco bicuit but not sure which one i would choose. it will probably take me awhile to pick.

  33. I do not have any, but my fave is The Black Knight and I want to win The Black Knight. lol Everytime I see it I wish I had it. :) Thank you!

  34. I own/love Fash Pack and would love to win No more Waity, Katie! Thank you!

  35. I found you through PaA and am a new follower. :) This is a great giveaway, thank you for doing it. :D I honestly can't give a fave at this moment but it is a toss up between Trout Pout (I love that name!) No More Waity, Katie and the new holo ones... Can't remember the names.

    Sorry... I suck. LOL

  36. I love Dodgy Barnett, Marrow. It's a toss up.

  37. New follower here! I've always loved the bottles of butterLONDON and their neat shape. The color I've had the hardest time finding that I'm desperately in love with is All Hail the Queen!

  38. I currently own knackered and LOVE it! I don't know which one I'd want if I win! I love them all!

  39. i have a giant lemming for the black knight and tart with a heart. they look absolutely gorgeous together, and are breathtaking even by themselves :)

  40. I don't own any so I'm not sure which is my favorite. But I love the swatches for All Hail McQueen, Victoriana, and Marrow

  41. The Black Knight.. but they're all so gorgeous!!

  42. I have been wanting All Hail the Queen foreverrrr....Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!

  43. I don't have any Butter polishes...but I want them so so badly! I think I would choose West End Wonderland, or maybe Rosie Lee!

  44. Thanks for the giveaway =) I haven't gotten to try this brand yet, but I've heard nothing but wonderful things out of it! To be honest, I don't think I could choose one color, unless of course I had to lol ;) But I have been looking for a good red & a nice pearly I might would choose Come To Bed Red, Blowing Raspberries, Old Blighty or Pearly Queen =) Ohhhhh, too many decisions & not enough fingers..LoL ;P

  45. Cheeky Chops is one of my favorite BLs! I'm not a huge fan of yellows, but for some reason I just love it, it is gorgeous!

    Thanks for this shot, this is an awesome giveaway!!

  46. Thanks for the great giveaway! My all time favorite would have to be All Hail the Queen! The BL that I'm lemming right now is Trustafarian! Absolutely love it!

  47. Thanks for the giveaway! I love BL too! Hmmm, my favorite would probably be Trout Pout at the moment, but I also really want All Hail the Queen!

  48. I just found your blog (...a few months ago) and it is aaaawwwweeeessssooommmeee!!!! :)

  49. I <3 Knees Up....though I've been lemming British Racing Green & Scouse.

  50. I like Disco Biscuit and The Dark Knight.

  51. Mmmmm....Trustafarian is my fave@

    Great giveaway, btw. :)


  52. I've been dying to get The Black Knight!

  53. Favorite is Slapper but would love to try Henley Regatta.

  54. I've never owned one. :( Branwen's Feather looks awesome!

    1. Doesn't it?! That one's on my wishist, too. <3

  55. trout pout i dont own any butter london

  56. I only own Disco Biscuit and that is my favorite right now... I would love to win Dodgy Barnett!!!

  57. My favorite is Tart with a Heart! I'd really love All Hail The Queen! It looks so pretty!

  58. All Hail the queen is a pretty fantastic color! Very pretty!

  59. my favourite is Disco biscuit and i want to win All Hail the queen!!

  60. I have never tried Butter London and would love to! I would like to try All Hail The Queen.

  61. Hadnt worn Butter London before until I recently got a trio pack on sale. I'd most want to try Dodgy Barnett or Trustafarian I think. I dont own any holos at all aside from a sparse glitter topcoat lol.

  62. I'd love Knees Up. Haven't tried Butter London yet but everyone says it's awesome!

  63. I'd love Knees Up. Haven't tried Butter London yet but everyone says it's awesome!

  64. Great giveaway Liesl! I would love Bumster or All Hail The Queen :)

  65. I don't have any Butter London polishes but Knackered has been on my wishlist for a long time!

    Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into your blog!

  66. My current fav bl color is trout pout! I really really really want to win black night!!!

  67. My fave is The Black Knight and I would choose either No More Waity Katie or Knackered.

    -Cassandra Wells

  68. Blowing Raspberries is my favorite! It's the perfect pink-red for fall/winter!

  69. I would love Marrow! Thanks for the giveaway!

  70. Black knight really any but I love anything dark

  71. Rosie Lee is nice - but I don't see a Rafflecopter on this page anywhere...

  72. I have been lemming Trout Pout forever! Thanks, Great giveaway! <3

  73. Disco biscuit and i want to win All Hail the queen!!

  74. I love British Racing Green and The Black Knight. I would love to have Lovely Jubbly! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

  75. My favorite is TBK and I would love to win Trustafarian. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  76. Slapper is my fave! I'd like Henley Regatta to go along with it as an accent nail. Thanks!

  77. I would love to win the Trustafarian Nail Laquer.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  78. I'd LOVE to win The Black Knight!! Thanks for the opportunity.


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