
Monday, December 31, 2012

L'Oreal Stroke of Midnight

C and I are into our second year tradition of being under the weather for New Year's Eve.  We're housebound again, huddled up on the loveseat watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on netflix and trying to decide whether or not to shell out for Chinese delivery for dinner.  Yep, another glamorous NYE in this household, lol.  I had to keep with the spirit somehow, though, so I painted my nails like I planned to all along.  This is L'Oreal Stroke of Midnight.

I've worn Stroke of Midnight once before, as an accent to NARS Storm Bird, but it's a great color on its own and the name could not be any more perfect for NYE, even one where you'll likely be toasting each other with Nyquil at 11:30.  Stroke of Midnight is a dark gunmetal grey with steely blue undertones, harsh and cold but really cool.  It's got a decent smattering of pink and blue shimmer, too.  It's pretty, festive, and edgy, and would look great holding a glass of champagne.  I used three coats, which is par for L'Oreal's course.  I haven't worn a L'Oreal in a while, and Stroke of Midnight totally reminded me why I like them so much-- great, stay put formula, nice, small, stiff but pliable brush. 

So, what's on your nails today?  And are your plans half as exciting as mine?  Let me live vicariously, after I wake up from my nap, lol.  Whatever you end up doing... Here's your obligatory be safe and be careful.  Okay?  Okay. <3 


  1. Nice color it reminds me a little of a-England's bridal veil. I home bound too this is the craziest night to be out.

    1. It can be! Praying everyone stays safe. Happy New Year, Patty :)

  2. I love this one. I am going to get it next time I'm in Target:) Have a good night! We are homebound too. Chris is playing hangman with the kids on the iPad and I am getting supper ready. I love your second picture. It looks so awesome next to the pink!

    1. That sweaterdress in the pictures was going to be my outfit tonight, were we not a couple sickies. Hangman, how fun! Do the girls get to stay up late tonight? Happy New Year to your family :)

    2. No, we are mean parents...they still went to bed at 8 :)

  3. Your nails always look so perfect. Gah! :) Very pretty color and it looks beautiful with your pink sweater. I'm home...don't usually go out on NYE - me, the hubs and our son have been watching kid movies. I'm about to flip to Dick Clark's New Years Rocking Eve to watch the ball drop.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Okay, why do I think Dick Clark died? Or is the show just still called that? Anyhoo... Happy New Year to you, too, Crystal :)

    2. He's dead, they just still call it that...I guess because he was always the host for the show. Ryan Seacrest hosts it now and Jenni McCarthy co-hosted this year.

    3. That's right, I forgot Seacrest is hosting. I did know that. lol.

  4. Except for being sick, your plans of Star Trek and Chinese food sound pretty awesome!! XD I've spent most of my evening drinking tea and browsing the web.
    I hope that you two feel better very soon, and I wish you a wonderful new years!!! :D

    1. Whoops, I forgot to say that your manicure is so lovely!! :D

    2. Thanks for the well wishes, Ashesela, and Happy New Year to you, too :)

  5. I went to church for midnight and now I need to sleep and wake up to whatever the day brings. Lol.. But Instead I'm looking at blogs to see people's NYE manis. Hahaha...

    ANyway... My mani was simple. I had glitter gradient. On the blog now.

    CHurch was fun amd I'm excited!!!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR dear!!!

    Your nails look great! Such a pretty color. I'd have to add glitter to it though. Lol

    1. Ahh, good for you! Midnight services are always so special. I'm going out to my parents' for dinner this afternoon, I might have to spruce this up a bit. You've given me a couple ideas. :) Happy New Year to you, too!!

  6. Happy New Year and get well soon both of you!!! Awesome choice for NYE mani - I love the selection of L'Oreals you have in the US!!! We celebrated with our friends at our regular hang-out. We are all addicted moto-bikers and since the place is a bit remote we became like family over the last couple of years. A couple of us gals love our bikes AND our share of bling, so no shortage of opportunity to wear sparkilicious manis ;-)!!!

    1. That sounds absolutely lovely! I bet you all have the best time together. So great to find like-minded souls like that :) And yes, we do have a nice selection of L'Oreals over here ;)

  7. This is a perfect polish for the new year, name appropriate! I wish you a happy and healthy 2013!

  8. Perfectly named polished to ring in the New Year! Love the blue tones in this polish. Sorry you are feeling under the weather-- my husband and I sympathize, as we're in the same boat! Boo!

    1. Sooo lame. BUT, it's kind of nice to have an excuse to not go do anything, lol. I hope you two feel better soon.

  9. Gorgeous! We spent NYE at home watching Inception and went to bed at 12:03...LOL. Happy New Year!!

    1. I've heard that movie's creeeepy! We've got to watch it. Happy New Year to you, too, Jamie :) :)

  10. We stayed home too and watched the ball drop in NY on TV. We toasted at midnight and went to bed shortly after. Low key is our way of life, so normal for us. Hope you guys get better quick! Saying a get well prayer. Happy New Year!

    1. And I forgot to say: I love this polish. It's gorgeous! Looks great on you.

    2. Thanks, Tami :) We've been anything but low key this month so it's actually kind of a welcome respite. Dressing up is fun, but so is hanging out in your pjs all day... sometimes. ;)

  11. What a perfectly named polish!

    Happy New Year Lies!

    1. Shit, I got auto corrected. Let me try that again... Happy New Year Liesl!

      PS. Feel better!

    2. HAHAHAHAHA, love autocorrect! Thanks for the well wishes and Happy New Year to you, too, Julie :)

  12. Such a gorgeous shade! I love the shape of your nails as well!

    1. Thank you!! :) And thanks for stopping by :)


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