
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year! Off-Topic Purse Post

On New Year's Day I broke my swatching hand pinkie nail to the quick, and usually that kind of break doesn't slow me down, but this time it is.  I had nothing polish related particularly planned, so no biggie, except that my finger kind of hurts.  Also, my one year old nephew bit my index finger so there's another little mark that would have deserved some 'splaining.  Apparently, if you're asked to make sure there's nothing in the mouth of a one-year-old with teeth, you don't do the finger sweep.  Lesson learned.  
Anyway, all's well that ends well, because I've been wanting to run something a little different past you guys.  

A couple weeks ago, one of my girlfriends took me to her favorite high-end consignment shop.  I'm not good at that kind of shopping because I never go, but I did find something that got me all excited-- they had a Gucci purse labeled as a Guess, and selling for less than their used Coach bags.  I successfully contained my excitement and bought the bag, which also happens to be in excellent condition.  I started thinking, though, that maybe it's a knockoff?  It's nothing fancy, a basic canvas tote with no closure and minimal pocket space.  Anyway, here are some pics.

So, what do you think?  Do you know your knockoffs?  Was I totally had, or is this a pretty sweet score?  I paid $17 for it, in case you're wondering.  Whatever the case, it was a really fun find.  Any of you gals have good second hand store luck, or are good at playing the vintage game?


  1. Well, if it's a knock-off it's a pretty good one! At least to my untrained eye. Everything looks to be spelled correctly, which is usually the first place to start. My sister works in what is basically a high end consignment and I know they look for details in the lining and the stitching to distinguish real from fake, but I don't know anything about that!

    1. That's what I thought, too. Personally, I can't believe they didn't actually check inside the bag for the label. It's like they saw a G and assumed Guess, lol. I bet your sis finds some fun stuff :)

  2. Awesome catch I would say!!! I don't understand too much about how exactly the stitching and the label would need to look like but to me it looks even if faux at least of good quality ;-). And having hardly any "inner life" is one of the let downs in handbags these days and annoys me beyond words. And I LOVE patterned linings :-))))) - enjoy wearing it!!!

    1. I agree! It makes a bag just that much cuter.

  3. It looks so pretty either way. Here is a website I found that talks about what to look for.

    1. Yours seems to pass the tests???

    2. Wow, thanks for pulling that up! I think it passes, too. The font seems to be right on, and the stitching's all good, so we have a winner, lol ;)

  4. That is a really cute purse and I can't tell the real from the knock offs, mainly because I'm not into designer bags, but it looks pretty real to me (the stitching looks good and it is spelled correctly). If it is got that for a steal!

    1. Same here! I almost didn't buy it because really, what business do I have walking around with a designer handbag, lol. It is super cute, though, and it seems to have passed the tests Essie gave me a link to. <3

  5. The font is spot on so I'd say it's legit and their loss! Super cute find and I can totally picture you sporting this ;)

    1. Yay, thanks! :) I kept thinking I should tell the gal they need to cheeck their labels better, but I didn't and I left feeling like I totally got away with something :X

  6. Good find! If it's a knockoff, it's a good one so who cares?! That's the beauty of those types of stores... you neverk now what you're going to find. I managed to find a legit Burberry raincoat in a gorgeous tan color with traditional check fabric inside. It's gorgeous and 100% real and one of my favorite clothing items!

    1. THAT is awesome. Your coat sounds gorgeous, and how much fun was it to find it?!

  7. What a great find! For $17, it totally doesn't matter if it's a knockoff or the real thing. You go, girl! It's a great purse. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Clicked "reply" too early lol.
      Sorry to hear about your pinkie; it sounds so painful. :( Hope your nail heals soon.
      Happy new year, dear! <3

    2. Another reason to be excited for spring! And thank you :) I'm babying my poor finger, lol. I hope to be polish ready by Monday ;)

  8. I only have one *real* purse, all my other ones are knockoffs LOL.. They're pretty much identical to the real thing though!! And good quality too. It's the stitching that may vary or the inside, but who cares. Really cute bag you got there!!

    1. I had a knockoff Balenciaga for a long time, and I loved it. It was def a knockoff, though, it didn't really pretend to be the real thing, lol. this is a little more label-y than I'm used to, but it'll be fun to sport something different :)

  9. Wow! Great deal if it's real! Maybe you could go to a gucci store and see what they have to say about it? :)

    1. Ooh, that's a good idea! I don't think there's one Gucci store in my state, though. I should check their website.

  10. Funny that this post is still in your most popular posts:)

    1. I know, lool. I think a spam bot attached to it.


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