
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Julep Maya

One of my favorite collections of 2012 was Julep Resort.  Back then I was a Maven and it was hard to choose which box to get the month it was introduced.  Julep didn't offer add-ons so I thought I missed out on Maya.  My friend Candice at Mommy Does Her Nails generously surprised me with it this past summer, though.  Here it is in all its frosty, peachy-pink glory.

C and I just started watching Arrested Development on netflix and Maya somehow reminds me of Lucille (the mom, not Liza Minelli) in a disconnected from reality, slightly tackily yet expensively dressed, ladies who lunch sort of totally good way.  Yes, totally good.  It really is a pretty shade and you all know how I like my light, pearly polishes.  It's not often a lacquer evokes a very specific persona or feeling, and when it does it's extra fun to wear.
I should really have a shot of these nails with a martini glass or something, but the color looks just as much at home next to some (cheap) tortoiseshell sunglasses. ;)

One of my sisters and I got together this morning and she liked the color so much she wanted her nails done in it, too.  Now I know how maligned the frost finish is in the polish community and this is terribly brushstroke-y.  Like I said, though, the peachy pink shade itself is divine and it's got perfect, full coverage which is truly rare for a light pearl.  Thanks for allowing me to add this fun one to my stash, Candice ♥♥♥


  1. This is a great color with your skin.

  2. Oh Liesl this Julep looks awesome on you :-)!!! I like to see pearly and even frosty polishes on others nails (my ridged nails really look less than pretty with these kind of polishes)!!!! And big sunglasses are as apt as a Martini :-)

    1. Thanks, Christine :) :) Do you get Duri over there? If so, try the Rjuvacote. It's done wonders for my nails.

  3. That is rare for it to be full coverage. I don't think I have a color even close to this! It looks really nice though! Have a great day!

    1. It is a pretty unique shade and I'm so glad I own it, lol :D Great day to you, too!!

  4. That is seriously so divine on you - it's actually a pretty unique color and that makes streaks forgivable. I'm so happy you like it <3

    1. I love it! It's so bad, in such. A good way :) I've gotten all sorts of comliments on it, too. Thank you again ;)

  5. I like it! I know frost is such an unpopular finish, but I'm a fan. Don't tell anyone though lol. :D By the way, I love the picture with the sunglasses. Very classy!

    ~ Yun

    1. Why, thank you! :) I'm glad I'm in good company on this finish ;)


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