
Thursday, February 7, 2013

PNW Beauty Blogger Feature-- The Polish Hideout

Good morning, guys and gals!  The Pacific Northwest isn't exactly what most people think of when pondering anything beauty or fashion, but we've actually got a fairly sizeable group of bloggerettes around these parts.  I think it's totally fun finding out where my fellow blogerettes are from, and learning some of my faves are local yokels has been a real treat.  So, I present to you the first installment in a feature I've been thinking about for a while, PNW Beauty Bloggers.

This gal really needs no introduction.  Yun at The Polish Hideout hails from Washington state and is one of the more prolific bloggers out here.  She's one of those big bloggers who always takes the time to interact with her readers.  No comment goes unresponded to on her blog and she's great about checking out the rest of us and leaving her own lovely comments.  Yun's the giveaway queen and always has an awesome nail polish prize up her sleeve for a lucky reader.  The most recent was the entire Zoya Designer collection.

Yun's always up on the newest polish collections and posts her findings one at a time in beautifully unique swatches and great attention to detail.
Here are a couple of her most recent shots, used with her permission.

Combine gorgeous photography, elegant hands, and one of the kindest voices out here and you've got one awesome blog and blogger.  Follow her here if you're not already. 

Thanks for reading and have a marvelous day!! ♥♥


  1. This was very cool of you to feature a fellow blogger. What a great post for Yun! I love her nails! They are perfect for painting:)

  2. I love Yun's blog-- her pictures are awesome! I can't wait to meet some of the other PNW bloggers, I feel like we're so isolated up here!

    1. Heyyyy...! Maybe we should organize a PNW meet up or something!

  3. Really, my face turned red from reading this. Thank you for thinking of me and for such wonderfully kind words. <3

  4. One of my absolute favorite blogs to go to <3 What a wonderful post!

  5. I <3 Yun and her blog & FB page. :) She's one of my favorites! We also share similar skin tones, so she is my go-to lady for swatches and reviews. :)

  6. Hi Liesl, what a great feature!!! And so typical of you to promote your fellow bloggers so warmheartedly - I need to head over to Yun's Blog the second I hit the publish button ;-). Those pictures are beautiful and I cannot wait to see more - I actually ordered Neely and anxiously hunt down any posts I can find right now - LOL - have a wonderful day xxx

  7. Very Nice! She has lovely nails and swatches always turn out right.

  8. This is so awesome! I love it when bloggers support other bloggers :)


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