
Friday, March 15, 2013

BadAss Polish Go Pack Go! + Zoya Ivanka

Happy Ides of March, unless you are a descendant of Caesar, lol.  Then, I guess, sorry 'bout that... 
It's also, of course, two days to St. Patrick's Day and I've been planning this mani for weeks.  And, due to some new Federal Trade Committee guidelines, as discussed on Pink Sith Blog, I'm going to be a compliant little blogger and do someting a little different (that we'll all have to get used to, apparently) and disclose that which was sent for my review three, yes, three times.  Here's hoping I'll get more tactful over time, lol.

BadAss Polish Go Pack Go was sent to me for review.  Zoya Ivanka was not.  They look awesome together and create a sparkly, festive good time.  Erin go bragh!

I used two coats of Ivanka and one of Go Pack Go!.  The yellow hex glitters in Go Pack Go! were a little difficult to get on the nail the first time around, but a really, really good shake resolves this, as you can see they're all over the place.  Did I mention it was sent for my review?  I love this.  I'm stoked to have resolved the glitter "issue," which really ended up being user error.  This is as fun and as pretty as I imagined it would be.  

Here's one more shot with what I'll be wearing on my head this Saturday (and possibly today, lol).

Go Pack Go! is available for purchase at BadAss Polish's etsy shop for $8.50 + shipping.  Go get some or I'll come after you with my shillelagh.  Just kidding, I don't own one.  However, this polish was sent to me for my review. ;)

Have an amazing Friday! ♥


  1. LOL. Was this polish sent to you for review? Looks great and I was going to ask which green you were wearing for St. Patrick's Day:) Have fun at your party!

    1. THIS POLISH WAS SENT TO ME FOR MY UNBIASED REVIEW. Rofl. Thank you, and I will have a blast busting out my new MJ moves :D

  2. Replies
    1. :) Honestly, I'm beginning to think BadAss and Zoya were made for each other. So many gorgeous duos between the two :)

  3. Great combination and great pictures, Liesl!

  4. Liesl, this combo is stunning on you !

    : )

    I have an idea for the disclosure, maybe a logo such as a cute button or icon that you can just paste in the post where needed to show it was provided for review. Have a happy St. Pat's day!

    1. Thanks, Iggy! :) You're not the first to suggest a button for that purpose; maybe I should start looking into that. Happy St. Pat's Day to you!!

  5. ROFL!! I just ADORE your humor - it's ridiculous but you are such a good, little compliant blogger. *enduring smile* Also this combo ROCKS!!!

    1. Thanks, friend :) It is SO ridiculous, and it's preposterous to think that any government entity would pay attention to any personal blog... *nervous laughter* That's why I'll follow the rules. Le sigh. And thank you :)

  6. These are gorgeous together! It just shines so beautifully!

    1. It does :) The glitters and the glassfleck are so sparkly together :)

  7. Hi sis, phew that was a hard job peeling my eyeball off the screen and scroll down to comments - this is now the second time I read through your post and still feel like typing like the wind and go back up again for some more ogling!!! Beautiful and wonderful idea to layer it above Ivanka - these two complement each other just perfectly!!! And what a great flimsy hat you got!! Would also love to see it on your head vs in your hand - LOL!!! Have a lovely Sunday - I scroll back up again and ogle your nails once more xxx

    1. Tee hee hee, I'm so glad you like it, sis! I had a hard time not being mesmerized by all the real life sparklies, lol :) I posted a shot of my full St. Pat's Day look on my latest ppost, including the headband actually on my head, lol :)

  8. Cute combo! Really awesome for St. Paddy's Day! :D
    And did you mention it's sent for review? Cause I wasn't sure from your post lol. :P

    ~ Yun

    1. In the interest of full disclosure, Go Pack Go was, in fact, sent for my review. XD And thank you, it's been fun sporting this all weekend :)

  9. Very nice! That glitter is amazing!

    1. It is! I've worn it quite a bit, and will likely wear it lots more.. It's also the colors of my DH's favorite college team, lol.


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