
Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day Eotd!

Hello and Happy St. Patty's Day!  My bro and sis-in-law threw a pretty epic partay last night so this is yesterday's eotd as today my eyes are nekkid, and I'm slowly but surely recovering from the effects of Lots O'Wine, lol.

I've had the mani and the makeup planned for a few weeks, and, due to my Saturday afternoon commitment, I knew I wasn't going to have time to do makeup and nails between commitment and party.  So I sported a pretty garish look around town yesterday, lol, including in Ulta, where I was a tad self conscious...  Once I had the full outfit and look together it all looked fine, but green & gold eyes and bright coral lips paired with a turquoise fleece and old jeans is not a look that'll get you compliments, lol.  Anyhoo, here's what I used.

Stila Smudge Stick waterproof eyeliner in Starfish (part of the In the Garden palette), a dark, olive green liner with gold shimmer; L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Gold Imperial, a light, bright, super pigmented shimmery gold; Maybelline Great Lash mascara in Go Go Green, a dark kelly/grass green LE color from this summer.

Those Infallible colors are really dense and a little moist, and I learned from Deb at Beauty Ninja that these are best applied with your fingertips.  So that's what I did, and used a blending brush to try and soften the edges.  I lined my lower lash line with the gold all the way across, then used Stila Starfish to line the upper and lower outer halves.  I used three coats of Go Go Green to achieve a fullness I was happy with.

The cool thing about this mascara is that the color actually shows up on the lashes.  However, I really don't understand the appeal of Great Lash in general and why it ends up on so many best of lists year after year.  Neither the brush nor the formula does anything "great" for my lashes and I have yet to meet anyone who actually swears by it.  It neither lengthens nor volumizes.  Am I missing something, here?  I'm ready to be enlightened, because three coats starts to look spider-y.  Good thing it was semi-theatrical.

I'm certainly no masterful color mixer or blender, but it was a fun look to wear and I was fairly pleased at the result.

Here's my whole getup.  There was a prize at the party for the most festively dressed and I didn't win.  The lipstick is Maybelline Vivids in Shocking Coral, but more on that, later. :)

Sheesh, what a stupid pose.  It always translates better in my head than it does in real life, lol.
Alrighty.... Time to chill on the couch some more, because C and I haven't done quite enough of that today. ;)
Thanks for reading, and I hope you've had a fun and safe holiday weekend. §


  1. Ahhh, you look so cute! As for feeling self conscious in Ulta, I feel like that all the time. I feel like they are totally looking at my face and judging my makeup like they are pros or something:) And as for the Great Lash, I have heard that they just pay lots of money to be on those "best of" lists. I always wore that growing up because my mom did. It's like they were the first mascara invented and people just keep buying it because that's what they have always bought. I tried it like a year ago again and you are right, it gets all clumpy and doesn't lengthen at all. Anyway, you look great and you would win first prize at my party:) Have a great night!

    1. I feel like the gals at my Ulta are pretty nice. I go in after my volunteer shift so I'm usually in something super casual and without makeup so I've learned to just be cool or whatever, lol. They're there to sell stuff and I respect that. Walking in with garishly mismatched makeup was a bit odd, though, especially since the gal who helped me knows about the blog. I just kept thinking what a great blog she must think I run, looking so completely uncoordinated, haha. :p I read that about Great Lash, too. My mom used to wear a Maybelline in a white tube with a gold cap when I was growing up. She's got longer lashes than me, though, so we wanted different formulas. I cannot remember what my first mascara was! It might have been something Avon. I know I've worn Great Lash periodically over the years, it's obvi never stuck. It seems like it's changed, though, like it was better when I was 12, lol. ;) Thanks for the compliment on my "costume" :)

    2. Hi both, Now I feel selfconcious about my below rambling comment. I might add, that sales people in Switzerland are not known to be friendly. More often than not you feel not as a welcomed customer but as someone disturbing the sales person at something terribly important. Here in Switzerland we could truly learn from the friendliness and openness I experienced in shops in the US. The same goes for waiters/waitresses. So please consider my rambling based on my local experience!!!

    3. Oh no, please, PLEASE don't feel self conscious, sweetie :) :) There have been many reports of untoward Ulta associates and I'm happy to have a store full of friendly gals :) If you had seen me in my non-costumed glory you might have raised an eyebrow, too, lol... Never underestimate the power of a completed look, is all I can say ;) That's too bad about Switzerland's customer service, in general. A lot of the time, especially in higher end stores, we're treated the same way, though, not worth a salesperson's time because we don't have the "right" bag or shoes. It is ridiculous, but most the time when I'm out shopping I prefer to be left alone, anyway. Hugs, sis :) :)

    4. Oh, and I wasn't bashing on them. I feel like their makeup is always awesome and that they are just looking at mine like I need help:) Just because that's what they do, deal with makeup all day - they are probably paying more attention that someone at like McDonalds :)

    5. Exactly, McDonald's just wants to know if you want fries with that.

  2. Whowsie - I love your Look!!!! And this headband is awesome!!! I know exactly what you mean by self-conciousness, meanwhile we seem to be expected to dress-up for shopping more than if we go for a Job interview - ugh :-S!!! The sales people here seem to be trained for this tu-tutting look in the hope we stop and ask for rescue from our poor do!!! And cuustomers sail by heads and noses aloof (you know my winter jacket definitely is NOT coming from any designer rack, but hey its warm ;-))!!! Oh they should get over themselves and move their rears!!! Hope C and you had a lovely couch day - have a great start into the New week sis xxx

    1. It's true, though... Any more I'm just as happy to fly under the radar when out shopping. It's usually on a whim after work or after said Saturday commitment. I've learned to appreciate online shopping, but there was a time when I really got into the whole dressing to the nines to go spend your money bit. It all seems so ridiculous, lol.

  3. I like this makeup - simple and very nice, especially those green lashes;) Hope you had a great time!

    1. Not so simple for me, lolol ;) Thank you, I truly had a blast :)

  4. You are such a doll! Have I told you how much I think you resemble Ashley Judd? :) And I totally agree with you about Great Lash. I'm a mascara junkie, but I won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

    1. Ashley Judd?!!?! You'd better believe I'm going to take that and run with it ;) Thanks, Deb :)

  5. Liesl, I totally love your outfit! It's so cute and festive, just awesome for St. Paddy's day! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun :) It was so fun to wear and the awesome thing is that nothing is holiday specific but the socks and headband, so I can rawk the look anytime, more or less... Lol.

  6. Such a pretty eye look, I love the infallables line (such awesome pigmentation).

    1. Thank you! :) I really like them, too. I should wear mine a little more.


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