
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Win a $50 Gift Card of Your Choice! Our 1 Year Blogiversary Giveaway

Win a $50 Gift Card of Your Choice!
Ulta, Sephora, Ninja, or

Message from Essie at iHeartPrettyPolish
Liesl and I have decided to partner up for our 1 Year Blogiversary Giveaway.  We happened to start our blogs around the same time in March of last year and our paths crossed on a Facebook group shortly after we started.  It has been so nice having a kindred spirit throughout this experience.  I feel like every blogger needs someone who they can trust to share triumphs and struggles and I have found that in Liesl.  Sure; I have my husband, but how much can he pretend that he knows or cares about nail polish blogging?  I'm sure he is happy that I have Liesl too:)  It's crazy how you can be so close to someone that you have never met in person. Please don't ever minimize a friendship with someone you connect with online. We are lucky to have a variety of relationships in our lives from personal, to work, to people we meet online and I think they are all valuable. Perhaps some day Liesl and I will meet - now wouldn't that be cool?? 
It has been a great year and I have met so many other women (in addition to Liesl) that I truly call friends. I think that relationships with other bloggers play a big part in the joy of blogging. It's not very often that a group of women can get along so well and be so supportive...and we have nail polish to thank for it.  I would like to thank everyone who has supported me throughout this experience and I am excited to meet some new readers.  I love comments and reply to every single one, so comment away!  Good luck:)

Message from Liesl at Liesl Loves Pretty Things
Hi hi!  The single best thing about blogging has been the friendships I've cultivated along the way.  I was fortunate to meet a sweet and like-minded blogger named Essie at the very beginning, a gal who started doing her thing, as it happens, just days before I started mine.  We clicked almost instantly and if you've been reading for any length of time, you probably know the rest is history. ;)  Our blogs are a year old this week and we've decided to team up and give you all a joint giveaway in celebration of friendship.
Aside from the fact that we've never actually met yet I feel like I've known her forever, it is a wonderful thing to have such a good friend in this crazy blogosphere-- someone you can get excited for and be excited with, who genuinely celebrates your successes and supports your endeavors, who empathizes and talks you down during those moments of stress and self doubt, someone who is just plain fun to have on your side.  Essie is all these things to me.
Es, you said at one point that you think we started doing this at the same time for a reason and I think you're right ♥ Love you, friend ♥

But enough mushy stuff.  We've teamed up to give one of our fabulous readers (who make this experience ALL the better and richer) a $50 gift card to one of four places-- Llarowe, Ninja Polish, Ulta, or Sephora (personally, I'd take Ulta, lolol... well, maybe Sephora... ahh, the beauty of choices!).

Be sure to read the specs, thanks for playing, welcome new readers, and good luck! ;)


  1. What a lovely story. I think it's amazing how the Internet (and blogging in particular) brings people together. And what a coincidence that you started at the same time! Congrats to you both, here's to many more years of friendship and blogging.

    1. It is! Polish friends are the best, I've said it before and I'll say it some more, lol. And yes, it's kismet, lol ;)

  2. Congrats on your first year, Liesl! As I wrote on Essie's page, you two are so wonderfully lucky to have each other. :-) Hope both of your blogging and friendship continue for many years to come! <3
    And many thanks for the opportunity to enter this awesome giveaway!! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you so much for your well-wishes, Yun :) I hope so, too, and you're most welcome!

  3. I said before but it bears ladies are great! Congratulations! I love reading both of your blogs!

  4. Congrats on 1 year of blogging to both of you, and thanks for the giveaway :)

  5. Hey Guys-just an FYI-but the rafflecopter isn't loading for me-so I wonder if it's not loading for others-you may want to check on that! Congrats to you both on your blogversary!

    1. I just noticed that too....I'm trying to figure it out. Thanks!

    2. I contacted Rafflecopter and they are having "issues". They are hoping to get everything running again quickly. Thanks for your patience!

    3. Thanks, J :) And thank you, Essie, for doing the legwork on this.


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