
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Zoya Raven + Trixie

I was going through Zoya's fb fan uploads the other day and was inspired to wear the lovely Trixie again, and because I haven't worn black in far too long, I decided to do both.  Ha!

Raven was my first Zoya, along with Holly, and Trixie was third, I think... a huge lemming I satisfied when Ulta started carrying some older Zoyas.  Raven's not your typical black creme (if there even is such a thing) because of the silver microshimmer laced throughout.  Trixie is, of course, a light silver foil and kind of makes me feel like Anthony Keidis singing Give it Away, lol.
I used two coats of each.

Today we're headed to a timeshare thingie which ought to be incredibly boring, so comment lots so I have something to do for those 90 minutes, k?
Thanks for reading! :D


  1. Hi Liesl, how awesome is this???? You once more leave me stunned, definitively oldies but Goldies :-)!!! I was always wondering if I should get myself Trixie - well your post answers this question sis ;-)!!! Have a lovely Saturday dear, I am still recovering from my weird bug, hopefully I am back to functionning again properly by Monday ;-P, Love & Hugs

    1. Not the same bug from January?! Either way, sending healing prayers your way. :/ And yeah, Trixie is AMAZING! Liquid silver on your fingertips, lol. You need this, sis :) Feel better.

  2. LOL. So what will you get by going through the Timeshare thingie? I've heard people get free tickets to stuff, etc. Are you thinking of buying a timeshare? I love this mani! I love silver and black together. I should wear this because it would match what I wear to work every day. I have more black in my wardrobe than any color and the second color I have is grey:) Whenever I see Trixie it reminds me of a comment someone made once when I posted it on Facebook - they said it looks like a polish a "Lady of the Night" would wear. I just can't get that out of my head. Soooo....just what are your plans for the night????? hehe.

    1. We got a couple plane tickets with a bunch of stipulations that we thought we'd be able to use this September, but we can't. I guess it's not a timeshare, but a private travel club that brokers with timeshares, etc to get its members the best deal possible. It was a really good deal if you like to travel or want to do so more often, but it was a LOT of money to put up front and felt really irresponsible at the moment. Our convo yesterday kept coming to mind, too. It would have been an investment to save, if that makes sense, but now's not the time.

      I totally forgot about the "lady of the night" comment, rofl! Yeah... We're hanging around on the loveseat playing video games and otherwise being scandalous, lol. Shh ;)

  3. Hahaha have fun with your Timeshare thing! Those things are boring...we were pretty close to buying one. But I'm glad they decided not to...but they are so darn pushy!!

    1. You know, they made me turn off my cellphone! Lol. They actually weren't too pushy, but this wasn't an actual timeshare, as it turns out. We didn't buy into it-- we want to travel more, but now'sn not the time for that kind of purchase. The main sales rep had an honest to goodness mullet, all slicked back and everything. He did make a few jokes about it... Got to appreciate a dude who knows what he likes and sticks with it, I suppose....

  4. Such a good pairing! Love it :)

  5. i like both of these zoya colors together

    Reminder: the I ♥ Makeup giveaway is still on!

  6. Sorry I wasn't around to help distract you during your timeshare thing, but those are always so incredibly boring. How did you ever get talked into going lol. :P This is such a great combo for a mani! Raven and Trixie look awesome together! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. We got an invite thing in the mail and C wanted to go, but we decided not to at the last minute. They called a couple weeks later and we'd since decided to join C's brother and his family in Disneyland later this year so we thought we'd cash in on some free airfare, lol, but that didn't even pan out. Yep, total waste of a Saturday morning. Oh, well. At least my nails looked pretty ;)

    2. Oh lol! :D Your last sentence made me giggle. When I'm having a bad day, I totally look down at my nails and think to myself "at least my nails look pretty" :D :D

      ~ Yun

  7. I'd buy any polish Anthony Keidis is selling. Now I need to go listen to some RHCP. Great mani!


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