
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Celebrating One Full Year of LLPT!

Good morning!!  Today officially marks one year since I started this leetle blog, and to commemorate, I thought I'd post some big (to me, anyway, lol) moments in LLPT history along with a few things I've learned along the way.  So, welcome to my completely narcissistic, self gratuitous, and extremely photo-heavy anniversary post!

My first polish post after I decided to separate my polish blogging from my food was Polished Components Honeysuckle.  Enlarge only if you dare.  This gal was my first "follower" and gave me my first comment and I was very grateful and, in my mind, off to a roaring start.

This was about three weeks in and possibly one of the worst photoshop jobs done, like, ever.  The polish is OPI Royal Rajah Ruby.  Maybe I shouldn't broadcast that.

I started out with a dslr and the wrong reasons for blogging, on top of it.  I learned early on that the best equipment in the world does not hold a candle to practicing, learning, and figuring it out on your own.  As for the wrong reasons, I don't think it's inherently bad to start out with visions of grandeur.  I do think it's very naive, and if anyone wants my advice, wanting to see your name come up first on a google search is not a reason to start blogging and you WILL be in for some rude awakenings.  Fact.

April 4, 2012.  I figured something out with this post!  Clearly, it wasn't how to focus.

April 11.  NOPI Fresh Squeezed.  This was my first in-focus photo and I bumped up my size from medium to large for the occasion, lol.

April 26.  L'Oreal Club Prive.  I can't even tell you how proud I was of this post.  I started learning how to shape my nails a little bit, too.

 May was a really big month for growth.  First, I voiced all my insecurities about my blogging experience thus far in the interest of documenting the WHOLE journey, including the lumps.  I made some great connections, finally got that I needed to do this for me and no one else, and really began to solidify my friendship with this gal, who you may have seen mentioned on here a time or two. ;) That post was an experience that ended up being cathartic, humbling, and uplifting.  It's here, in case you're interested in reading another novella, lol.

Also, the dslr broke.  Camera phone shot!  May 8.  OPI Care To Danse?.

It ended up being okay because the point and shoot I had thus far neglected is much more foolproof and I felt the quality of my pictures improve instantly once I wasn't thinking about it so much.

June 4.  L'Oreal Rendezvous.  
Then I broke a nail, which seemed tragic at the time but was actually the best thing that could have happened because it forced me to learn how to use a file.  Also, I got so many compliments on my nubs.

I have not yet mentioned how sweet and supportive the gals in this community are.  Yes, you.  When I've felt down and self conscious about stuff, there's always been someone there to lift me up and support me and for all the nonsense that floats around in this community, there is kindness in spades and I can't even tell you how much your words have meant and continue to mean to me. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Moving on.... ;)

Summer was filled with challenges, and I completed two, Rainbow Favorites, hosted by Bec at Lacquer Dreams, and an ABC challenge hosted by Gosia at Life in Color.  Challenges, if you've never done one, are just that, but the camaraderie and friendships you develop doing these things together are second to none (and you get to use some untrieds in your stash... always a bonus!).

But first, it is of the utmost importance that you moisturize your cutes on a several times a day basis and it took forever for this fact to lodge itself into my brain.  Do it.  Not everything works for everybody.  I was doing bi-weekly olive oil soaks when I took this photo, and now I slather on Lush Lemony Flutter every night and Burt's Bees Cuticle Balm as many times a day as I think to.  I've got a tin in my smock pocket at work and next to my computer.  In my purse is Sally Hansen Cuticle Balm and Eraser, which I'm not in love with, but it serves its purpose.

Rainbow Favorites yellow day was not one of my favorites, lol....
(Essence Wanna Be Your Sunshine)

R & S from the ABC challenge, however, was.  Red Sandwich, anyone? lolol.  Ahem.
(Ulta Red Carpet Red and Milani Jewel FX in Red)

It should be noted that I also started to get involved with the Beauty Blogazons, a baby blogger bootcamp-style fb group and younger sister to Beauty Blog Coalition, this summer, and I've gained some great technical perspective and a few awesome growth opportunities through their tutelage.

Also, my good friend Candice at Mommy Does Her Nails revamped my page and header to what you see today.  She does amazing work and it felt great to finally have a custom header.  Never underestimate the power of your own signature, or of a brilliant graphic designer.  This one is worth every penny.

I decided to branch out in August and start doing beauty products in general, here and there.  L'Oreal Magic Skin Beautifyer BB Cream got the designation of being my first non polish related post, and since then I've had makeup hits (NARS Orgasm blush)...

...and misses (attempting to create eye looks around green mascara).... :/

The important lesson here is to not take yourself too seriously.  I don't, and if you've been reading for any length of time, you know I have no conscience about the stuff I post sometimes, lol.  I'll leave the perfectionism (and the perks that go with it, haha) to the big gals. ;)

Joby Nail Art actually sent me something to review (my first) and I put that post up in early November.

I was honored and flattered to be asked to review a product, and pressured beyond words to get something worthy of the attention out in the public eye.  It's one thing to buy a polish or a nail decoration and say how pretty it is and take your photos and hope for the best, but quite another to know that the whole point of a post is to influence someone to buy their product.  It was at once totally exciting and totally terrifying to me.

Dec. 9.  Born Pretty Stamping plate.  Stamping is not as easy as it looks and I will never understand why this company still wants me to review stuff, lol. 

Dec. 27.  Deborah Lippmann New Flesh.  Clearly, a lightbox will NOT fix all your photography woes...

Jan. 7, 2013.  Deborah Lippmann Strange Love.  ....but an ottlite just might. ;)

Feb. 12.  OPI OY- Another Polish Joke over You're Such A Buda-pest.  I'm pretty stoked about this photo for lots of reasons.

So friends, if you've made it this far, I just want to close with a couple things, the first being one last shot of one of my favorite polishes and duos, WetnWild Private Viewing and Julep Emma.  I've posted one or both four times over the past year and it's kind of a cool indicator of where I've been at various stages.

Left to right from top-- 3.12.12/4.10.12, 6.6.12/1.21.13.

Last but not least, if you haven't entered mine and Essie's joint blogoversary/friendship appreciation giveaway, you are cordially invited to do so here.  Thanks for being you, and for reading this massive post, and I sincerely hope you stick around for the next 365 days!


  1. Congratulations on your blogaversary! Mine was March 5 and I am still formulating my thoughts on it. Your technique and photos have improved amazingly! I love that OPI Polish/Budapest pic! Holy wow!

    1. Happy blogoversary to you, too! I think it's fun to see definite progress, even if it is just that my cutes were less gnarly after a while, lol.

  2. fun post! it's amazing to see how many improvements are made, I've noticed it on myself too! here's to another year!!

    1. Thanks, Chrystal :) Good on you, too, and Cheers :)

  3. Yay Liesl! I read this and your "telenovella" from last year and I am so glad I did! I am definitely going through the mid-bloglife crisis right now too so it's good to know I'm not the only one out there who's been through it. So thanks for that and congratulations on the blogaversary! Looking forward to another year of manis :)

    1. Nope, definitely not alone :) I read back through my comments and remembered how surprised I was that so many of us have had similar experiences. It was always just too fun to give up, you know? Hugs and thank you for your support :) :)

  4. Congrats on your official 1 year!! What a great post... it's so much fun to walk down memory lane with you! I look forward to many more years of your blog! <3

    ~ Yun

  5. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! I really enjoy reading your blog and can't wait to see what the next year brings. It was fun to see the retrospective of the past year.

  6. Congratulations on your one year blogaversary! I've really enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading many more terrific posts!

    1. Aww, thank you, Crystal :) Always nice to hear from you ♥

  7. This was sooo fun to read. I LOL'd at the green Zoya "April 4, 2012. I figured something out with this post! Clearly, it wasn't how to focus." LOL, I'm laughing again copying and pasting it:) You are so funny! And how did I miss that beautiful red sandwich? I don't remember that one. This post is perfect in every way. This is why I like you so much. You are so witty! You know how I feel about you so I won't bore you with the mooshy details. You pretty much ROCK! Congrats:)

    1. ;) Thanks for your lovely words, friend :) Yeah, that green Zoya... I was all, Wow, I barely need to tweak the color at all! I figured the blurriness was a small price to pay and that it wouldn't be that noticeable in a medium sized photo. I hope no one enlarged any of my early stuff, like, ever, lol.

  8. This post is so interesting, love seeing your blogging development laid out like this!! I probably should've done something like this for my 1 year because I have definitely learned a lot about blogging within it! And congrats on the 1 year :)

    1. Thanks, S :) There's still time! It is fun to go back and see exactly where you turned a certain corner.

  9. Congrats! This is a great post. It's really neat to see how far you've come. I adore your photos and your writing style.

    1. :) Thank you, Sara, what a lovely thing to say ♥

  10. Hi sis - congratulations!!!! When looking at your Blog it is so hard to believe that you blog only for a year!!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, to read it, it was fun and touching. I am forever glad to have met you and finding a sibling in so many ways!!! I look forward to commenting a gazillion times in future to many of your posts that will come xxx

    1. Right back atcha, sis ♥ And thanks for saying! I've often been amazed at how young some of the blogs I follow are, so to hear it myself feels pretty special ♥

  11. Happy Blogaversary! I loved reading this post to see how far you've come. It's always nice to look back and see the progress. I know my first post is something I rarely ever re-visit! The photos were terrible and I had no idea how to write a blog post, describe a polish or clean up my cuticles.

    1. Thanks, Heather! ♥ First posts are so interesting, lol. Proof positive that we all had to start somewhere ;) I just had more to learn than most, lol.;)

  12. Congrats! You hung in there. Love all the colors but that Nicole orange is so sweet I could taste it :)

    1. Yes, yes, I did, lol. ;) That Nicole is pretty tasty... I haven't worn it since, though!

  13. I'd been holding back from starting a blog, but you gotta start somewhere! It is nice that someday I can look back and see improvement, but also see what colors I have in my stash and what they look like on me :) A photo inventory, if you will!

    1. Absolutely, and your photos really are lovely! It is totally fun seeing improvement, different colors, nail shape and length, etc. By the way, I think it is wonderful that you and your sis started a blog together ♥

  14. Haha I always loved the way you write with so much dexterity, I'm so happy to be witnessing this improvement and wish you a happy blog anniversary!

    1. Oh, thank you so much for your kind words, Karine ♥♥

  15. Great recap post! It crazy how much progress we can make in such a short amount of time!

    1. Thank you! It is pretty cool, even with the obvious learning curve. ;)

  16. I LOVED this post!! It's so much fun looking back from the beginning. Love you and your blog chickie!! :)

    1. DEB!! :) How's it going, girlie? Thanks for stopping by, stranger ♥♥


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