
Monday, April 15, 2013

BadAss Polish Copper Waters (photo heavy)

*product sent for review

Hi friends!!  Today I get to show you all an as yet unreleased BadAss Polish.  It's an absolutely smokin' gorgeous glitter that is akin to Dusk and Chocolate Covered Cherry but totally its own twinkling, beautiful entity, too.  
This is Copper Waters. It's a clear base filled with tiny royal blue and copper glitters interspersed with tiny holographic glitters that flash bright violet, neon green, and teal.  Here is one coat of Copper Waters over Orly Rage.

I noticed the holo bits in this one are more pronounced in dimmer light, so I had a little fun with photoshop, lol.  Observe.

Isn't that cool?!  How awesome would it be if it glowed like this in real life?  Red?!  Seriously?  Where'd that come from?!  And the green!  That ridiculous blue!!  Okay, moving on.

Here's one coat of Copper Waters over Zoya Song.

This duo is mesmerizing in real life.  It's so hard to capture the depth of Copper Waters and the amazing things it does.

If you're wondering if Copper Waters is buildable, it is :) Here it is over my clear base coat, in three coats.

It's pretty close to the look over Rage; the holo bits are a little more pronounced on its own, though.  It's so fascinatingly multidimensional!  I love how those green sparks just sort of show up out of nowhere.  It is hard to get full tip coverage with this one and it's definitely more noticeable when there's no base color underneath.

I owe this last duo to Candice at Mommy Does Her Nails.  We were playing around with Copper Waters a week and a half or so ago and she remarked that it would look awesome over a berry creme.  She was right (it's so cool to have an artist who sees color in such remarkable ways in my corner ♥).  My base is more of a quinacridone, brighter and more fuschia, a little more spring/summery and equally stunning.  This is one coat of Copper Waters over Sinful Colors Folly.

Indie glitters tend to be topcoat hungry, and this beauty is no exception.  I used one coat of Out The Door for each manicure, mostly because I'm a little bit lazy, lol; two will smooth things out considerably.

As stated above, Copper Waters has not yet been released.  Like BadAss Polish on facebook to keep current on release dates and surprise flash giveaways.  It will be available for purchase at BadAss Polish's etsy shop.  Check out the other gorgeous glitters Amy's got for sale there in the meantime.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day! ♥

*product sent for review


  1. Oh My. This is the most gorgeous glitter polish I've seen in so long!

  2. Beautiful! I think my favorite is over Song. What awesome pictures you have. I love how big they are so you can really see the glitter:) Great job!

    1. Thank you!! :) I thougt about going smaller just because there are so many, but I couldn't help it, lol. I had to keep 'em big :)

  3. It's amazing! Love your picspam :)
    I messaged BadAss polish last week and she said she will be offering international shipping in the future, YAY!!

    1. That's awesome! I can't wait to see which ones you get! And thank you :)

  4. Copper Waters over Rage is stunning! Great color combos.

  5. This is so pretty! I love it over Song... just so vibrant and sparkly! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. I'm glad you like! :) It's really something else over Song in real life :)

  6. This polish sure is pretty. It would look great probably over anything.

  7. Hi Liesl, I am a total blue-holic so this is totally absolutely and completely my thing!!! Great post and awesome that you took the time to show us this beauty over different base colors - they can change those glitters so dramatically!!! And I am still floored that you joined the glitter bandwagon - sooo exiting!!!! I particularly like how dense the glitter is!! Have a lovely day too <3

    1. I don't know if you read any of the other comments, but BadAss will be offering international shipping in the future :D :D

    2. Now I did - such bad news for my wallet :-D

  8. Now this glitter is doing so much. Gorgeous! Love how you used it

    1. Thanks, Lizzy :) It's amazing how multifaceted this thing is!

  9. Wow, what a beauty! I'm usually not much for a lot of glitter (don't hurt me! lol) but this is fantastic! Great swatches hun!

    1. Oh, I'm not, either... Amy's polishes just do it for me :) And thank you :)


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