
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Yes To Grapefruit Daily Facial Scrub-- Or, Why My Skin Has Been So Happy Lately, Part 2

I used to be pretty snobby about my skincare routine-- everything had to, at the very least, be cohesive, be it Mary Kay or my old, beloved 4-piece Shiseido lineup that saw its last days shortly after C and I married and he saw how much one bottle of cleanser cost.  I've since become a lot more laid back and my twice daily routine consisted of washing with either Dove or Ivory bar soap, exfoliating with a washcloth when I felt like it, and moisturizing with whatever cream I'm into at the moment.  My skin's never seemed any worse for wear, though I did notice a little unevenness and dullness in my tone and offhandedly wished there was something I could do about it.

Yes To Grapefruit Daily Facial Scrub

I don't really do internet research about such things.  I was on my weekly Ulta trek a few weeks ago, armed with a coupon that I sadly couldn't use towards OPI stuff anymore, and happened upon a display of Yes To Grapefruit products.  Knowing a little about the brightening properties of grapefruit, and knowing that my skin can take some mild exfoliation on a regular basis, I decided to pick this up.

I'm not going to pretend I know anything about natural claims in skincare products, but I do know that parabens aren't good and this doesn't contain them.  The back label also states that it's free of petroleum and sodium lauryl sulfate, the ingredient responsible for lots of lather and subsequently, undue skin irritation.  A small amount of grapefruit peel extract lightens and brightens, and Melissa Officinalis (aka Lemon Balm) leaf extract adds antibacterial and antioxidant benefits.  I can't find anything on what exactly the tiny exfoliation beads are, but they are somewhat sparse and not very abrasive, and so tailor-made for skin that might be a little sensitive or for those dealing with some acne scarring (which regular use of the whole Yes To Grapefruit line purportedly helps).

Yes To Grapefruit Daily Facial Scrub

The scrub itself is a somewhat thin gel-like substance with a glorious, fresh citrussy scent that's wonderfully invigorating but equally calming at night (interestingly, grapefruit scent is supposed to help stimulate, while lemon balm scent has mild sedative properties.  It's like the perfect storm, lol.).

Yes To Grapefruit Daily Facial Scrub

On a wetted surface, the scrub develops into a lovely, mild lather and rinses away cleanly with no residue.  As far as what this has done for my skin, it has, in fact, brightened and evened it.  I've made no secret of the fact that I go sans makeup much of the time, so my facial epidermis looking its best is imperative, and I'm totally happy with this purchase; so much so that I'm headed into Ulta today for my second tube.

And here's the final product, all washed and moisturized and ready to scare the horses.  

Yes To Graperfruit Daily Facial Scrub is available at Ulta for around $10.

Speaking of seconds/backups, I went ahead and bought myself another tube of that "green" L'Oreal Balm I like so much, Sundays By The Seine.  I'm thinking I need a backup of one of those Maybelline LE Vivids, too.  It's called Infra-Red and it's the most fun, bright, perfect retro red ever :) I'm excited to show it to you all. 
So, questions o' the day-- Have you heard of/tried any of the Yes To products?  Apparently there's a whole lineup of fruit and vegetable based skincare besides Grapefruit, including Tomato and Carrot.  And what's your backup situation?  Found anything backup-worthy lately?

Thanks for reading!  Have a lovely weekend ♥♥


  1. Your skin is fantastic, Liesl! You lucky girl! :P

    ~ Yun

    1. You're so kind :) I've finally gotten to a place where I'm pretty happy with it, thanks to the right products and the right age, lol.

  2. Putting this on my list to buy next time I'm in Ulta! (Or Walgreens)

    And yeah, that stinks about not being able to use Ulta coupons for OPI products now. Recently though, my 20% off coupon that was good for most of the higher end products did include OPI. I bought 2 polishes among other things :)

    Beautiful skin, by the way!

    1. Walgreens carries this, too? Nice! I wonder if it's cheaper there. I had totally forgotten about my 20% off coupon until C brought it to my attention today and told me to go get something for my nails, lol. Alas and alack, it expired last Saturday. D: TOTALLY could have used it today, because I needed to pick up some more Primed and Poreless, too. And thank you ♥♥

  3. Hi sis - beautiful and glowing skin you've got :-)!!! And such a great post, once more reading through your first paragraphs it was like reading my own skin care diary - LOL!!! I am hooked to my L'Occitane skin care products so I hoard back-ups of all my regulars :-) - take care xxx. L'Occitane b.t.w. is very big here and many, many friends of mine are addicted to their products - they have just wonderful products for any skin type!!

    1. Aw, thanks, sis, I'm looking at it and all I can see are my pores, lol. :/ I've heard good things about L'Occitane, I should check that line out. Any recs?

    2. I LOVE the shower oil smelling of almonds, as for face I am firmly glued to a line I don't remeber its name (eye-roll) - I will mail you some more details (I am an addict - I cannot keep short here)

  4. Ooh this product sounds great :) Glad it works for you.

    We do have some yes to products in the Netherlands but not the grapefruit one. We do have carrots, cucumbers & tomatoes :)

    I used to use yes to cucumber shampoo & conditioner for my hair. I really liked it but because it wasn't available in 'normal' drugstores I stopped using it.

    1. Easy accesibility is definitely a plus, that's why I'm excited to learn one of our major drugstores carries it. Cucumber shampoo and conditioner sound lovely, and if they're anything like this stuff, I bet the scent is to die for :) I'll need to look those up!

  5. I've always been interested in trying a "yes to ____" product, but just never have. They seem so awesome, but at the same time I have read some really bad reviews.

    1. Really? I didn't read up on it at all before purchasing. I think I'll go do some googling, lol. Everything works different for everyone, of course... My skin's normal/combination, if that aids in your decision, at all ;)

  6. I may have to try this. So you wash your face first and then do this? Every night? I haven't used any of the Yes To products yet - but I did just hear that the Yes To Blueberries Facial Wipes are really smelly - like yucky smelly. As far as backups...hmmm, I don't really grab backups of anything. I should with the Revlon Balm Stain in Honey...

    1. Nope, this is the wash :) I use it twice daily, morning and night. I don't know anything about any of the other products (I thought the whole concept seemed kind of gimicky until I actually tried this) but I do think blueberry scent can be pretty gnarly, lol. I like to back up LE products I really like... I've got an extra of L'Oreal Penthouse Pink nail polish from last year's spring line ;)

  7. I've been wondering about this stuff every time I walk past it at Target. I REALLY want to try it now. Thanks so much!

    1. Tee hee, but of course! I think it's great :) It's always nice when a product actually lives up to its claims.

  8. Your skin looks great! I'm definitely interested in these "Yes to ____" and now I really want to try this.

    1. Thanks, Cat! I actually did go and read some other reviews of this and I haven't seen a bad one, yet. Seems like a pretty sure thing. :)


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