
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Knock Your Socks Off Triplet Post


You may or may not remember my bellyaching about my sore knee last Friday, and how I couldn't run for a few days because of it.  I'd posted a photo of said knee on my personal facebook page.  Two of my blogger friends took note of the sock I was wearing and thought it'd make a pretty sweet mani.  And so, today's Triplet post was born.  Head over and see Essie at I Heart Pretty Polish and Emily at Una, Dos, Tres...n' Stuff! to check out what they came up with.  And maybe just stay there.  This is me being a good sport.  You have been warned. 

I decided to do a funky french.  I'll show you what I used first, in case you're viewing this on a reader and don't want to see a random shot of my swollen knee come up on your dashboard first thing.  That'll come after.

The tools.

 clockwise from left, OPI Suzi's Hungary AGAIN, Zoya Piaf, Butter London British Racing Green, OPI Can't Find My Czechbook, Julep Debra

Essence French Manicure Tip Guides

The inspiration.

The conversation.
  • Essie Rae Iheartprettypolish That sucks More importantly, those are the coolest socks ever! We need to do a nail look inspired by them
    June 15 at 6:43am · Like · 1
  • Liesl Gutierrez Essie and Emily yes, let's totally do a triplet post! That'd be fun, no?
    June 15 at 10:19am · Like · 3
  • Emily Vasilakes Sure! I'm game!! The wheels are starting to turn...
    June 15 at 11:22am · Like · 1
  • Essie Rae Iheartprettypolish Emily Vasilakes and Liesl Gutierrez when should we post? And what shall we call it?
    June 15 at 12:55pm · Like
  • Emily Vasilakes Umm I Saturday or Sunday, maybe? I wanna rock my current mani as long as possible. And how 'bout... Knock Your Socks Off, or Sock-i-cure????? I can probably come up with more/better ideas throughout the week. Interested to hear your guys' ideers!
    June 15 at 12:59pm · Like · 1
  • Essie Rae Iheartprettypolish Knock your socks off is cute:) Liesl Gutierrez we'll have to post this pic with our mani' ready for your legs to be seen by thousands
    June 15 at 1:01pm · Unlike · 2
  • Liesl Gutierrez Hahaha, let's all agree to not make it the lead photo, then....
    June 15 at 3:48pm via mobile · Like
  • Emily Vasilakes Alrighty! I'm saving it to my "blog photos" folder now! So Liesl, you must have a plethora of clever post title ideas......
    June 15 at 4:04pm · Like
  • Liesl Gutierrez Naw, I like Knock Your Socks Off
    June 15 at 4:08pm via mobile · Like · 2
  • Emily Vasilakes Okay! Well, did we agree on a post date? If it is next weekend, you have all week to come up with something more inspired!
    June 15 at 4:09pm · Like
  • Liesl Gutierrez Next weekend works and I've got my plan
    June 15 at 4:13pm via mobile · Like · 1
  • Emily Vasilakes I think I have a plan as well! Hmm...gonna sleep on it.
    June 15 at 4:17pm · Unlike · 1
  • Essie Rae Iheartprettypolish Ok, next Saturday then?
    June 16 at 6:14am · Like
  • Emily Vasilakes Sure!
    June 16 at 12:37pm · Like
  • Liesl Gutierrez Mine's done Will take photos in th morning
    Tuesday at 11:28pm via mobile · Like

The end result.  Where did I go wrong with this?  Let me count the ways....

I was pretty stoked to learn I had all the exact shades to match my sock in my polish stash, and because I don't do art, a funky french seemed the natural thing for me to do.  The Essence tip guides were very easy to use and while there's still a learning curve (like maybe letting your tips completely dry before removing the guides) they're a nice alternative to freehanding.  Seche Vite shrunk my tips, but it also smoothed out my base.

In case you're interested (and even if you're not) here's the base by itself-- Julep Debra, a cool, dirty putty grey.


It's an interesting little color that was really quite difficult to apply.  It came out very thick and runny.  On the LLPT Polish Application Scale, this gets an intermediate.  Julep's bottle design is super cute, but hard to get used to, and light cremes like this need a steady hand and precise application, or good cleanup.  Clearly, I did neither.

I get to run again :) (I know you were concerned).  The ol' knee is just touchy as usual and will require a brace and regular icing, but I can deal with that.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your Sunday ;)


  1. Haha funny story, even if it didn't turn out like you hoped! The triplet post sounds like a lot of fun! I hope your knee feels better :)

    1. Thanks, Clare ♥ It's already better but just needs some extra tlc between workouts. And yes, working on this post together with my gal pals has truly been a blast ♥

  2. Love this! LOL. You did such a great job. And I laughed soooo hard with your redirect link...LOL. You are so and your sock! Okay, off to work on mine again.

    1. You're so awesome ♥♥ I'm kind of hoping my redirect mani shows up in my top 10 again, lol.

  3. I LIKE IT!!! :D You be crazy, guuurl!! Like I said, your own worst critic...
    Incorporating the comment thread was a nice touch, btw, although it made me realize I read your comment wrong ("Hahaha, let's all agree to not make it the lead photo, then...."). I read it as: "let's all agree to MAKE it the lead photo" ...OOOPS! :P But like I said, my blog gets noooo traffic, so you don't have much to worry about. ;)
    Ya know, I had Suzy's Hungary Again picked out for my pink, but I ended up mixing my own...immediately after I took photos, I was like, ugh, that doesn't look right, now that I'm seeing it in SUPER macro! :P

    1. Heheheh, well no harm, no foul... I looked in my reader and sure enough, there's muh knee!! rofl. And super macro is a bit of an unforgiving broad, but your stripes look great ♥♥♥

    2. As soon as I read your post, I was gonna go back and edit mine to make that not the lead photo, but that would've thrown off muh groove, or that of the post, rather, so I just threw up my hands & said OH WELL! Guess I'm an idiot! :P And hopefully Liesl will be forgiving!
      Lol! YES, macro is not my friend sometimes...but thank you for saying such nice things about my stripes. :D I guess I earned 'em? ;) hehe

    3. You totally earned 'em :D And seriously, the knee as the lead photo ain't no thang ;D Maybe it'll become a celebrity.

  4. Loving your triplet-posts. So funny.
    Good luck with your knee.

    1. Thanks, sweets ♥ I'm glad you like, because it's been a blast to put together with these gals :)

  5. This is so cute!! I love the manicure, and it was such a cute idea for you guys to do the triplet sock post! ;)

    1. The credit for the idea all goes to Essie ♥ It's been totally fun even though I sort of dreaded posting these photos, lolol. Thanks for sayin', Deb :)

  6. Oh my goodness...I can't get over how different all 3 were...yet they were ALL so awesome in their own ways. My logical side is fascinated by the design/personality similarities of all three. My emotional side is feeling wholly inadequate in the face of such amazing talents!! I think I'll go eat dirt.

    Just kidding!! You guys are the bestest!! <3

    1. You know, the cool thing was that I knew Essie would do a skittles and I knew Emily would do a freehand. DON'T EAT DIRT, MELISSA!!! DON'T DO IT!!! YOU ARE NOT INADEQUATE!!!!! And you must be involved in the next. We'll do an unprecedented QUADRUPLETS post! Oh my gosh, whaaat??? *mind blown* ♥♥♥

    2. I echo what Liesl said: Noooo! Do NOT eat dirt, Melissa!!! :O Because you are the furthest thing from inadequate!!! Besides awesome photos & informative posts, your humor has made me feel like I need to step it up a notch or two!
      I second the idea of a QUAD POST -- can I get an "amen?!?!" ;-D

      Btw Liesl, that's funny you just knew what we would do... I was afraid we'd all do the stripes thing. :-P Not entirely sure why...

    3. YESSSS!! Essie's "in!" - Hurry, someone bruise their butt - take one for the quad!! :P hahahaha

    4. I was only kidding about eating dirt. Darn stuff sticks in my molars something awful. But you all three are terribly talented! :) And *you heard it here first*...I predict this three-way sock hop will start a trend amongst other blogging buds. ;)

    5. Hahahaha! Yes, that darn dirt...I hate tryin' to brush that outta my teeth. So gritty. ;-)
      I like the term: three-way sock hop. ;-) Hmm, I wonder if I have any nifty socks we could use as inspiration for the quad post?? Or we could do something completely unrelated to socks. We'll know when we see "it!" :-)

    6. K, good, Melissa, I was VERY, VERY CONCERNED. lolol. And methinks you're right :)
      Emily, I agree, we'll know when we see it! :D

    7. Ah, love the "Sock Hop" theme:)

    8. Ohh, I didn't think of that! Sock Hop is so cute!

  7. Haha these posts are so fun to see :) I still really like your manicure :)

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Kind of similar to one of yours this week, I noticed... yours looks much better, though ♥

  8. Now that's a post - am still hollering over here and get looks from other passengers in the tram!!! Oh dear how cruel that this knee of you is still hurting and there is nothing to see - I sort of prefer "visible" pain with bruising and all ;-)!!! Your French Tips are to die for - so gorgeous and the three of you have triggered my wish to come up with a mismatched mani too!!! When I discover that I got all colors in stash for a particular mani I am usually split - on one hand I am exited that my idea will work - on the other I spend about a milli second on what this means addiction wise - LOL!!! I love just everything about this post of yours xxx

    1. Oh, that's awesome... Glad I could give you an entertaining start to your morning, my friend! ♥ Honestly, though, C said it was swollen, lol. I'd rather the injury not be out there and visible, but it's hard to muster up sympathy for something you can't see... But I've gotten plenty of it, so my leetle plan obviously worked, lolol. What you say about what this all means addiction wise is sooo true-- I did have to raise an eyebrow at myself for this one, lol.

  9. This really isn't that bad! I know my lines for french tips are still shaky even after I've practiced a lot! It's especially hard when you can't see the nail line! I do love the base color though - so creamy!

    1. Aw, you're kind ♥ The lines might not have bothered me as much had SV not shrunken my tips so terribly. I knew better than to use it on this particular mani, but the base really did need smoothing out and for that, nothing but SV will do, unfortunately, lol.

  10. I really don't think it's bad at all! I think it's a cute and fun mani, and what a great idea to draw inspiration from your socks! :) Glad your knee is feeling better :)

    1. Thanks, Kelly :) You all are being so nice about it, lol. I'm just glad I didn't wear an argyle that day.

  11. i think it still looks pretty good. i suck at using those french tip stickers. i don't know how people do it.

    1. Well thank you, and I'm glad to know I'm in good company, lol. :)

  12. I'm glad you get to run again!! :) Hehe that's a fun mani, and I especially like your inspiration! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun :) Essie was so smart to think of it, lol. I don't think I've ever worn this many colors at one time.

  13. Your socks are super cool! This whole post was so stinking cute. I think your mani is totally cool...I certainly couldn't make my nails look half as good. lol Great post!

    1. Oh, bless your heart ♥ I bet you could, though. Thanks for your sweet words, as always :)


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