
Monday, July 15, 2013

A-England Briar Rose (photo heavy)

*press sample

Today is a day of firsts-- it's my first time wearing an A-England polish and my first time wearing a strong, scattered holo.  I'm really loving both.  This is Briar Rose, from the new Burne-Jones Dream collection.

A-England Briar Rose

A-England Briar Rose

A-England Briar Rose

A-England Briar Rose

The thing with gorgeous holos is that it's SO HARD to narrow down photos.  Holos magically make you look like you know what you're doing.  I did a couple indoor to show off that beautiful, rich metallic dusty rose base and a whole lot of outdoor shots because the holo force is strong with this one ♥
Metallic bases plus lots of holo make for a slightly stringy formula-- kind of weird and interesting.  Briar Rose is a little on the thick side in addition to this but it still applies beautifully, and if you're careful, it can be a one-coater.  I used two, as it makes the polish look all the richer.  I used a base and topcoat and neither affected application or finish.

A-England Briar Rose

A-England Briar Rose

Briar Rose is just gorgeous in every possible way.  The deep, mauve-y jewel-toned base makes it a perfect transitional color and the dancing rainbows of course just scream to be let out into the summer sun.

Briar Rose and the entire A-England Burne-Jones Dream collection are available for sale internationally through Color4Nails for $10 each.  Orders are taken through email at

Thanks for reading, and have a beautiful day ♥♥

*press sample


  1. This is so gorgeous and holo-y! I'm going to go broke with all these holos you're showing ;) I have been wanting A-England polishes for awhile. Rose Bower is probably my favorite. Oh, and I love your comment about how holos automatically make it look like you know what you're doing! I couldn't agree more! It looks lovely on you Liesl!

    1. Thanks, Clare :) This polish has pretty much officially made a-England my newest brand crush. I've been looking up swatches and developing a wishlist since I put this one on, lol.

  2. Okay, so my last Liesl-generated deadly sin was envy. This time it's lust. I want. this. polish. BADLY.

    1. Well hopefully you don't suffer from "Wrath" anytime soon - watch out Liesl!

    2. Well I certainly wouldn't want to be responsible for any of *those* types of feelings, lol. This polish is, however, completely and utterly amazing. ♥

  3. This is simply gorgeous! I have always wanted to try an a-England polish! I don't think I have seen one that I haven't loved.

    1. They've never really shown up on my radar... I've known about them, of course, but now I get what the big deal is and I've already sent Sisi an order for two more. I'm obsessed, lol.

  4. Replies
    1. I know it. I almost just wrote *dies* and posted a bunch of pictures, lol.

  5. GAH! I talked myself out of this one, and you've talked me back into it. This would seriously be a perfect fall into winter polish to possess.

    1. Yes. It's just gorgeous. Late summer, fall, winter... and the base is so classic and the whole thing so beautiful that it'd pretty much work at any time, during any season.

  6. I have 4 A-England polishes (not this one though) and I love them! This one is just beautiful and it looks like I may need it. LOL I love, love, love holos and I feel like I must own them pocketbook does not agree unfortunately. LOL I'm happy to see companies reaching out to you to do swatches for them. You have the perfect nails! :-)

    1. You're so sweet :) I'm so thankful for your always kind words and your support :) I feel the same way, BUY ALL THE HOLOS!!!!! I'm afraid to check out the CC halo Hues in any capacity because... well... how many holos does one need... I've already written the answer, lolol. ♥

  7. Hi sis - awww you got Briar Rose!!! Your pictures do this beauty total justice - it shows its gorgeousness at every angle and in every light!!! It is my favorite from the Burne-Jones collection!!! So happy you finally joined the A England bandwagon - I cannot stop singing praise for all of Adina's polishes!!! They are A.W.E.S.O.M.E. each and every one of them <3

    1. Yep, I'm on full force now. I just placed an order for two more and your Camelot will be gracing my nails for my upcoming and very highly anticipated Rush concert in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!! Lol, I'm excited :D

  8. Ahhh this polish is soo beautiful! I need it! Gorgeous swatches :)

    1. Thank you :) It's an amazing polish and you do need it :)

  9. Gorgeous shade! A-England shades are so beautiful. I have Tristam and St. george and I love them :)

    1. I just ordered St. George. I'm seriously in love with this brand right now.

  10. Yes it is VERY hard to whiddle down all the millions of pictures I take of holos! I really like the bigger pictures=it's probably been a while since you did it-but I just noticed! HAHA

    1. I've been doing the bigger ones full time some time in February. I'm glad you like them :) It's certainly easier to see detail and it also made me step up my game, lol. Nothing like flaws on parade in xl macro. ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Wow, I'm just in awe of your pictures! They are stunning and really show off the beauty of this color! <3

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you so much, Yun! :D I was lucky I did n't need to wait for the sun to come out. Yesterday was beautiful buut today's been overcast, lol.

  12. Oh my, this one is gorgeous. I must get this one!!!

    1. Yes. This one's a total stunner and I'm so glad to have it in my stash ♥


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