
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A-England Excalibur (revamped) + Cat Spam!!!

*press sample

It's official, I have a new brand crush and it is A-England.  The concepts, the energy, the colors...  All it took was one bite and I'm hooked.  I've been googling swatches since I put Briar Rose on my nails and now I've got two more colors on order.  In the meantime, I get to show you the revamped version of Excalibur.

Originally, A-England launched Excalibur as a bright platinum chrome.  The new version is a buttery champagne gold with an abundance of yellow gold glitters and flakes.  I LOVE gold foils, especially during the summer, and this one is just stunningly elegant and multifaceted.  The formula is perfect.  Two coats covers the nail beautifully and there are no brushstrokes.  I used one layer of topcoat, as usual.

Both versions of A-England Excalibur, as well as the rest of the A-England line, are available for sale internationally through Color4Nails for $10 each.  Orders are taken through email at

And now, as promised and anticipated (I'm sure), cat spam featuring Baby Beau freaking out in his little cat tower.

 Thanks for reading and have a lovely day! ♥

*press sample


  1. LOL, your cat looks like me in bed last night...I just couldn't get comfortable! This is a beautiful polish! I agree, I love a-England....I think I said yesterday, I haven't seen one I haven't liked. This is no exception. Reminds of of the golden version of OPI Designer De Better. Have a great day!

    1. Oh, I'm sorry you couldn't get comfortable, that's the worst! I like your pinterest idea :) What board should I put it on? I can't put it on my LLPT board, lol... Maybe I'll create a cat board. ;) Btw, Lucy's Stash has a comparison of Excalibur and Designer. You should check it out if you haven't already seen it :)

  2. This color is so freaking gorgeous! I really want one now, lol. Your cat is too adorable too! :)

    1. It's an awesome color :) It wears really well, too. And thank you, he's my cute little dude!

  3. Your cat is hilarious. I love that stink eye pic #2, LOL... :) This polish reminds me of Designer De Better like Essie said. It's kinda I was looking at your (perfect!!) photos, I had this nagging feeling about the color reminding me of something, then I figured out what it was. A LONG time ago, my siblings and I did theatrical costume design for a production was Camelot, and this polish looks just like one of the dresses we did for Queen Guinevere, wife of the EXCALIBUR-wielding King Arthur!! :D

    1. So awesome!! I meant to mention something about Arthurian lgend in the post but I was too wrapped up in getting my cat collage done and the thing posted before I had to jump in the shower. So you and your sibs did costume design? That's so cool! How did you come to do that? I bet it was a blast, though I can't imagine successfully collaborating on anything with my sisters... Not that we've ever tried... I think the thought terrifies all three of us, lol.

  4. What a beautiful color. This isn't a brand I've tried yet but I'm in love with the colors. Your cat is funny, I have a little black and white cat myself. I like how your cat looks like he's wearing a black long sleeve shirt :)

    1. It's fun to find a collection surrounded with awesome creatine energy. I feel like the RBLs are and these are, too... I'm sure I sound a little kooky, lol, but it's cool how you can just feel it with some of these polishes. Totally worth getting your hands on a couple :)
      Aw, I bet your kitty is adorable! Tuxedo cats are cool. A little insolent, but cool :) I call Beau my sweater boy because of the white stripes running down the undersides of his front legs, lol.

  5. Hehe your cat is so cute and funny! He definitely looks like he's the boss of the house. :P What a beautiful color. I'm totally loving the gold foil pieces in there... so pretty! :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Isn't it gorgeous? The gold flecks set it apart from most gold polishes and give it such cool dimension :)
      Beau's not really the boss... That position belongs to my little girl cat, aka Sal Pal, aka Soft Sal, etc. etc. She pushes boundaries and gets away with more. It's his own fault for being such a sweet little cat, lol.

  6. Hi Liesl - guess what was gracing my nails yesterday - we are just so SYNCHED!!! I absolutely adore the new Excalibur and can wear it way better than the original one - still I am relying mostly on the first Excalibut for Skittelettes!!! And I loooooove your cat pictures Beau is hilarious :-)!!! I always find that if they realize that you are eyeballing them when they play absentmindedly they have a very selfconscious moment - utterly cute <3 - have a wonderful Wednesday

    1. You don't say :D It's crazy how synched we are :) I've not seen the original in real life but the photos I've seen say this is an improvement, formula wise. Beau is hilarious! He's young enough yet that he doesn't care when we catch him frolicking. The other one is quite self-conscious and that, of course, is highly entertaining in itself, lol.

  7. Your cat's pictures are so funny! My sister's black and white cat freaks out in his cat tower all the time.

    1. Lolol, awesome :) Black and white cats are so cool. It's the funniest thing ever, watching them freak out. Our older cat won't play like that anymore because this one will attack her and she can dish it out but not take it.

  8. gorgeous shade! and your Cat is so adorable :)

    1. Thanks, Pearl :) He's a cool little man, lol.

  9. I love A England polishes...this one is a knock out! Beau is a knock out also :D

    1. I'm pretty much sold on them, too, and yes, this one's awesome! Beau is my dapper dude :) ♥

  10. I need all of the A-Englands!! Rose Bower especially. Oh, I'm not going to lie, the cat spam was definitely anticipated! ;) He's so funny!

    1. Rose Bower is gorgeous. I'm pretty much in love with this whole new collection. And YES, I knew it! Thanks for appeasing me, the cat spam should be anticipated, lol ♥♥


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