
Monday, August 26, 2013

Glam Polish Neon Nubs and Ba-na-na

*press sample

Hi everyone!  This post truly gives me great pleasure to write and share with you because I've been made privy to a little of the journey it's taken Glam Polish to get to where it is now.  The fact that I get to wear these pretty little creations and show a couple of them off to you is exciting to me and I'm truly stoked for everyone involved in the creative process.

You all know that indies aren't necessarily my forte but the opportunities I've been afforded to try new brands has been really fun.  There's an abundance of unique and creative indies coming out of Australia right now, and they each have distinctive and very different personalities.  Glam Polish is full of colorful bases and whimsical glitters that speak to the child in each of us.

This is Neon Nubs, a sky blue creme with tiny matte magenta glitter, small satiny spring green hexes and squares, pale pink and orchid colored hexes, large green and royal blue hexes, and large magenta stars.

Glam Polish Neon Nubs swatch and review

Glam Polish Neon Nubs swatch and review

Neon Nubs is another chunky glitter that applies beautifully!  I'm a fan of not fishing for the big, fun pieces and this one delivers, even if they do benefit from a tiny, tiny bit of placement help (and when I say that I mean, basically, only if you want to; they're fairly well behaved and plentiful on their own).  I used two coats and a generous layer of Seche Vite topcoat.  The base is a little thin; when you first place the brush on your nail, apply a bit of extra pressure and wait a second before following through and you'll be fine.

This is Ba-na-na, a sweet and creamy looking crelly packed with bright and neon confetti-- tiny, small, medium, and large fuschia hexes, small spring green and cerulean hexes, medium satiny pink and orange hexes, small and medium orchid hexes, and yellow and spring green circles.  This one is pure fun in a bottle and I was excited to play with this one the minute I unwrapped it.

Glam Polish Ba-na-na swatch and review

Glam Polish Ba-na-na swatch and review

 Ba-na-na's also got a thin base, and it's a little on the sheer side.  Use the same amount of pressure and slight pause before following thorough on each nail to avoid pooling.  I used three coats plus a thick layer of Seche Vite topcoat.  The glitters apply like a dream, coming out plentiful and different every time.

What can I say to wrap this up except that I think every polish lover needs a bottle of Glam Polish in his or her stash?  My personal tastes run on the more classic, grown up side but I didn't want to take either of these off!  The energy surrounding these is wonderfully warm and playful.

Glam Polishes are available internationally through for $12.50 for a 12 ml bottle.
Like color4nails on facebook to stay up to date on specials and new releases.
Thank you for reading and may you embrace your inner child today.  We'll be taking our nieces to the zoo ♥♥

*press sample


  1. These are both so cute on you! I thought I would like the blue better, but you wear yellow so well. :) I like seeing you in glitter. I was really slow to jump on the indie glitter train, but I've liked the ride for the most part. :)

    1. Well, thank you, Melissa! I was thinking how I just can't seem to wear yellow polishes even though I've grown to really like them. I so hear you on the indie thing. I just wasn't into it at all, but it's really such a fun and fascinating world and when the polishes are made with thought, care, and quality, they're just a pleasure to wear! Plus, your tastes are bound to expand the deeper in you get, you know? :)

  2. cute shades...I love the glitter in these :)

    1. Me, too. They're just adorable, through and through :)

  3. Gorgeous colors! There so fun :)

    1. Aren't they great? And they're as fun to wear as they are to look at.

  4. Hi sis - what a beautiful duo of fun glitters!!! I am with you with regard to more mature polishes but I so agree with you, one bottle of Glam Polish should be part of any polish lovers collection and I actually still have to get one!!! And thank you for the excellent advice about how to paint the nails - I am always glad to read such tips, they have proofed so helpful always!!! <3

    1. It's just fun and dare I say, healthy to get in touch with a little bit different side of yourself once in a while and what better way to do it than a cute little bottle of nail polish? I hope you do grab one of these beauties and I vcan't wait to see what you choose, sis ♥♥

  5. These are so them!

  6. Seriously these just make me happy! Lovely, have fun at the zoo!!

    1. YES!! Me, too! You totally get it.
      We all had a great time but it is surprising to me how tired I still am the next morning. Preteen girls can sure tire a person out, lol.

  7. Both are so fun and bright, Liesl! I'm a huge fan of neons, so seeing colors like these always makes me perk up. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Saweet, man! These are highly smile-inducing, aren't they? :)

  8. Whyyyy must you show me an amazing neon glitter crelly?! Neon glitters - I love you too much!! :-P Seriously; I just bought Alta Costura Chaos from a blog sale for $14. YIKES. There are only a few swatches of it, but it had me from "hello."
    Hmm, oddly enough I am leaning towards the yellow one here. These are super fun, and really, thank you for showing them to us (I was only kidding before) - I like to ogle, ogle - instead of move it, move it... WOW I'm a goofball tonight! :-P

    1. Because you neeeed them! Aren't these fantastic? The yellow had me from the get go, lol, despite the fact that the color and I don't generally get along. That creamy base... those neon glitterses... ♥♥♥ And are you not a goofball most nights?? ;)

    2. Jeez...Devil's polish advocate much?! ;) They aaaare fantastic...but my bank account ISN'T so fantastic at the moment. I've been on quite the spree lately. :-/ Only a matter of hours ago, I had to scoop up a new Hare Polish (the one Melissa posted about) and Nail'd It Sir Round Sound. YIKES.
      And yes, you're totally right. I'm 100% goofball. All goofball, all the time! :P

  9. Seriously @Liesl...your swatches are amazing! These are so cool. I love the bottle and the purple print:) Beautiful job girlie!

    1. Yes, the Candace person who designed the labels is pretty talented, herself :) And thank you, this was a fun post to do all the way through :)

  10. These are pretty! I think Ba-na-na is my fav :) Must resist to not order them immediatly because of your awesome swatches ;)

    1. Lolol, well thank you! Ba-na-na is really fun. You will succumb. Hahahaa XD


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