
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Guest Post at Karine's Vernis Club

Happy Sunday!!  Today I've got a guest post at Karine's Vernis Club while she's off on an amazing vacay.  Karine's been a friend since the beginning and she's a highly talented artist to boot, so I'm honored and excited to have been given the opportunity to sit in for her.  It also means I had to do... art.  But, it was surprisingly fun and I didn't want to pluck my eyeballs out at the end of it... always a good sign.

Here's a preview.

butter london poole butter london sunbaker saran wrap manicure and tutorial

Enjoy and have a lovely day!! ♥


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, R! I can't believe I didn't try this technique sooner, lol :)

  2. Looks amazing! Love saran wrap nails :D

  3. Whoah now - getting all cray cray up in here! LOVE THE ART! This turned out so amazing <3

    1. Lemme tell ya, no one is more surprised than I am that it didn't turn out disastrous, lol.;) Thanks, sweets ♥

  4. It looks like an antique gemstone I loveee the color choice! Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks, Karine! I had to step it up a little and I'm so glad you like it :)

  5. Wow, look at you getting all artsy Liesl! I love this! It is absolutely beautiful! :-)

    1. Hahaha, it was so easy and fun, I might actually do some more, lol :) And thank you!!


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